EL::GridDriver Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for EL::GridDriver:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void testInvariant () const
virtual void doSubmit (const Job &job, const std::string &location) const
virtual bool doRetrieve (const std::string &location) const
void gather (const std::string location) const
SH::SampleGridcreateSampleFromDQ2 (const std::string &dataset) const
 ClassDef (EL::GridDriver, 1)

Static Public Member Functions

static void status (const std::string &location)
static void status ()
static void kill (const std::string &location)
static void killAll ()
static std::string listActive ()
static void reset ()
static bool startServer ()
static bool stopServer ()

Public Attributes

std::string outputSampleName
bool express
bool mergeOutput
std::string destSE
std::string site
std::string cloud
int memory
int maxCpuCount
int nFiles
int nFilesPerJob
int nJobs
int nMinorRetries
int nMajorRetries
float nGBPerJob
std::string workDir
std::string extFile
std::string excludedSite
std::string rootVer
std::string cmtConfig

Static Public Attributes

static std::string gangaLogFile

Member Function Documentation

bool EL::GridDriver::doRetrieve ( const std::string &  location  )  const [virtual]

effects: retrieve all the output for the job in the given location returns: whether the job completed successfully guarantee: basic, may partially retrieve failures: out of memory III failures: job failures failures: job can't be read failures: job was made with different driver rationale: while job failures will cause this method to fail you can typically retry it multiple times if you can use partial results. rationale: the virtual part of EL::Driver::retrieve

Reimplemented from EL::Driver.

void EL::GridDriver::doSubmit ( const Job job,
const std::string &  location 
) const [virtual]

effects: submit the given job with the given output location and wait for it to finish guarantee: basic, may partially submit failures: out of memory II failures: can't create directory at location failures: submission errors rationale: the virtual part of EL::Driver::submitOnly

Reimplemented from EL::Driver.

void EL::GridDriver::testInvariant (  )  const

effects: test the invariant of this object guarantee: no-fail

Reimplemented from EL::Driver.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1