Root::TElectronLikelihoodTool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Root::TElectronLikelihoodTool:
Root::TCalculatorToolBase Root::TSelectorToolBase asg::AsgMessaging

List of all members.


class  SafeTH1

Public Member Functions

 TElectronLikelihoodTool (const char *name="TElectronLikelihoodTool")
 Standard constructor.
 ~TElectronLikelihoodTool ()
 Standard destructor.
int initialize ()
 Initialize this class.
int finalize ()
 Finalize this class; everything that should be done after the event loop should go here.
const Root::TAcceptaccept (LikeEnum::LHAcceptVars_t &vars_struct) const
 The main accept method: the actual cuts are applied here.
const Root::TAcceptaccept (double likelihood, double eta, double eT, int nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors, bool passBLayerRequirement, int convBit, double d0, double deltaEta, double deltaphires, double wstot, double EoverP, double ip) const
const Root::TResultcalculate (LikeEnum::LHCalcVars_t &vars_struct) const
const Root::TResultcalculate (double eta, double eT, double f3, double rHad, double rHad1, double Reta, double w2, double f1, double eratio, double deltaEta, double d0, double d0sigma, double rphi, double deltaPoverP, double deltaphires, double TRT_PID, double ip) const
void setPDFFileName (const std::string &val)
 Add an input file that holds the PDFs.
void setVariableNames (const std::string &val)
 Define the variable names.
int LoadVarHistograms (std::string vstr, unsigned int varIndex)
 Load the variable histograms from the pdf file.
void setBinning (const std::string &val)
 Define the binning.
void setResultPrefix (const std::string &val)
 Set the prefix of the result name.
void setResultName (const std::string &val)
 The string for the result.
unsigned int getBitmask (void) const
void setBitmask (unsigned int val)

Public Attributes

std::vector< int > CutBL
 cut min on b-layer hits
std::vector< int > CutPi
 cut min on pixel hits
std::vector< int > CutSi
 cut min on precision hits
std::vector< double > CutA0
 cut max on track d0 bit
std::vector< double > CutDeltaEta
 do cut on delta eta bit
std::vector< double > CutDeltaPhiRes
 do cut on delta phi bit
bool doCutConversion
 do cut on conversion bit
bool doRemoveF3AtHighEt
 do remove f3 variable from likelihood at high Et (>80 GeV)
bool doRemoveTRTPIDAtHighEt
 do remove TRTPID variable from likelihood at high Et (>80 GeV)
bool doSmoothBinInterpolation
 do smooth interpolation between bins
bool useHighETLHBinning
 use binning for high ET LH
bool useOneExtraHighETLHBin
 use one extra bin for high ET LH
double HighETBinThreshold
 ET threshold for using high ET cuts and bin.
std::vector< double > CutWstotAtHighET
 do cut on wstot above HighETBinThreshold bit
std::vector< double > CutEoverPAtHighET
 do cut on EoverP above HighETBinThreshold bit
bool doPileupTransform
 do pileup-dependent transform on discriminant value
bool doCentralityTransform
 do centrality-dependent transform on discriminant value
std::vector< double > CutLikelihood
 cut on likelihood output
std::vector< double > CutLikelihoodPileupCorrection
 pileup correction factor for cut on likelihood output
std::vector< double > CutLikelihood4GeV
 cut on likelihood output, 4 GeV bin
std::vector< double > CutLikelihoodPileupCorrection4GeV
 pileup correction factor for cut on likelihood output, 4 GeV bin
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutForPileupTransform
 reference disc for very hard cut; used by pileup transform
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutSlopeForPileupTransform
 reference slope on disc for very hard cut; used by pileup transform
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutQuadForPileupTransform
 reference quadratic apr on disc for very hard cut; used by centrality transform
std::vector< double > DiscLooseForPileupTransform
 reference disc for a pileup independent loose menu; used by pileup transform
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutForPileupTransform4GeV
 reference disc for very hard cut; used by pileup transform - 4-7 GeV
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutSlopeForPileupTransform4GeV
 reference slope on disc for very hard cut; used by pileup transform - 4-7 GeV
std::vector< double > DiscHardCutQuadForPileupTransform4GeV
 reference quadratic par on disc for very hard cut; used by centrality transform - 4-7 GeV
std::vector< double > DiscLooseForPileupTransform4GeV
 reference disc for a pileup independent loose menu; used by pileup transform - 4-7 GeV
double DiscMaxForPileupTransform
 max discriminant for which pileup transform is to be used
double PileupMaxForPileupTransform
 max nvtx or mu to be used in pileup transform
std::string VariableNames
 variables to use in the LH
std::string PdfFileName

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Root::TElectronLikelihoodTool::TElectronLikelihoodTool ( const char *  name = "TElectronLikelihoodTool"  ) 

Standard constructor.

Author : Kurt Brendlinger <> Please see TElectronLikelihoodTool.h for usage.

Member Data Documentation

Name of the pdf file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1