xAOD::TObjectManager Class Reference

Manager for EDM objects created by ROOT. More...

#include <TObjectManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::TObjectManager:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TObjectManager (::TBranch *br=0, THolder *holder=0,::Bool_t renewOnRead=kFALSE)
 Constructor, getting hold of the created objects.
 TObjectManager (const TObjectManager &parent)
 Copy constructor.
 ~TObjectManager ()
TObjectManageroperator= (const TObjectManager &parent)
 Assignment operator.
::TBranch * branch () const
 Accessor to the branch.
::TBranch ** branchPtr ()
 Pointer to the branch's pointer.
const THolderholder () const
 Accessor to the Holder object.
THolderholder ()
 Accessor to the Holder object.
virtual ::Int_t getEntry (::Long64_t entry,::Int_t getall=0)
 Function for updating the object in memory if needed.
virtual void * object () const
 Function getting a pointer to the object being handled.
virtual void setObject (void *obj)
 Function replacing the object being handled.
virtual ::Bool_t isSet (::Bool_t forceSet=kTRUE) const
 Check if the object was set for the current event.
virtual void reset ()
 Reset the object at the end of processing of an event.

Detailed Description

Manager for EDM objects created by ROOT.

This class is used when an EDM object is meant to be created by ROOT's schema evolution system, behind the scenes.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2016-02-22 17:14:25 +0100 (Mon, 22 Feb 2016)

Member Function Documentation

TBranch ** xAOD::TObjectManager::branchPtr (  ) 

Pointer to the branch's pointer.

This sort of access to the internal TBranch object is needed when connecting to the input tree. One has to make sure that the correct pointer is being pointed to by the input tree.

A pointer to the internal branch pointer
Int_t xAOD::TObjectManager::getEntry ( ::Long64_t  entry,
::Int_t  getall = 0 
) [virtual]

Function for updating the object in memory if needed.

This function is used to load the contents of a branch only when it needs to be done. It keeps track of which entry was already loaded for a branch/object, and only asks the branch to load an entry when it really has to be done.

entry The entry to load for the held object
0 if no new entry was read, the number of read bytes otherwise

Implements xAOD::TVirtualManager.

THolder * xAOD::TObjectManager::holder (  ) 

Accessor to the Holder object.

A pointer to the internal data holding object
const THolder * xAOD::TObjectManager::holder (  )  const

Accessor to the Holder object.

A pointer to the internal data holding object
void * xAOD::TObjectManager::object (  )  const [virtual]

Function getting a pointer to the object being handled.

This function gives an easy access to the object managed by this object.

A typeless pointer to the object being managed

Implements xAOD::TVirtualManager.

void xAOD::TObjectManager::reset (  )  [virtual]

Reset the object at the end of processing of an event.

This function needs to be called after an event was filled into the output TTree. It tells the manager object that it needs to wait for another object to be set up for the upcoming event.

Implements xAOD::TVirtualManager.

void xAOD::TObjectManager::setObject ( void *  obj  )  [virtual]

Function replacing the object being handled.

This is just a convenient way of calling THolder::Set from TEvent.

obj The object to replace the previously managed one

Implements xAOD::TVirtualManager.

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