Muon::MuonStationIndex Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ChIndex {
  ChUnknown = -1, BIS, BIL, BMS,
  CSS, CSL, ChIndexMax
enum  StIndex {
  StUnknown = -1, BI, BM, BO,
  BE, EI, EM, EO,
  EE, StIndexMax
enum  PhiIndex {
  PhiUnknown = -1, BM1, BM2, BO1,
  T1, T2, T3, T4,
  CSC, STGC1, STGC2, PhiIndexMax
enum  LayerIndex {
  LayerUnknown = -1, Inner, Middle, Outer,
  Extended, BarrelExtended, LayerIndexMax
enum  DetectorRegionIndex {
  DetectorRegionUnknown = -1, EndcapA, Barrel, EndcapC,
enum  TechnologyIndex {
  TechnologyUnknown = -1, MDT, CSCI, RPC,
  TGC, STGC, MM, TechnologyIndexMax

Static Public Member Functions

static StIndex toStationIndex (ChIndex index)
static LayerIndex toLayerIndex (ChIndex index)
static LayerIndex toLayerIndex (StIndex index)
static StIndex toStationIndex (DetectorRegionIndex region, LayerIndex layer)
static ChIndex toChamberIndex (DetectorRegionIndex region, LayerIndex layer, bool isSmall)
static ChIndex toChamberIndex (StIndex stIndex, bool isSmall)
static const std::string & phiName (PhiIndex index)
static const std::string & stName (StIndex index)
static const std::string & chName (ChIndex index)
static const std::string & regionName (DetectorRegionIndex index)
static const std::string & layerName (LayerIndex index)
static const std::string & technologyName (TechnologyIndex index)
static unsigned int sectorLayerHash (DetectorRegionIndex detectorRegionIndex, LayerIndex layerIndex)
static unsigned int sectorLayerHashMax ()
static std::pair
< DetectorRegionIndex,
decomposeSectorLayerHash (unsigned int hash)
static unsigned int numberOfSectors ()
static ChIndex chIndex (const std::string &index)

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum to classify the different chamber layers in the muon spectrometer

enum to classify the different layers in the muon spectrometer

enum to classify the different layers in the muon spectrometer





enum to classify the different phi layers in the muon spectrometer

enum to classify the different station layers in the muon spectrometer

enum to classify the different layers in the muon spectrometer

Member Function Documentation

MuonStationIndex::ChIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::chIndex ( const std::string &  index  )  [static]

convert ChIndex name string to enum

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::chName ( ChIndex  index  )  [static]

convert ChIndex into a string

std::pair< MuonStationIndex::DetectorRegionIndex, MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex > Muon::MuonStationIndex::decomposeSectorLayerHash ( unsigned int  hash  )  [static]

decompose the hash into Region and Layer

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::layerName ( LayerIndex  index  )  [static]

convert LayerIndex into a string

static unsigned int Muon::MuonStationIndex::numberOfSectors (  )  [inline, static]

return total number of sectors

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::phiName ( PhiIndex  index  )  [static]

convert PhiIndex into a string

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::regionName ( DetectorRegionIndex  index  )  [static]

convert DetectorRegionIndex into a string

unsigned int Muon::MuonStationIndex::sectorLayerHash ( DetectorRegionIndex  detectorRegionIndex,
LayerIndex  layerIndex 
) [static]

create a hash out of region and layer

unsigned int Muon::MuonStationIndex::sectorLayerHashMax (  )  [static]

maximum create a hash out of region and layer

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::stName ( StIndex  index  )  [static]

convert StIndex into a string

const std::string & Muon::MuonStationIndex::technologyName ( TechnologyIndex  index  )  [static]

convert LayerIndex into a string

MuonStationIndex::ChIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toChamberIndex ( StIndex  stIndex,
bool  isSmall 
) [static]

convert StIndex + isSmall into ChIndex

MuonStationIndex::ChIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toChamberIndex ( DetectorRegionIndex  region,
LayerIndex  layer,
bool  isSmall 
) [static]

convert DetectorRegionIndex + LayerIndex + isSmall into ChIndex

MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toLayerIndex ( StIndex  index  )  [static]

convert StIndex into LayerIndex

MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toLayerIndex ( ChIndex  index  )  [static]

convert ChIndex into LayerIndex

MuonStationIndex::StIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toStationIndex ( DetectorRegionIndex  region,
LayerIndex  layer 
) [static]

convert DetectorRegionIndex + LayerIndex into StIndex

MuonStationIndex::StIndex Muon::MuonStationIndex::toStationIndex ( ChIndex  index  )  [static]

convert ChIndex into StIndex

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1