JetVertexTaggerTool Class Reference

#include <JetVertexTaggerTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for JetVertexTaggerTool:
asg::AsgTool IJetModifier IJetUpdateJvt asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JetVertexTaggerTool (const std::string &name)
StatusCode initialize ()
virtual int modify (xAOD::JetContainer &jetCont) const
StatusCode finalize ()
float evaluateJvt (float rpt, float jvfcorr) const
float updateJvt (const xAOD::Jet &jet, std::string sjvt="Jvt", std::string scale="JetPileupScaleMomentum") const
std::pair< float, float > getJetVertexTrackSums (const xAOD::Vertex *, const std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > &, const jet::TrackVertexAssociation *) const
int getPileupTrackCount (const xAOD::Vertex *, const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer *&, const jet::TrackVertexAssociation *) const
const xAOD::VertexfindHSVertex (const xAOD::VertexContainer *&) const

Detailed Description

James Frost
November 2014

Tool to calculate the jet vertex tag (JVT) JVT is a float per jet

The JVT likelihood is parameterised in terms of: RPT: ratio of the primary vertex track sum to the jet pT JVFCorr: a corrected JVF calculation accounting for the number of PU tracks in the event.

Calculation requires three main types of information 1. Vertex container for the event (from evtStore), with respect to which the JVT track sums 2. Tracks associated to each of the input jet (in the jet aux store) 3. Track vertex association object (from evtStore) 4. The track container needed for PU track counting 5. The ID track selector tool to provide an input track selection. 6. An input file with the JVT likelihood stored as a 2D histogram.

Using this information, the procedure can be broken into three main steps: 1. Count the total number of pileup tracks 2. Per jet: Get track pT sums needed for JVFCorr and RpT 3. Use JVT likelihood to get JVT value

Attributes added (each is a float per jet): 1. Jvt - the JVTLikelihood value for the jet. This is parameterised in terms of: 2. JvtRpt - the ratio of the PV track pT sum to the jet pT 3. JvtJvfcorr - a corrected Jvf quantity that corrects for the number of pileup tracks in an event.

Properties: VertexContainer - name of the vertex container TrackParticleContainer - name of the track container AssociatedTracks - name for attribute holding the list of associated tracks TrackVertexAssociation - name for the container holding the track-vertex associations TrackSelector - tool to select tracks (none ==> no selection) JVTFileName - ROOT Filename containing JVT likelihood histogram JVTLikelihoodHistName - JVT Likelihood histogram name JVTName - name for the 3 JVT attributes (default is "JVT") K_JVFCorrScale - the scale factor for pileup tracks in the JVFCorr calculation (default is 0.01) Z0Cut - Z0 value (in mm) within which tracks associated to no vertex may be assigned to the primary vertex (default is 3.) PUTrkPtCut - the track pT (in MeV) below which tracks associated to no vertex may be assigned to the primary vertex (default is 30000.)

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode JetVertexTaggerTool::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Dummy implementation of the initialisation function

It's here to allow the dual-use tools to skip defining an initialisation function. Since many are doing so...

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

int JetVertexTaggerTool::modify ( xAOD::JetContainer jets  )  const [virtual]

Method to modify a jet collection. Returns 0 for success.

Implements IJetModifier.

float JetVertexTaggerTool::updateJvt ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
std::string  sjvt = "Jvt",
std::string  scale = "JetPileupScaleMomentum" 
) const [virtual]

Calculate the updated JVT. jet - jet for which JVT is updated sjvt - name of the existing JVT moment (and prefix for RpT and JVFcorr). scale - name of the jet scale holding the original pT The new value for JVT is returned.

Implements IJetUpdateJvt.

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