ORUtils::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool Class Reference

A tool implementing a specialized tau-jet overlap removal. More...

#include <TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for ORUtils::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool:
ORUtils::IOverlapTool ORUtils::BaseOverlapTool asg::IAsgTool asg::AsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool (const std::string &name)
 Create proper constructor for Athena.
virtual StatusCode findOverlaps (const xAOD::IParticleContainer &cont1, const xAOD::IParticleContainer &cont2) const override
 Identify overlapping taus and jets.
virtual StatusCode findOverlaps (const xAOD::JetContainer &jets, const xAOD::TauJetContainer &taus) const
 Identify overlapping taus and jets. The above method calls this one.

Protected Member Functions

Helper methods

virtual StatusCode initializeDerived () override
 Initialize the tool.
bool isBJet (const xAOD::Jet &jet) const
bool isSurvivingAntiTau (const xAOD::TauJet &tau) const

Detailed Description

A tool implementing a specialized tau-jet overlap removal.

This tool was implemented by request for the h->bbtautau analysis which uses a loose-ish btag working point and also considers anti-tau ID.

Object precedence: ID-tau > bjet > anti-tau > light-jet

The procedure works as follows. 1. Remove bjets overlapping with ID taus. 2. Remove anti-taus from remaining bjets. 3. Remove light jets from remaining ID-taus and anti-taus.

To fully utilize the above procedure you have to set the following properties:

AntiTauLabel: The user-set decoration name labeling anti-taus. E.g., "isAntiTau". Default is empty, which disables anti-taus.

BJetLabel: The usual user-set decoration name labeling bjets. E.g., "isBJet". Default is empty, which disables bjet OR.

Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ORUtils::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Create proper constructor for Athena.

Standalone constructor

Member Function Documentation

bool ORUtils::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool::isBJet ( const xAOD::Jet jet  )  const [protected]

Is this jet a b-jet? Returns false if bjet ID not configured. Does not check if the jet is "surviving" OR.

bool ORUtils::TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool::isSurvivingAntiTau ( const xAOD::TauJet tau  )  const [protected]

Is this an anti-tau? Returns false if anti-tau ID not configured. This one does check if the tau is "surviving" OR.

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