xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension Class Reference

#include <ParticleCaloExtension.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ParticleCaloExtension (float charge, std::vector< std::vector< float > > &&parameters, std::vector< std::vector< float > > &&parametersCovariance, std::vector< int > &&identifiers)
 ~ParticleCaloExtension ()
 ParticleCaloExtension (const ParticleCaloExtension &)
ParticleCaloExtensionoperator= (const ParticleCaloExtension &)
size_t numberOfParameters () const
 Returns the number of additional parameters stored in the Particle.
const CurvilinearParameters_t trackParameters (unsigned int index) const
 Returns the track parameter vector at 'index'.
int parameterIdentifier (unsigned int index) const
 Return the ParameterPosition of the parameters at 'index'.
bool trackParameterCovarianceMatrix (ParametersCovMatrix_t &matrix, unsigned int index) const
 fill the matrix with the covariance at position 'index', returns false if the parameters at 'index' does not have a covariance
const Trk::CurvilinearParameters curvilinearParameters (unsigned int index) const
 Returns a curvilinear representation of the parameters at 'index'.
bool cellsAreAssociated () const
const std::vector< CaloCell * > & caloCells () const
void setCaloCells (const std::vector< CaloCell * > &cells)

Detailed Description

class storing calorimeter information associated with track based objects

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::ParticleCaloExtension ( float  charge,
std::vector< std::vector< float > > &&  parameters,
std::vector< std::vector< float > > &&  parametersCovariance,
std::vector< int > &&  identifiers 

constructor taking calo extrapolation as input. All vectors should be of the same length

xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::~ParticleCaloExtension (  ) 


xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::ParticleCaloExtension ( const ParticleCaloExtension  ) 

no copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

const std::vector< CaloCell * > & xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::caloCells (  )  const [inline]

return vector of cells

bool xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::cellsAreAssociated (  )  const [inline]

return whether cells were already associated or not

const Trk::CurvilinearParameters xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::curvilinearParameters ( unsigned int  index  )  const [inline]

Returns a curvilinear representation of the parameters at 'index'.

This is only available in Athena.
ParticleCaloExtension& xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::operator= ( const ParticleCaloExtension  ) 

no assignment operator

void xAOD::ParticleCaloExtension::setCaloCells ( const std::vector< CaloCell * > &  cells  )  [inline]

set vector of cells

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1