JetVertexFractionTool Class Reference

#include <JetVertexFractionTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for JetVertexFractionTool:
JetModifierBase asg::AsgTool IJetModifier ISingleJetModifier asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JetVertexFractionTool (const std::string &name)
StatusCode initialize ()
virtual int modifyJet (xAOD::Jet &jet) const
const std::vector< float > getJetVertexFraction (const xAOD::VertexContainer *, const std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > &, const jet::TrackVertexAssociation *) const
float getJetVertexFraction (const xAOD::Vertex *, const std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > &, const jet::TrackVertexAssociation *) const
< xAOD::VertexContainer
getMaxJetVertexFraction (const xAOD::VertexContainer *, const std::vector< float > &) const

Detailed Description

Steven Schramm
February 2014

Tool to calculate the jet vertex fraction (JVF) JVF is a vector<float> with respect to all vertices

Calculation requires three main types of information 1. Vertex container for the event (from evtStore), which the JVF vector is aligned with 2. Tracks associated to the input jet (in the jet aux store) 3. Track vertex association object (from evtStore)

Using this information, the procedure can be broken into three main steps: 1. Retrieve necessary information 2. Helper method to create the full vector given the information 3. Helper method to create the JVF value for one vertex given the information

Properties: VertexContainer - name of the vertex container AssociatedTracks - name for attribute holding the list of associated tracks TrackVertexAssociation - name for the container holding the track-vertex associations TrackSelector - tool to select tracks (none ==> no selection) JVFName - name for the JVF array attribute (default is "JVF")

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode JetVertexFractionTool::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Dummy implementation of the initialisation function

It's here to allow the dual-use tools to skip defining an initialisation function. Since many are doing so...

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

int JetVertexFractionTool::modifyJet ( xAOD::Jet jet  )  const [virtual]

Method to modify a jet. Returns 0 for success.

Implements ISingleJetModifier.

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