APWeightEntry Class Reference

#include <APWeightEntry.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 APWeightEntry ()
 APWeightEntry (unsigned int val_denominator, unsigned int val_numerator, double scale, bool isTrig=false)
virtual ~APWeightEntry ()
void ReadEfficiency (double efficiency, double err_low, double err_high)
void SetCoordinates (std::vector< int > coords, std::vector< int > n_dim_origin)
unsigned int GetValDenominator () const
unsigned int GetValNumerator () const
double GetExpectancy () const
double GetVariance () const
double GetStatUncertLow () const
double GetStatUncertHigh () const
double GetSysUncert () const
double GetSysUncert2 () const
double GetRandom ()
TH1F * GetPDF ()
unsigned int GetID () const
std::vector< int > GetCoords () const
std::vector< int > GetOriginalDimensions () const
bool IsNaN () const
bool IsTrig () const
void SetSystUncert (double rel_uncert)
void SetID (unsigned int id)

Detailed Description

Class to store a single weight entry (one bin).

Stores a single binned weight, corresponding to a pair of bins from the underlying numerator and denominator histograms. Allows access to quantities like central values, uncertainties and PDFs.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

APWeightEntry::APWeightEntry (  ) 

Default constructor.

APWeightEntry::APWeightEntry ( unsigned int  val_denominator,
unsigned int  val_numerator,
double  scale,
bool  isTrig = false 

Constructor, takes n_denom, n_num, the relative scale of the used samples or an additional user scale and a bool if the entry is a trigger weight.

APWeightEntry::~APWeightEntry (  )  [virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

vector< int > APWeightEntry::GetCoords (  )  const

Returns the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram.

double APWeightEntry::GetExpectancy (  )  const

Get Expectancy value of efficiency/weight.

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetID (  )  const

Returns the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).

vector< int > APWeightEntry::GetOriginalDimensions (  )  const

Returns the dimensions and amounts of bins for each dimension of the original histogram.

TH1F * APWeightEntry::GetPDF (  ) 

Returns the calculated PDF.

double APWeightEntry::GetRandom (  ) 

Get random number from PDF.

double APWeightEntry::GetStatUncertHigh (  )  const

Get upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

double APWeightEntry::GetStatUncertLow (  )  const

Get lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

double APWeightEntry::GetSysUncert (  )  const

Get absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight.

double APWeightEntry::GetSysUncert2 (  )  const

Get absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight.

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetValDenominator (  )  const

Get value of original denominator.

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetValNumerator (  )  const

Get value of original numerator.

double APWeightEntry::GetVariance (  )  const

Get Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model).

bool APWeightEntry::IsNaN (  )  const

Returns true if instance is NaN.

bool APWeightEntry::IsTrig (  )  const

Returns true if instance is trigger based.

void APWeightEntry::ReadEfficiency ( double  efficiency,
double  err_low,
double  err_high 

Read efficiencies and upper/lower uncertainty (if numerator/denominator not applicable (e.g. Bootstrap)).

void APWeightEntry::SetID ( unsigned int  id  ) 

Set the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).

void APWeightEntry::SetSystUncert ( double  rel_uncert  ) 

Set the relative (!) systematic uncertainty for the efficiency/weight.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1