IJERSmearingTool Class Reference

#include <IJERSmearingTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for IJERSmearingTool:
CP::ISystematicsTool asg::IAsgTool JERSmearingTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IJERSmearingTool ()
 Virtual destructor.
virtual CP::CorrectionCode applyCorrection (xAOD::Jet &jet)=0
 Apply the JER correction on a modifiable jet.
virtual CP::CorrectionCode correctedCopy (const xAOD::Jet &input, xAOD::Jet *&output)=0
 Create a JER-corrected copy from a const jet.
virtual void setRandomSeed (long int)=0

Detailed Description

Interface class for smearing the jet energy resolution

Steve Farrell <steven.farrell@cern.ch>

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IJERSmearingTool::setRandomSeed ( long  int  )  [pure virtual]

Optional method to set random seed. Note that the tool already has a deterministic way to do this using the jet phi.

Implemented in JERSmearingTool.

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