TauEventData Class Reference

The tau candidate object. More...

#include <TauEventData.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

template<typename P >
void setObject (std::string key, P ptr)
bool hasObject (std::string key) const
 Check if something has been associated with given key.
template<typename P >
StatusCode getObject (std::string key, P &ptr)
void clear ()
void setInTrigger (bool v=true)
bool inTrigger () const

Public Attributes

xAOD::TauJetContainerxAODTauContainer = 0
xAOD::TauJetAuxContainertauAuxContainer = 0
const xAOD::JetContainerseedContainer = 0
unsigned int detailsNum = 0
std::map< std::string, boost::any > m_ptrMap

Detailed Description

The tau candidate object.

Holds all containers and information needed for the tau reconstruction process.

Lukasz Janyst

Member Function Documentation

template<typename P >
StatusCode TauEventData::getObject ( std::string  key,
P &  ptr 
) [inline]

Get the pointer associated with given key, if types don't match boost :: bad_any_cast exception is thrown

template<typename P >
void TauEventData::setObject ( std::string  key,
) [inline]

Associate some object to a key - this is meant to be used by TrigTauRec to pass container pointers to tauRec tools

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1