ana::OutputTool< ContainerType, AuxType > Class Template Reference

#include <OutputTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for ana::OutputTool< ContainerType, AuxType >:
ana::IOutputToolOld asg::AsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OutputTool (const std::string &name, const std::string &contBaseName="")
 Standard constructor.
virtual StatusCode initialize () override
 Initialize the tool.
virtual StatusCode write (xAOD::TEvent *outputStore, const std::string &suffix="") override

Protected Attributes

std::string m_contBaseName
 Name of the container to write out.

Detailed Description

template<class ContainerType, class AuxType = xAOD::ShallowAuxContainer>
class ana::OutputTool< ContainerType, AuxType >

Templated tool class for writing a container and its aux container to the persistent event store in ROOT. The first template parameter specifies the xAOD container type. The second template parameter specifies the auxilliary store type. The default aux type is ShallowAuxContainer.

For now, I'll just inherit from AsgTool. I could change this later.

Note: this won't compile in Athena due to the dependence on xAODRootAccess via TEvent.

THIS TOOL IS DEPRECATED. Please use the OutputToolXAOD and MasterOutputToolXAOD instead.

Member Function Documentation

template<class ContainerType , class AuxType >
StatusCode ana::OutputTool< ContainerType, AuxType >::write ( xAOD::TEvent outputStore,
const std::string &  suffix = "" 
) [inline, override, virtual]

Write the container and its aux container to the provided persistent store. The container name is "basename_suffix". Returns FAILURE if the templated types do not match those in the store.

Implements ana::IOutputToolOld.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1