Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer Class Reference

#include <CalibrationDataContainer.h>

Inheritance diagram for Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer:
Analysis::CalibrationDataFunctionContainer Analysis::CalibrationDataHistogramContainer Analysis::CalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  CalibrationParametrization { kPt = 0, kEta = 1, kAbsEta = 2, kTagWeight = 3 }

Public Member Functions

 CalibrationDataContainer (const char *name="default")
std::vector< std::string > listUncertainties () const
 retrieve the list of "uncertainties" accessible to this object. A few uncertainty names are predetermined: "result", "comment", "statistics", "systematics". Individual sources of systematic uncertainty can be added by the user.
CalibrationStatus getUncertainties (const CalibrationDataVariables &x, std::map< std::string, Analysis::UncertaintyResult > &all) const
std::string getComment () const
 retrieve the comments entered for this calibration, if any
std::string getHadronisation () const
 retrieve the 'hadronisation reference' entered for this calibration, if any
virtual CalibrationStatus getResult (const CalibrationDataVariables &x, double &result, TObject *obj=0, bool extrapolate=false) const =0
virtual CalibrationStatus getStatUncertainty (const CalibrationDataVariables &x, double &result) const =0
CalibrationStatus getSystUncertainty (const CalibrationDataVariables &x, UncertaintyResult &result, TObject *obj=0) const
virtual CalibrationStatus getUncertainty (const std::string &unc, const CalibrationDataVariables &x, UncertaintyResult &result, TObject *obj=0) const =0
void setResult (TObject *obj)
 insert the main object for this calibration
void setComment (const std::string &text)
 insert the given text as comment for this calibration
void setHadronisation (const std::string &text)
 insert the given text as the 'hadronisation reference' for this calibration
void setUncertainty (const std::string &unc, TObject *obj)
 insert the relevant object for the requested source of 'uncertainty'
void restrictToRange (bool restrict)
bool isRangeRestricted () const
 allow the user to inspect the above information
double getLowerBound (unsigned int vartype, bool extrapolate=false) const
double getUpperBound (unsigned int vartype, bool extrapolate=false) const
std::vector< std::pair< double,
double > > 
getBounds () const
 allow the user to inspect the bounds of validity
std::vector< unsigned int > getVariableTypes () const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isNearlyEqual (double a, double b)

Protected Member Functions

int typeFromString (const std::string &key) const
CalibrationStatus computeVariables (const CalibrationDataVariables &x, bool extrapolate=false) const
virtual void computeVariableTypes () const =0
 decode the 'uncertainty' objects' names to determine the relevant variable types

Protected Attributes

std::vector< double > m_lowerBounds
std::vector< double > m_upperBounds
std::vector< double > m_lowerBoundsExtrapolated
std::vector< double > m_upperBoundsExtrapolated
 (possibly looser) lower validity bounds for extrapolation
TObject * m_objResult
 (possibly looser) upper validity bounds for extrapolation
TObject * m_objSystematics
 don't persistify
double m_vars [MaxCalibrationVars]
 don't persistify
std::vector< unsigned int > m_variables
 don't persistify

Detailed Description

This is the interface for the objects to be stored in the calibration ROOT file. The base class inherits from a TMap, the idea bing that the map's keys are TObjString objects while the values are the objects of interest. The keys are meant to provide access in a flexible manner.

Member Enumeration Documentation

The following enums are intended to contain the list of (kinematic or other) variables in terms of which results (and the corresponding uncertainties) are given. They are useful mainly for internal purposes, but the user may access them nevertheless.

Member Function Documentation

CalibrationStatus CalibrationDataContainer::computeVariables ( const CalibrationDataVariables x,
bool  extrapolate = false 
) const [protected]

compute the variables to be used for the given 'uncertainty'

x user-supplied (kinematic or other) variables
unc given source of uncertainty (can also be the central value)
false if the given variables are outside the parametrisation's validity range Compute the variables to be used.
x user-supplied (kinematic or other) variables
extrapolate set to "true" for the evaluation of extrapolation uncertainties
kSuccess, kRange, or kExtrapolatedRange, depending on the kinematic variables
double CalibrationDataContainer::getLowerBound ( unsigned int  vartype,
bool  extrapolate = false 
) const

retrieve the lower bound of validity for the requested variable type

vartype variable type
extrapolate true only if an extrapolation uncertainty is requested
virtual CalibrationStatus Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::getResult ( const CalibrationDataVariables x,
double &  result,
TObject *  obj = 0,
bool  extrapolate = false 
) const [pure virtual]

retrieve the calibration result.

x user-supplied (kinematic or other) variables
result requested result
obj object holding the requested result (it will be computed if not provided)
extrapolate flag that extrapolation applies (should only be relevant when using eigenvector variations)
status code (see above)

Implemented in Analysis::CalibrationDataHistogramContainer, Analysis::CalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer, and Analysis::CalibrationDataFunctionContainer.

virtual CalibrationStatus Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::getStatUncertainty ( const CalibrationDataVariables x,
double &  result 
) const [pure virtual]

retrieve the calibration statistical uncertainty.

x user-supplied (kinematic or other) variables
result requested statistical uncertainty
status code (see above) Note the changed signature compared to getUncertainty(), getResult() etc.: this is because the statistical uncertainty computation always needs the result object, and only in case of the function interface also the covariance matrix

Implemented in Analysis::CalibrationDataHistogramContainer, Analysis::CalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer, and Analysis::CalibrationDataFunctionContainer.

CalibrationStatus CalibrationDataContainer::getSystUncertainty ( const CalibrationDataVariables x,
UncertaintyResult &  result,
TObject *  obj = 0 
) const

retrieve the calibration total systematic uncertainty

See also:
CalibrationStatus Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::getUncertainties ( const CalibrationDataVariables x,
std::map< std::string, Analysis::UncertaintyResult > &  all 
) const

retrieve the list of "uncertainties" accessible to this object. A few uncertainty names are predetermined: "result", "comment", "statistics", "systematics". Individual sources of systematic uncertainty can be added by the user.

virtual CalibrationStatus Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::getUncertainty ( const std::string &  unc,
const CalibrationDataVariables x,
UncertaintyResult &  result,
TObject *  obj = 0 
) const [pure virtual]

retrieve the calibration uncertainty due to the given source.

x user-supplied (kinematic or other) variables
unc uncertainty specification
result requested uncertainty (for both positive and negative variation, if available)
obj object holding the requested uncertainty information (it will be computed if not provided)
status code (see above)

Implemented in Analysis::CalibrationDataHistogramContainer, Analysis::CalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer, and Analysis::CalibrationDataFunctionContainer.

double CalibrationDataContainer::getUpperBound ( unsigned int  vartype,
bool  extrapolate = false 
) const

retrieve the upper bound of validity for the requested variable type

vartype variable type
extrapolate true only if an extrapolation uncertainty is requested
std::vector< unsigned int > CalibrationDataContainer::getVariableTypes (  )  const

utility to retrieve variable types

bool CalibrationDataContainer::isNearlyEqual ( double  a,
double  b 
) [static]

utility for comparison of doubles

void Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::restrictToRange ( bool  restrict  )  [inline]

If true, this will restrict the variables used to be within the (specified) range of validity. Note that this is a policy decision and as such not intrinsic to the data; but it is cumbersome to carry this information around everywhere.

int CalibrationDataContainer::typeFromString ( const std::string &  key  )  const [protected]

Connection between variable names (on histogram axes etc.) and variable 'types' as used in actual evaluations. Normal result values are positive (or 0); a negative return value indicates that the string is not known)

Member Data Documentation

TObject* Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::m_objResult [mutable, protected]

(possibly looser) upper validity bounds for extrapolation

cached variables for code speed-up

std::vector<unsigned int> Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer::m_variables [mutable, protected]

don't persistify

specification of variable type per object (result / uncertainty)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1