TauCorrUncert::TauSF Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for TauCorrUncert::TauSF:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TauSF (const std::string &sharepath, bool debug=false)
double GetIDSF (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetIDSysUnc (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetIDStatUnc (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetExclIDSF (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetExclIDSysUnc (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetExclIDStatUnc (ID level, double eta, int prongness, double pT=30)
double GetEVetoSF (float trackEta, ID level, EVETO evLevel, OLR olr)
double GetEVetoSFUnc (float trackEta, ID level, EVETO evLevel, OLR olr, int direction)
double GetEVetoSF (float trackEta, int nTrack, ID level, EVETO evLevel, OLR olr)
double GetEVetoSFUnc (float trackEta, int nTrack, ID level, EVETO evLevel, OLR olr, int direction)
void SwitchOnPtBinnedIDSF (bool bSwitch=true)
void SwitchOnEtaBinnedIDSF (bool bSwitch=true)
void SwitchOnHighPtUncert (bool bSwitch=true)

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1