JetTiledMap::TiledEtaPhiMap< POINT, DIST2 > Class Template Reference

#include <TiledEtaPhiMap.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Tile< POINT, DIST2 > tile_t

Public Member Functions

void init (double rmax)
void insert (POINT &p)
std::vector< POINT > pointsInDr (POINT &p, double r) const
 retrieve all points within deltaR of p. WARNING !! wrong results if r>rmax !
virtual void clear ()
virtual void reset ()
unsigned int size () const
void setEtaRange (double r)

Protected Member Functions

size_t tileIndex (POINT &p) const
 index of the tile containing p
size_t tileIndex_i (int ix, int iy) const
 retrieve the tile index from its integer coordinates.

Protected Attributes

double m_etarange
double m_halfetarange
double m_rmax
size_t m_ndivX
size_t m_ndivY
double m_sizeX
double m_sizeY
unsigned int m_size
std::vector< tile_tm_tiles

Detailed Description

template<class POINT, class DIST2 = typename POINT::DR2>
class JetTiledMap::TiledEtaPhiMap< POINT, DIST2 >

An eta-phi map providing a relatively fast way of retrieving points at a given distance of a point in the plan (cylinder in this case). It works by simply dividing the plan in rectangular tiles of identical size and restricting the search only in a tile and its neighbours. IMPORTANT : the search is accurate only up to distance rmax where rmax is given to the init() function.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1