xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1 Class Reference

#include <TrigMissingET_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1:
SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TrigMissingET_v1 ()
 Defaut constructor.
Basic Kinematic Property accessors

float ex () const
 Get the x component of the missing energy.
void setEx (float s)
 Set the x component of the missing energy.
float ey () const
 Get the y component of the missing energy.
void setEy (float s)
 Set the y component of the missing energy.
float ez () const
 Get the z component of the missing energy.
void setEz (float s)
 Set the z component of the missing energy.
float sumEt () const
 Get the sum of the ET of the missing energy.
void setSumEt (float s)
 Set the sum of the ET of the missing energy.
float sumE () const
 Get the sum of the E of the missing energy.
void setSumE (float s)
 Set the sum of the ET of the missing energy.
Status accessors

int flag () const
 Get the status flag.
void setFlag (int s)
 Set the status flag.
uint32_t roiWord () const
 Get the ROI word.
void setRoiWord (uint32_t s)
 Set the ROI word.
MissingET Component accessors

void defineComponents (const std::vector< std::string > &componentNames)
void setNameOfComponent (unsigned int index, const std::string &str)
 Set the name of a component.
const std::string & nameOfComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get the name of a component.
unsigned int getNumberOfComponents () const
 Get the number of components.
void setExComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set the x component fo the energy of a component.
float exComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get the x component fo the energy of a component.
void setEyComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set the y component fo the energy of a component.
float eyComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get the y component fo the energy of a component.
void setEzComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set the z component fo the energy of a component.
float ezComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get the z component fo the energy of a component.
void setSumEtComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set SumEt.
float sumEtComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get SumEt.
void setSumEComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set SumE.
float sumEComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get SumE.
void setCalib0Component (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set Calib0.
float calib0Component (unsigned int index) const
 Get Calib0.
void setCalib1Component (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set Calib1.
float calib1Component (unsigned int index) const
 Get Calib1.
void setSumOfSignsComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set SumOfSigns.
float sumOfSignsComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get SumOfSigns.
void setStatusComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set Status.
short statusComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get Status.
void setUsedChannelsComponent (unsigned int index, float value)
 Set used Channels.
unsigned short usedChannelsComponent (unsigned int index) const
 Get used Channels.

Detailed Description

Class holding the Missing ET trigger fex results.

A class that holds the missing ET vector for the trigger. It further contains a list of components.

Gordon Watts <gwatts@uw.edu>
2014-11-25 15:57:49 +0100 (Tue, 25 Nov 2014)

Member Function Documentation

void xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1::defineComponents ( const std::vector< std::string > &  componentNames  ) 

Define each of the components by name.

This must be called first or an exception will be thrown if an attempt is made to set any component of the missing ET below. The components are stored in the order they are given.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1