HLT::Chain Class Reference

#include <Chain.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Chain (uint32_t serialData)
 constructor from serialized data
 Chain (const TrigConf::HLTChain *configChain)
const TrigConf::HLTChaingetConfigChain () const
 get underlying ConfigChain
bool chainPassedRaw () const
bool chainPassed () const
bool isPassedThrough () const
 is chain passed through ?
bool isPrescaled () const
 is chain prescaled ?
bool isResurrected () const
 is chain resurrected ?
float prescaleFactor () const
 get prescale factor
float passThroughFactor () const
 get pass-through factor
unsigned int getChainCounter () const
 return the unique identifier of this Chain (uint)
std::string getChainName () const
 return the Chain name (string)
std::string getLowerChainName () const
 return the Chain name (string)
int getEBAfterStep () const
 get EB_after_step
bool nextStepAfterEB () const
 return whether next step requires EB (-1 means no EB called)
bool isMerged () const
unsigned int getChainHashId () const
 < return whether is a merged L2+EF chain
HLT::ErrorCode getErrorCode () const
 return this Chain's most severe error code (from execution)
int getChainStep () const
 return the current step of execution
template<class stream >
void print (stream &os) const
 templated print stream method so that one can simply write std::cout << myChain << std::endl; or with the Gaudi Msg stram msgStram << myChain << ...
ErrorCode serialize (std::vector< uint32_t > &output) const
 serialize this Chain into the given vector of uint's
ErrorCode deserialize (uint32_t chainWord)
 deserialize this Chain from given vector of uint's
ErrorCode setDecisions (bool passedraw, bool passedthrough, bool prescaled, bool resurrected)
 set bool decisions directly
ChainStatus getStatus () const
 return Chain status
bool reset ()
 restes the bits to the basic state

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned int inquireChainCounter (uint32_t chainWord)
 unpack chain counter from the serialized word

Protected Member Functions

void setStatus (ChainStatus s)

Protected Attributes

const TrigConf::HLTChainm_configChain
 underlying Config Chain
unsigned int m_chain_counter
 chain counter from configuration (copied here for speed)
ErrorCode m_errorCode
 most severe error code of execution
bool m_passedRaw
bool m_passThrough
 Flagged as "passedThrough" for this event ?
bool m_prescaled
 Flagged as "prescaled" for this event ?
bool m_resurrected
 flag to mar that chain was originally prescalled but is reexecuted
int m_currentStep
 Current step of this chain.

Detailed Description

This class represents one chain of signatures, i.e. one signature for each step. The HLT::Chain class also holds information about its status, including prescales, pass-throughs etc.

Till Eifert <Till.Eifert@cern.ch>
Nicolas Berger <Nicolas.Berger@cern.ch>
Tomasz Bold <Tomasz.Bold@cern.ch> - U. of California - Irvine

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int HLT::Chain::getChainHashId (  )  const [inline]

< return whether is a merged L2+EF chain

return the Chain name's hash ID

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1