Trig::FeatureAccessImpl Namespace Reference


struct  isDataVector
struct  insert_and_flatten< T, STORED, false, LINK >
struct  insert_and_flatten< T, CONT, true, LINK >
struct  print_features< LINK, true >
struct  print_features< LINK, false >
struct  true_type
struct  false_type
struct  get_type< true >
struct  get_type< false >
struct  get_links
struct  getFlagsHelper< T, STORED, true >
struct  getFlagsHelper< T, STORED, false >


HLT::TriggerElement::FeatureAccessHelper getTypelessBits (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, const HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
void typelessCollect (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, HLT::class_id_type clid, std::vector< Trig::TypelessFeature > &data, const std::string &label, unsigned int condition, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
const TrigPassBitsgetBits (size_t sz, const HLT::TriggerElement *te, const std::string &, HLT::NavigationCore *navigation)
const TrigPassFlagsgetFlags (size_t size, const HLT::TriggerElement *te, const std::string &label, HLT::NavigationCore *navigation)
template<class T >
void l1collect (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< T > > &data, unsigned int condition, const std::vector< T > &(LVL1_ROI::*method)() const, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navstructure)
void collect< Muon_ROI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< Muon_ROI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
void collect< EmTau_ROI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< EmTau_ROI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
void collect< Jet_ROI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< Jet_ROI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
template<typename ROI , typename ROICONTAINER >
void xAODcollect (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< ROI > > &data, unsigned int condition, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navstructure, const std::string &sgkey)
void collect< xAOD::EmTauRoI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< xAOD::EmTauRoI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
void collect< xAOD::MuonRoI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< xAOD::MuonRoI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
void collect< xAOD::JetRoI > (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< xAOD::JetRoI > > &data, const std::string &, unsigned int condition, const std::string &, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation)
TrigPassFlags getFlags (const Trig::Feature< EmTau_ROI > &, const TrigPassFlags *, HLT::NavigationCore *)
TrigPassFlags getFlags (const Trig::Feature< Muon_ROI > &, const TrigPassFlags *, HLT::NavigationCore *)
TrigPassFlags getFlags (const Trig::Feature< Jet_ROI > &, const TrigPassFlags *, HLT::NavigationCore *)
template<class T >
const boost::disable_if_c
< isDataVector< T >::value, T >
::type * 
use_or_construct (const T *source, const HLT::TriggerElement *, const std::string &, unsigned int, HLT::NavigationCore *)
template<class T >
void collect (const HLT::TriggerElement *te, std::vector< Trig::Feature< T > > &data, const std::string &label, unsigned int condition, const std::string &teName, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navstructure)
 actual feature acceess implementation It has (thanks to the ClassTraits) functionality to flatten containers of containers.
template<class CONT >
TrigPassFlags build_flags (const typename boost::enable_if_c< isDataVector< CONT >::value, CONT >::type *orig_cont, const CONT *cont, const TrigPassFlags *orig_tpf)
template<class T >
TrigPassFlags build_flags (const typename boost::disable_if_c< isDataVector< T >::value, T >::type *orig, const T *feature, const TrigPassFlags *orig_tpf)
template<class T , class STORED >
TrigPassFlags build_flags2 (const STORED *orig_cont, const T *obj, const TrigPassFlags *orig_tpf)
template<class T >
TrigPassFlags getFlags (const Trig::Feature< T > &f, const TrigPassFlags *orig_tpf, HLT::NavigationCore *navigation)
template<typename REQUESTED , typename STORED , typename CONTAINER >
std::vector< Trig::Feature
typedGet (const std::vector< TypelessFeature > &features, HLT::TrigNavStructure *navigation, EventPtr_t store, const std::string &container_name=ClassID_traits< CONTAINER >::typeName())
template<typename STORED , typename REQUESTED >
void insert_element (std::vector< Trig::Feature< REQUESTED > > &, Trig::TypelessFeature &, const STORED *)
template<typename REQUESTED >
void insert_element (std::vector< Trig::Feature< REQUESTED > > &result, Trig::TypelessFeature &feature, const REQUESTED *element)
template<typename STORED >
void insert_flatten_if (std::vector< Trig::Feature< STORED > > &result, const Trig::TypelessFeature &feature, const std::shared_ptr< const STORED > &newfeature)
template<typename REQUESTED , typename STORED >
void insert_flatten_if (std::vector< Trig::Feature< REQUESTED > > &result, const Trig::TypelessFeature &feature, const std::shared_ptr< const STORED > &newfeature)
template<typename STORED >
std::shared_ptr< const STORED > filter_if (boost::mpl::bool_< true > is_same, std::shared_ptr< const STORED > &original, const TrigPassBits *bits)
template<typename STORED >
std::shared_ptr< const STORED > filter_if (boost::mpl::bool_< false >, std::shared_ptr< const STORED > &original, const TrigPassBits *)

Detailed Description

This is the implementation of the Feature collection for Athena

This is the implementation of the Feature collection for ASG

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1