xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1 Class Reference

#include <CutBookkeeper_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1:
SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.


struct  Payload
 Add struct for payload and implement operator *,/....*=,... More...

Public Types

enum  CutLogic {
  ACCEPT = 4, REQUIRE = 5, VETO = 6

Enumeration of the logic of a cut.

Public Member Functions

 CutBookkeeper_v1 ()
 ~CutBookkeeper_v1 ()
bool operator== (const CutBookkeeper_v1 &rhs)
 Equality operator.
bool isEqualTo (const CutBookkeeper_v1 *eb) const
 Test for the equality of this CutBookkeeper with another one.
void toPersistent ()
 Function preparing the object to be persistified.
Getters and setters for the payload information, i.e., event coutners and weights

Payload payload () const
void setPayload (const Payload &payload)
 Set the whole payload object (which contains all counters) in one go.
uint64_t nAcceptedEvents () const
 Get the number of accepted events that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
void setNAcceptedEvents (uint64_t nEvents)
 Set the number of accepted events for this CutBookkeeper.
void addNAcceptedEvents (uint64_t nEvents)
 Add seen events to the number of accepted events that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
double sumOfEventWeights () const
 Get the sum-of-event-weights that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
void setSumOfEventWeights (double nWeightedEvents)
 Set the sum-of-event-weights that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
void addSumOfEventWeights (double nWeightedEvents)
 Add more sum-of-event-weights that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
double sumOfEventWeightsSquared () const
 Get the sum-of-(event-weights-squared) that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
void setSumOfEventWeightsSquared (double nWeightedEventsSquared)
 Set the sum-of-(event-weights-squared) that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
void addSumOfEventWeightsSquared (double nWeightedEventsSquared)
 Add more sum-of-(event-weights-squared) that this CutBookkeeper has seen.
Handling of the child-parent relationship between different CutBookkeepers

bool hasParent () const
 Check if there is a parent CutBookkeeper of this CutBookkeeper.
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1parent () const
 Get the parent CutBookkeeper.
void setParent (const CutBookkeeper_v1 *parentEB)
 Set the parent CutBookkeeper of this CutBookkeeper.
std::size_t nChildren () const
 Get the number of children CutBookkeepers of this CutBookkeeper.
bool hasChild (const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1 *testCBK) const
 Test if a given child already exists.
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1child (std::size_t i) const
 Get the child at position i.
void setChildren (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &childrenEB)
 Set all children of this CutBookkeeper in one go.
void addChildren (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &childrenEB)
 Add multiple children in one go to this CutBookkeeper.
void addChild (CutBookkeeper_v1 *childEB)
 Add one child to this CutBookkeeper.
CutBookkeeper_v1addNewChild (const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
Handling of the usage of other CutBookkeepers by this one

std::size_t nUsedOthers () const
 Check if this CutBookkeeper has used others.
bool hasUsedOther (const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1 *testCBK) const
 Check if this CutBookkeeper has used others.
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1usedOther (std::size_t i) const
 Get the usedOther at position i.
void setUsedOthers (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &usedOthers)
 Set all CutBookkeeper that are used by this one in one go.
void addUsedOthers (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &usedOthers)
 Add multiple children in one go to this CutBookkeeper.
void addUsedOther (CutBookkeeper_v1 *usedOtherEB)
 Add one other CutBookkeeper that is used by this one.
Handling of the siblings of this CutBookkeepers, i.e., the cuts

that happen at the same cut stage as this one, but in another (control) region

std::size_t nSiblings () const
 Check if this CutBookkeeper has siblings.
bool hasSibling (const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1 *testCBK) const
 Test if the provided CutBookkeeper is already a sibling.
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1sibling (std::size_t i) const
 Get the sibling number i.
void setSiblings (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &siblings)
 Set all CutBookkeeper that are siblings to this one in one go.
void addSiblings (const std::vector< CutBookkeeper_v1 * > &siblings)
 Add multiple siblings in one go to this CutBookkeeper.
void addSibling (CutBookkeeper_v1 *siblingsEB)
 Add one sibling CutBookkeeper to this one.

Getters and setters for the (sort of) 'static' information of the CutBookkeeper

unsigned int nameIdentifier () const
 Get the nameIdentifier for this CutBookkeeper.
unsigned int uniqueIdentifier () const
 Get the uniqueIdentifier for this CutBookkeeper.
const std::string & name () const
 Get the name of this CutBookkeeper.
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of this CutBookkeeper.
const std::string & description () const
 Get the description of this CutBookkeeper.
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Set the description of this CutBookkeeper.
bool isTopFilter () const
 Check if this CutBookkeeper was a top filter.
void setTopFilter (bool isTopFilter)
 Set the top-filter property of this CutBookkeeper.
CutLogic cutLogic () const
 Get the cut logic of this CutBookkeeper, e.g., ACCEPT, REQUIRE, VETO.
void setCutLogic (CutLogic logic)
 Set the cut logic of this CutBookkeeper, e.g., ACCEPT, REQUIRE, VETO.
int cycle () const
 Get the skimming cycle that this CutBookkeeper was running in.
void setCycle (int cycle)
 Set the skimming cycle that this CutBookkeeper is running in.
const std::string & inputStream () const
 Get the name of the input-file stream object that was seen by this CutBookkeeper.
void setInputStream (const std::string &inputstream)
 Set the name of the current input-file stream object for this CutBookkeeper.
const std::vector< std::string > & outputStreams () const
 Get the names of the output-file stream objects that were seen by this CutBookkeeper.
bool hasOutputStream (const std::string &outputstream) const
 Check if the given output stream name is known to this CutBookkeeper.
void addOutputStream (const std::string &outputstream)
 Add the name of an output-file stream object for this CutBookkeeper.
void addOutputStreamForAllUsed (const std::string &outputstream)
 Add the name of an output-file stream object for this CutBookkeeper.
void setOutputStreams (const std::vector< std::string > &outputstreams)
 Set the names of the output-file stream objects for this CutBookkeeper.

Detailed Description

Description of the class that is used to keep track of event counts.

Karsten Koeneke <karsten.koeneke@cern.ch>

$Revision$ $Date$

Member Function Documentation

CutBookkeeper_v1 * xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1::addNewChild ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  description 

Create a new CutBookkeeper (using the given name and description) and add this new CutBookkeeper to this one as a child

CutBookkeeper_v1::Payload xAOD::CutBookkeeper_v1::payload (  )  const

Get the whole payload object (which contains all counters) in one go. Return it by value as it only contains three numbers.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1