Root::TElectronIsEMSelector Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Root::TElectronIsEMSelector:
Root::TSelectorToolBase asg::AsgMessaging

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TElectronIsEMSelector (const char *name="TElectronIsEMSelector")
 cluster eta range
 ~TElectronIsEMSelector ()
int initialize ()
int finalize ()
const Root::TAcceptaccept (float eta2, double et, float Reta, float Rphi, float Rhad1, float Rhad, float e277, float weta1c, float weta2c, float f1, float emax2, float Eratio, float DeltaE, float wtot, float fracm, float f3, bool passBLayerRequirement, int nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nTRThigh, int nTRThighOutliers, int nTRT, int nTRTOutliers, int nTRTXenonHits, float TRT_PID, float trackd0, float deltaeta, float deltaphi, double ep) const
unsigned int calcIsEm (float eta2, double et, float Reta, float Rphi, float Rhad1, float Rhad, float e277, float weta1c, float weta2c, float f1, float emax2, float Eratio, float DeltaE, float wtot, float fracm, float f3, bool passBLayerRequirement, int nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nTRThigh, int nTRThighOutliers, int nTRT, int nTRTOutliers, int nTRTXenonHits, float TRT_PID, float trackd0, float deltaeta, float deltaphi, double ep) const
unsigned int calocuts_electrons (float eta2, double et, float Reta, float Rphi, float Rhad1, float Rhad, float e277, float weta1c, float weta2c, float f1, float emax2, float Eratio, float DeltaE, float wtot, float fracm, float f3, unsigned int iflag, double trigEtTh=0) const
unsigned int TrackCut (float eta2, double et, bool passBLayerRequirement, int nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors, int nTRThigh, int nTRThighOutliers, int nTRT, int nTRTOutliers, int nTRTXenonHits, float TRT_PID, float trackd0, float deltaeta, float deltaphi, double ep, unsigned int iflag) const
unsigned int isEM () const

Public Attributes

unsigned int isEMMask
 which subset of cuts to apply
bool useTRTOutliers
 use of TRT outliers
bool useTRTXenonHits
 use of TRT Xenon Hits
std::vector< float > CutBinEta
 range of eta bins for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutBinET
 range of ET bins for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutF1
 cut on fraction of energy deposited in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutHadLeakage
 cut on hadronic energy for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutReta37
 cut on ratio e237/e277 for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutRphi33
 cut on ratio e233/e277 for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutWeta2c
 cut on shower width in 2nd sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutDeltaEmax2
 cut on Delta Emax2 in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutDeltaE
 cut on Emax2 - Emin in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutDEmaxs1
 cut on (Emax1-Emax2)/(Emax1-Emax2) for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutWtot
 cut on total width in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutWeta1c
 cut on width in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutFracm
 cut on Fside in 1st sampling for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutF3
 cut values for cut on f3
std::vector< int > CutBL
 cut min on b-layer hits for e-ID
std::vector< int > CutPi
 cut min on pixel hits for e-ID
std::vector< int > CutSi
 cut min on precision hits for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutA0
 cut min on transverse impact parameter for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutA0Tight
 cut min on transverse impact parameter for Tight e-ID
std::vector< float > CutDeltaEta
 cut max on delta eta for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutDeltaEtaTight
 cut max on delta eta for Tight e-ID
std::vector< float > CutminDeltaPhi
 cut min on delta phi for e-ID (this should be negative)
std::vector< float > CutmaxDeltaPhi
 cut max on delta phi for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutminEp
 cut min on E/p for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutmaxEp
 cut max on E/p for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutBinEta_TRT
 Eta binning for cuts on TRT for e-ID.
std::vector< float > CutBinET_TRT
 Et binning for cuts on TRT for e-ID.
std::vector< float > CutNumTRT
 cut on Number of TRT hits for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutTRTRatio
 cut on Ratio of TR hits to Number of TRT hits for e-ID
std::vector< float > CutTRTRatio90
 cut on Ratio of TR hits to Number of TRT hits for 10% loss due to TRT
std::vector< float > CutEProbabilityHT
 cut on on eProbabilityHT new TRT PID tool


class ::AsgElectronIsEMSelector

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TElectronIsEMSelector::TElectronIsEMSelector ( const char *  name = "TElectronIsEMSelector"  ) 

cluster eta range

Standard constructor

matching to photon (not necessarily conversion--the name is historical) cluster leakage o the hadronic calorimeter Et <0 energy ratio in 2nd sampling (e.g E237/E277) energy ratio in 2nd sampling (e.g E233/E237) width in the second sampling (e.g Weta2) energy fraction in the third layer fraction of energy found in 1st sampling (NB: not used in fact for electrons) energy of 2nd maximum in 1st sampling ~e2tsts1/(1000+const_lumi*et) difference between 2nd maximum and 1st minimum in strips (e2tsts1-emins1) shower width in 1st sampling shower shape in shower core 1st sampling shower width weighted by distance from the maximum one difference between max and 2nd max in strips B layer hit number of Pixel hits number of Pixel and SCT hits distance of closet approach eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling phi difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 2nd sampling energy-momentum match Cut on the TRT eProbability_Electron number of TRT hits ratio of high to all TRT hits for isolated electrons ratio of high to all TRT hits for non-isolated electrons (not for new ++ menus) distance of closet approach for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus) eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus) isolation calorimetric isolation tracker isolation cluster eta range matching to photon (not necessarily conversion--the name is historical) cluster leakage into the hadronic calorimeter Et <0 Cut energy ratio in 2nd sampling (i.e. E237/E277) energy ratio in 2nd sampling (i.e. E233/E237) width in the second sampling (i.e. Weta2) energy fraction in the third layer (i.e. f3) fraction of energy found in 1st sampling (NB: not used in fact for electrons) energy of 2nd maximum in 1st sampling ~e2tsts1/(1000+const_lumi*et) difference between 2nd maximum and 1st minimum in strips (e2tsts1-emins1) shower width in 1st sampling shower shape in shower core 1st sampling shower width weighted by distance from the maximum one difference between max and 2nd max in strips B layer hit number of Pixel hits number of Pixel and SCT hits distance of closet approach eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling phi difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 2nd sampling energy-momentum match Cut on the TRT eProbability_Electron number of TRT hits ratio of high to all TRT hits for isolated electrons ratio of high to all TRT hits for non-isolated electrons (not for new ++ menus) distance of closet approach for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus) eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus) isolation calorimetric isolation tracker isolation

TElectronIsEMSelector::~TElectronIsEMSelector (  ) 

Standard destructor

Member Function Documentation

const Root::TAccept & TElectronIsEMSelector::accept ( float  eta2,
double  et,
float  Reta,
float  Rphi,
float  Rhad1,
float  Rhad,
float  e277,
float  weta1c,
float  weta2c,
float  f1,
float  emax2,
float  Eratio,
float  DeltaE,
float  wtot,
float  fracm,
float  f3,
bool  passBLayerRequirement,
int  nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors,
int  nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors,
int  nTRThigh,
int  nTRThighOutliers,
int  nTRT,
int  nTRTOutliers,
int  nTRTXenonHits,
float  TRT_PID,
float  trackd0,
float  deltaeta,
float  deltaphi,
double  ep 
) const

The main accept method: the actual cuts are applied here


Reta ///////////// - calo
passBLayerRequirement ///////////// - tracking
unsigned int TElectronIsEMSelector::calcIsEm ( float  eta2,
double  et,
float  Reta,
float  Rphi,
float  Rhad1,
float  Rhad,
float  e277,
float  weta1c,
float  weta2c,
float  f1,
float  emax2,
float  Eratio,
float  DeltaE,
float  wtot,
float  fracm,
float  f3,
bool  passBLayerRequirement,
int  nPixHitsPlusDeadSensors,
int  nSiHitsPlusDeadSensors,
int  nTRThigh,
int  nTRThighOutliers,
int  nTRT,
int  nTRTOutliers,
int  nTRTXenonHits,
float  TRT_PID,
float  trackd0,
float  deltaeta,
float  deltaphi,
double  ep 
) const
Reta ///////////// - calo
passBLayerRequirement ///////////// - tracking
int Root::TElectronIsEMSelector::finalize (  )  [inline, virtual]

Finalize this class; everything that should be done after the event loop should go here

Implements Root::TSelectorToolBase.

int TElectronIsEMSelector::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Initialize this class

cluster eta range, bit 0

matching to photon (not necessarily conversion--the name is historical), but 1

cluster leakage into the hadronic calorimeter, bit 2

et < 0 bit 3

energy ratio in 2nd sampling (i.e. E237/E277), bit 4

energy ratio in 2nd sampling (i.e. E233/E237), bit 5

width in the second sampling (i.e. Weta2), bit 6

energy fraction in the third layer, bit 7

fraction of energy found in 1st sampling (NB: not used in fact for electrons), bit 8

energy of 2nd maximum in 1st sampling ~e2tsts1/(1000+const_lumi*et), bit 9

difference between 2nd maximum and 1st minimum in strips (e2tsts1-emins1), bit 10

shower width in 1st sampling, bit 11

shower shape in shower core 1st sampling, bit 12

shower width weighted by distance from the maximum one, bit 13

difference between max and 2nd max in strips, bit 15

B layer hit, bit 16

number of Pixel hits, bit 17

number of Pixel and SCT hits, bit 18

distance of closet approach, bit 19

eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling, bit 20

phi difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 2nd sampling, bit 21

energy-momentum match, bit 22

cut on TRT eProbabilityHT, bit 23

number of TRT hits, bit 24

ratio of high to all TRT hits for isolated electrons, bit 25

ratio of high to all TRT hits for non-isolated electrons (not for new ++ menus), bit 26

distance of closet approach for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus), bit 27

eta difference between cluster and extrapolated track in the 1st sampling for tight selection (not to be used in new ++ menus), bit 28

isolation, bit 29

calorimetric isolation, bit 30

tracker isolation, bit 31

Implements Root::TSelectorToolBase.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1