xAOD::PerfStats Class Reference

#include <PerfStats.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~PerfStats ()
 Destructor, sometimes called by PROOF.
void start (bool clear=true)
 Start the statistics collection.
void stop ()
 Stop the statistics collection.
Functions inherited from TVirtualPerfStats:

virtual void SimpleEvent (EEventType type)
 Generic function called when a specified event happens.
virtual void PacketEvent (const char *slave, const char *slavename, const char *filename,::Long64_t eventsprocessed,::Double_t latency,::Double_t proctime,::Double_t cputime,::Long64_t bytesRead)
 PROOF specific function, not implemented here.
virtual void FileEvent (const char *slave, const char *slavename, const char *nodename, const char *filename,::Bool_t isStart)
 PROOF specific function, not implemented here.
virtual void FileOpenEvent (::TFile *file, const char *filename,::Double_t start)
 Function called by PROOF when a file is opened.
virtual void FileReadEvent (::TFile *file,::Int_t len,::Double_t start)
 Function called in general when a file reading operation happens.
virtual void UnzipEvent (::TObject *tree,::Long64_t pos,::Double_t start,::Int_t complen,::Int_t objlen)
 Function called in general when a file unzipping operation happens.
virtual void RateEvent (::Double_t proctime,::Double_t deltatime,::Long64_t eventsprocessed,::Long64_t bytesRead)
 PROOF specific function, not implemented here.
virtual void SetBytesRead (::Long64_t num)
 Function used by PROOF to set the read bytes correctly on the master.
virtual ::Long64_t GetBytesRead () const
 Function used by PROOF to set the read bytes correctly on the master.
virtual void SetNumEvents (::Long64_t num)
 Function used by PROOF to set the number of processed events correctly.
virtual ::Long64_t GetNumEvents () const
 Function used by PROOF to set the number of processed events correctly.

Static Public Member Functions

static PerfStatsinstance ()
 Function accessing the singleton instance.

Protected Member Functions

 PerfStats ()
 The constructor is protected, as it's a singleton.

Detailed Description

Class for collecting information about the xAOD file access pattern

This class is used for collecting the basic information about the file access during an xAOD analysis. It was first developed for the D3PDReader code, and was later adopted to be used with xAOD files.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2014-12-05 15:46:38 +0100 (Fri, 05 Dec 2014)

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