ZMassConstraint::ConstraintFit Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ZMassConstraint::ConstraintFit:
ZMassConstraint::IConstraintFit asg::AsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ConstraintFit (const std::string &name)
 Create a proper constructor for Athena.
StatusCode initialize ()
 Initialize constraint fit.
StatusCode doMassFit (const ConstraintFitInput &input, ConstraintFitOutput &output)
 Perform the constrained mass fit.
double getMassError (const ConstraintFitInput &firstInput, const ConstraintFitInput &secondInput=ConstraintFitInput())
 Calculate the mass error without fit - use just the inputs.
double getMassError (const ConstraintFitOutput &fitOutput, const ConstraintFitInput &extraInput=ConstraintFitInput())
double getMassError (const ConstraintFitOutput &fitOutput, const ConstraintFitOutput &secondFitOutput)
 Calculate the mass error with the result of two mass fits.
void addParticle (const xAOD::Muon &part, ConstraintFitInput &input, MassConstraintMuonType muonType=isCombMCMT)
 Add muon to input, must provide the resolution Scale Factor.
void addParticle (const xAOD::Electron &part, float elEnergyRes, ConstraintFitInput &input)
 Add electron to input, must provide the electron energy resolution.
void addFSRParticle (const xAOD::IParticle &part, const TLorentzVector &fsr4Vec, ConstraintFitInput &input)
 Add in FSR photon to input, (energy resolution is obtain in method).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ZMassConstraint::ConstraintFit::ConstraintFit ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Create a proper constructor for Athena.

Create a constructor for standalone usage

Member Function Documentation

double ZMassConstraint::ConstraintFit::getMassError ( const ConstraintFitOutput fitOutput,
const ConstraintFitInput extraInput = ConstraintFitInput() 
) [virtual]

Calculate the mass error with the result of fit and possible additional input (4-vecs/cov mat) that has NOT been fit

Implements ZMassConstraint::IConstraintFit.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1