xAOD::BranchStats Class Reference

#include <ReadStats.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BranchStats (const char *name="xAODBranch", const char *type="Int_t",::Int_t nTreesAccessed=0,::Long64_t nReadEntries=0,::Long64_t nUnzippedBytes=0,::Long64_t nZippedBytes=0)
 Constructor specifying all parameters.
 BranchStats (const BranchStats &parent)
 Copy constructor.
BranchStatsoperator= (const BranchStats &parent)
 Assignment operator.
BranchStatsadd (const BranchStats &rh)
 Function merging two objects.
BranchStatsoperator+= (const BranchStats &rh)
 Operator merging two objects.
Accessor/setter functions for the kept information

::Int_t treesAccessed () const
 Get how many trees/files were accessed to read this branch.
void setTreesAccessed (::Int_t nTreesAccessed)
 Set how many trees were accessed to read this branch.
::Long64_t readEntries () const
 Get how many entries were read from this branch.
void setReadEntries (::Long64_t nReadEntries)
 Set how many entries were read from this branch.
::Long64_t unzippedBytesRead () const
 Get how many unzipped bytes were read from this branch in total.
void setUnzippedBytesRead (::Long64_t nUnzippedBytes)
 Set how many unzipped bytes were read from this branch in total.
::Long64_t zippedBytesRead () const
 Get how many zipped bytes were read from this branch in total.
void setZippedBytesRead (::Long64_t nZippedBytes)
 Set how many zipped bytes were read from this branch in total.
"ROOT-specific" functions

::Int_t Merge (::TCollection *coll)
 Function merging the information from multiple objects.
void Print (::Option_t *option="") const
 Print information about the collected statistics.

Detailed Description

Class describing the access statistics of one (sub-)branch

Objects of this class are used to describe a single xAOD branch's access pattern.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2015-01-27 17:43:18 +0100 (Tue, 27 Jan 2015)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xAOD::BranchStats::BranchStats ( const char *  name = "xAODBranch",
const char *  type = "Int_t",
::Int_t  nTreesAccessed = 0,
::Long64_t  nReadEntries = 0,
::Long64_t  nUnzippedBytes = 0,
::Long64_t  nZippedBytes = 0 

Constructor specifying all parameters.

The constructor can specify all properties of the object in one go. All the parameters take a default value, to make it possible to create the object without giving the constructor any parameters. (Needed by CINT.)

name Name of the variable being described
type Full type name of the variable being described
nTreesAccessed Number of TTrees accessed to read this variable
nReadEntries Number of GetEntry(...) operations performed on this branch
nUnzippedBytes Number of bytes read after decompression
nZippedBytes Number of bytes physically read from disk
xAOD::BranchStats::BranchStats ( const BranchStats parent  ) 

Copy constructor.

It's probably not needed actually, but I wanted to be explicit about how the copy constructor should behave.

parent The object that's being copied

Member Function Documentation

Int_t xAOD::BranchStats::Merge ( ::TCollection *  coll  ) 

Function merging the information from multiple objects.

This function makes it possible to properly merge objects coming from PROOF workers, or to properly merge objects saved in ROOT files.

coll A collection of xAOD::BranchStats objects
0 in case of failure, a positive number in case of success
BranchStats & xAOD::BranchStats::operator= ( const BranchStats parent  ) 

Assignment operator.

The assignment operator is quite an important piece of code, as it's used all the time when using such objects in STL containers.

parent The object that's being copied
A reference to the copied object
void xAOD::BranchStats::Print ( ::Option_t *  option = ""  )  const

Print information about the collected statistics.

Standard ROOT printing function. It prints all information about the statistics gathered about a single xAOD branch.

The option parameter understands the following value(s):

  • "All": Prints the most verbose information available
option Possible options for the printing verbosity

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1