xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1 Class Reference

#include <L2StandAloneMuon_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1:
xAOD::IParticle SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L2StandAloneMuon_v1 ()
4-momentum setter functions

void setPt (float pt)
 Set the transverse momentum ($p_T$) of the muon.
void setEta (float eta)
 Set the pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the muon.
void setPhi (float phi)
 Set the azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the muon.
Properties specific to the LVL2 muon reconstruction

uint32_t roiWord () const
 Get the RoI ID of the seeding LVL1 muon.
void setRoIWord (uint32_t value)
 Set the RoI ID of the seeding LVL1 muon.
int sAddress () const
 Get the station address of the muon.
void setSAddress (int value)
 Set the station address of the muon.
float etaMS () const
 Get the eta at muon spectrometer.
void setEtaMS (float value)
 Set the eta at muon spectrometer.
float phiMS () const
 Get the phi at muon spectrometer.
void setPhiMS (float value)
 Set the phi at muon spectrometer.
float dirPhiMS () const
 Get tan phi at muon spectrometer.
void setDirPhiMS (float value)
 Set tan phi at muon spectrometer.
float rMS () const
 Get the R at muon spectrometer.
void setRMS (float value)
 Set the R at muon spectrometer.
float zMS () const
 Get the Z at muon spectrometer.
void setZMS (float value)
 Set the Z at muon spectrometer.
float dirZMS () const
 Get dRdZ at muon spectrometer.
void setDirZMS (float value)
 Set dRdZ at muon spectrometer.
float beta () const
 Get beta.
void setBeta (float value)
 Set beta.
float barrelRadius () const
 Get the fitted radius of the muon in the barrel.
void setBarrelRadius (float value)
 Set the fitted radius of the muon in the barrel.
float barrelSagitta () const
 Get the fitted sagitta of the muon in the barrel.
void setBarrelSagitta (float value)
 Set the fitted sagitta of the muon in the barrel.
float endcapAlpha () const
 Get the fitted $\alpha$ value in the endcap.
void setEndcapAlpha (float value)
 Set the fitted $\alpha$ value in the endcap.
float endcapBeta () const
 Get the fitted $\beta$ value in the endcap.
void setEndcapBeta (float value)
 Set the fitted $\beta$ value in the endcap.
float endcapRadius () const
 Get the fitted radius of the muon in the endcap.
void setEndcapRadius (float value)
 Set the fitted radius of the muon in the endcap.
float slopeInner () const
 Get the slope at inner.
void setSlopeInner (float value)
 Set the slope at endcap.
float interceptInner () const
 Get the intercept at inner.
void setInterceptInner (float value)
 Set the intercept at endcap.
float deltaR () const
 Get deltaR.
void setDeltaR (float value)
 Set deltaR.
float etaMap () const
 Get eta used to refer pT LUT.
void setEtaMap (float value)
 Set eta used to refer pT LUT.
float phiMap () const
 Get phi used to refer pT LUT.
void setPhiMap (float value)
 Set phi used to refer pT LUT.
int etaBin () const
 Get eta bin of pT LUT.
void setEtaBin (int value)
 Set eta bin of pT LUT.
int phiBin () const
 Get phi bin of pT LUT.
void setPhiBin (int value)
 Set phi bin of pT LUT.
int isTgcFailure () const
 Get flag to see if TGC is properly read.
void setIsTgcFailure (int value)
 Set flag to record if TGC is properly read.
int isRpcFailure () const
 Get flag to see if RPC is properly read.
void setIsRpcFailure (int value)
 Set flag to record if RPC is properly read.
float deltaPt () const
 Get error of pT.
void setDeltaPt (float value)
 Set error of pT.
float deltaEta () const
 Get error of eta.
void setDeltaEta (float value)
 Set error of eta.
float deltaPhi () const
 Get error of phi.
void setDeltaPhi (float value)
 Set error of phi.
float superPointR (int chamber) const
 Get the measured radious of the muon in one particular super point.
float superPointZ (int chamber) const
 Get the measured Z position of the muon in one particular super point.
float superPointSlope (int chamber) const
 Get the measured slope of the muon in one particular super point.
float superPointIntercept (int chamber) const
 Get the measured intercept of the muon in one particular super point.
float superPointChi2 (int chamber) const
 Get the chi2 of the fit in one particular super point.
void setSuperPoint (int chamber, float r, float z, float slope, float intercept=0., float chi2=0.)
 Set the properties of one particular super point measurement.
uint32_t nTrackPositions () const
 Number of track positions stored.
float trackPositionR (unsigned int n) const
 Get R postion of track.
float trackPositionZ (unsigned int n) const
 Get Z postion of track.
float trackPositionEta (unsigned int n) const
 Get eta postion of track.
float trackPositionPhi (unsigned int n) const
 Get phi postion of track.
void setTrackPosition (float r, float z, float eta, float phi)
 Set position of muon track.
int algoId () const
 Get and set L2 muon algorithm ID (defined above).
void setAlgoId (int value)
uint32_t teId () const
 Get and set input TE ID.
void setTeId (uint32_t value)
uint32_t lvl1Id () const
 Get and set extended level-1 ID.
void setLvl1Id (uint32_t value)
uint32_t lumiBlock () const
 Get and set lumi block.
void setLumiBlock (uint32_t value)
uint32_t muonDetMask () const
 Get and set detector mask.
void setMuonDetMask (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiId () const
 Get and set RoI ID.
void setRoiId (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiSystem () const
 Get and set RoI system ID.
void setRoiSystem (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiSubsystem () const
 Get and set RoI subsystem ID.
void setRoiSubsystem (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiSector () const
 Get and set RoI sector ID.
void setRoiSector (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiNumber () const
 Get and set RoI number.
void setRoiNumber (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiThreshold () const
 Get and set RoI threshold number.
void setRoiThreshold (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiEta () const
 Get and set RoI eta.
void setRoiEta (uint32_t value)
uint32_t roiPhi () const
 Get and set RoI phi.
void setRoiPhi (uint32_t value)
float ptBarrelRadius () const
 Set and get pT from different algorithms.
void setPtBarrelRadius (float value)
float ptBarrelSagitta () const
void setPtBarrelSagitta (float value)
float ptEndcapAlpha () const
void setPtEndcapAlpha (float value)
float ptEndcapBeta () const
void setPtEndcapBeta (float value)
float ptEndcapRadius () const
void setPtEndcapRadius (float value)
int chamberType1 (int station, int sector) const
int chamberType2 (int station, int sector) const
float roadAw (int station, int sector) const
float roadBw (int station, int sector) const
float zMin (int station, int sector) const
float zMax (int station, int sector) const
float rMin (int station, int sector) const
float rMax (int station, int sector) const
float etaMin (int station, int sector) const
float etaMax (int station, int sector) const
void setChamberType1 (int station, int sector, int chamberType)
 Set the muon road information.
void setChamberType2 (int station, int sector, int chamberType)
void setRoad (int station, int sector, float aw, float bw)
void setRegionZ (int station, int sector, float min, float max)
 Z range.
void setRegionR (int station, int sector, float min, float max)
 R range.
void setRegionEta (int station, int sector, float min, float max)
 Eta range.
float tgcPt () const
 Get the results of TGC fit.
float tgcInnEta () const
float tgcInnPhi () const
float tgcInnR () const
float tgcInnZ () const
float tgcInnRhoStd () const
long tgcInnRhoN () const
float tgcInnPhiStd () const
long tgcInnPhiN () const
float tgcMid1Eta () const
float tgcMid1Phi () const
float tgcMid1R () const
float tgcMid1Z () const
float tgcMid2Eta () const
float tgcMid2Phi () const
float tgcMid2R () const
float tgcMid2Z () const
float tgcMidRhoChi2 () const
long tgcMidRhoN () const
float tgcMidPhiChi2 () const
long tgcMidPhiN () const
void setTgcPt (float value)
 Set the results of TGC fit.
void setTgcInn (float eta, float phi, float r, float z)
void setTgcInnF (float rhoStd, long rhoN, float phiStd, long phiN)
void setTgcMid1 (float eta, float phi, float r, float z)
void setTgcMid2 (float eta, float phi, float r, float z)
void setTgcMidF (float rhoChi2, long rhoN, float phiChi2, long phiN)
float rpc1x () const
 Get the results of RPC fit.
float rpc1y () const
float rpc1z () const
float rpc2x () const
float rpc2y () const
float rpc2z () const
float rpc3x () const
float rpc3y () const
float rpc3z () const
void setRpc1 (float x, float y, float z)
 Set the results of RPC fit.
void setRpc2 (float x, float y, float z)
void setRpc3 (float x, float y, float z)
int extensionCapacity () const
 Get and set maximum size of storages to be reserved.
void setExtensionCapacity (int value)
int robCapacity () const
void setRobCapacity (int value)
 Set size of ROB storage.
int csmCapacity () const
void setCsmCapacity (int value)
 Set size of CSM storage.
int lvl1EmuCapacity () const
void setLvl1EmuCapacity (int value)
 Set size of L1 emulation storage.
int rpcHitsCapacity () const
void setRpcHitsCapacity (int value)
 Set size of storage for RPC hits.
int tgcHitsCapacity () const
void setTgcHitsCapacity (int value)
 Set size of storage for TGC hits.
int mdtHitsCapacity () const
void setMdtHitsCapacity (int value)
 Set size of storage for MDT hits.
void setCapacities (int ext, int rob, int csm, int lvl1, int rpc, int tgc, int mdt)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension0 () const
 Get extenstion.
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension1 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension2 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension3 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension4 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension5 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension6 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension7 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension8 () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & extension9 () const
void setExtension0 (uint32_t value)
 Set extenstion.
void setExtension1 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension2 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension3 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension4 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension5 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension6 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension7 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension8 (uint32_t value)
void setExtension9 (uint32_t value)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & lvl1Emulation () const
 Level 1 emulation info.
void setEtaPivot (uint32_t ly0, uint32_t ly1)
void setEtaLow (uint32_t ly00, uint32_t ly01, uint32_t ly10, uint32_t ly11)
void setEtaHigh (uint32_t ly00, uint32_t ly01, uint32_t ly10, uint32_t ly11)
void setPhiPivot (uint32_t ly0, uint32_t ly1)
void setPhiLow (uint32_t ly00, uint32_t ly01, uint32_t ly10, uint32_t ly11)
void setPhiHigh (uint32_t ly00, uint32_t ly01, uint32_t ly10, uint32_t ly11)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & robId () const
 ROB info.
const std::vector< uint32_t > & removedRobId () const
void setRequestedRob (uint32_t rob)
void setRemovedRob (uint32_t rob)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & csmId () const
 CSM info.
const std::vector< uint32_t > & csmSize () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & csmError () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & removedCsmId () const
void setConvertedCsm (uint32_t csm, uint32_t sz)
void setCsmError (uint32_t err)
void setRemovedCsm (uint32_t csm)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & padHitOnlineId () const
 Get RPC pad hits.
const std::vector< uint32_t > & padHitCode () const
const std::vector< float > & padHitX () const
const std::vector< float > & padHitY () const
const std::vector< float > & padHitZ () const
const std::vector< float > & padHitR () const
const std::vector< float > & padHitP () const
void setPadHit (uint32_t onlineId, uint32_t code, float x, float y, float z, float r, float p)
 Set RPC pad hits.
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnRhoHitPhi () const
 Get TGC hits.
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnRhoHitR () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnRhoHitZ () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnRhoHitWidth () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & tgcInnRhoHitInSeg () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnPhiHitPhi () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnPhiHitR () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnPhiHitZ () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcInnPhiHitWidth () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & tgcInnPhiHitInSeg () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidRhoHitPhi () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidRhoHitR () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidRhoHitZ () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidRhoHitWidth () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & tgcMidRhoHitInSeg () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidPhiHitPhi () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidPhiHitR () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidPhiHitZ () const
const std::vector< float > & tgcMidPhiHitWidth () const
const std::vector< uint32_t > & tgcMidPhiHitInSeg () const
void setTgcInnRhoHit (float phi, float r, float z, float width, uint32_t in_seg)
 Set TGC hits.
void setTgcInnPhiHit (float phi, float r, float z, float width, uint32_t in_seg)
void setTgcMidRhoHit (float phi, float r, float z, float width, uint32_t in_seg)
void setTgcMidPhiHit (float phi, float r, float z, float width, uint32_t in_seg)
uint32_t nMdtHits () const
 Get the online ID, offline ID, R, Z, redidual, time, space and sigma of each MDT tube.
uint32_t mdtHitOnlineId (unsigned int tube) const
uint32_t mdtHitOfflineId (unsigned int tube) const
uint32_t mdtHitChamber (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitR (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitZ (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitResidual (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitTime (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitSpace (unsigned int tube) const
float mdtHitSigma (unsigned int tube) const
void setMdtHit (uint32_t onlineId, uint32_t offlineId, int chamber, float r, float z, float residual, float time, float space, float sigma)
 Set the properties of each MDT tube.

Functions implementing the xAOD::IParticle interface

typedef TLorentzVector FourMom_t
 Definition of the 4-momentum type.
virtual double pt () const
 The transverse momentum ($p_T$) of the particle.
virtual double eta () const
 The pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the particle.
virtual double phi () const
 The azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the particle.
virtual double m () const
 The invariant mass of the particle.
virtual double e () const
 The total energy of the particle.
virtual double rapidity () const
 The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
virtual const FourMom_tp4 () const
 The full 4-momentum of the particle.
virtual Type::ObjectType type () const
 The type of the object as a simple enumeration.

Detailed Description

Class describing standalone muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger

This is a simple description of the LVL2 standalone muons, which need much fewer properties than EF or offline muons.

Masaki Ishitsuka <ishitsuka@phys.titech.ac.jp>
Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2015-04-18 06:31:23 +0200 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015)

Member Function Documentation

int xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::chamberType1 ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const

Get the muon road information Chamber type

Get road properties

Chamber types

normal sector

overlap sector

int xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::chamberType2 ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::etaMax ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::etaMin ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const


Eta range.

normal sector

overlap sector

uint32_t xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::nMdtHits (  )  const

Get the online ID, offline ID, R, Z, redidual, time, space and sigma of each MDT tube.


Get and set MDT hits

uint32_t xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::nTrackPositions (  )  const

Number of track positions stored.

Get and set track positions.

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::rMax ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::rMin ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const


R range.

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::roadAw ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const


Road slope.

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::roadBw ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const


Road intercept.

normal sector

overlap sector

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setChamberType1 ( int  station,
int  sector,
int  chamberType 

Set the muon road information.

Set road properties.

Chamber types

Normal sector

Overlap sector

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setChamberType2 ( int  station,
int  sector,
int  chamberType 

Normal sector

Overlap sector

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setConvertedCsm ( uint32_t  csm,
uint32_t  sz 


Get CSM information object Set CSM information object

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setEtaPivot ( uint32_t  ly0,
uint32_t  ly1 


Get level 1 emulation object Set level 1 emulation object

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setExtension0 ( uint32_t  value  ) 

Set extenstion.


Get extension object Set and get methods for extenstions

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setExtensionCapacity ( int  value  ) 


Size of storage to be reserved Set size of extension stirage

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setPadHit ( uint32_t  onlineId,
uint32_t  code,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  r,
float  p 

Set RPC pad hits.


Get RPC pad object Set RPC pad hits

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRegionEta ( int  station,
int  sector,
float  min,
float  max 

Eta range.

Normal sector

minimum eta

maximum eta

Overlap sector

minimum eta

maximum eta

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRegionR ( int  station,
int  sector,
float  min,
float  max 

R range.

Normal sector

minimum R

maximum R

Overlap sector

minimum R

maximum R

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRegionZ ( int  station,
int  sector,
float  min,
float  max 

Z range.

Normal sector

minimum Z

mazimum Z

Overlap sector

minimum Z

maximum Z

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRequestedRob ( uint32_t  rob  ) 


Get ROB information object Set ROB information object

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRoad ( int  station,
int  sector,
float  aw,
float  bw 


Normal sector



Overlap sector



void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setRpc1 ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Set the results of RPC fit.


Get the results of RPC fit Set the results of RPC fit

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setSuperPoint ( int  chamber,
float  r,
float  z,
float  slope,
float  intercept = 0.,
float  chi2 = 0. 

Set the properties of one particular super point measurement.

Set superPoint properties.

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setTgcInn ( float  eta,
float  phi,
float  r,
float  z 


Get the results of TGC fit Set the results of TGC fit

void xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::setTgcInnRhoHit ( float  phi,
float  r,
float  z,
float  width,
uint32_t  in_seg 

Set TGC hits.


Get TGC hits Set TGC hits

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::superPointR ( int  chamber  )  const

Get the measured radious of the muon in one particular super point.

Get superPoint properties.

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::zMax ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const

normal sector

overlap sector

float xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon_v1::zMin ( int  station,
int  sector 
) const


Z range.

normal sector

overlap sector

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