xAOD::TAuxVector Class Reference

#include <TAuxVector.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::TAuxVector:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TAuxVector (const SG::IAuxTypeVectorFactory *factory,::TClass *cl, size_t size, size_t capacity)
 TAuxVector (const TAuxVector &parent)
 Copy constructor.
 ~TAuxVector ()
TAuxVectoroperator= (const TAuxVector &other)
 Assignment operator.
Function implementing the SG::IAuxTypeVector interface

virtual SG::IAuxTypeVectorclone () const
 Copy the managed vector.
virtual void * toPtr ()
 Return a pointer to the start of the vector's data.
virtual void * toVector ()
 Return a pointer to the STL vector itself.
virtual size_t size () const
 Return the size of the vector.
virtual void resize (size_t sz)
 Change the size of the vector.
virtual void reserve (size_t sz)
 Change the capacity of the vector.
virtual void shift (size_t pos, ptrdiff_t offs)
 Shift the elements of the vector.

Detailed Description

Auxiliary vector type for types known to ROOT

This class is used for types known to ROOT, which have not received a concrete auxiliary vector type yet. (By having been accessed explicitly.)

The code is pretty much a copy of what Scott wrote for RootStorageSvc for the offline code.

Scott Snyder <Scott.Snyder@cern.ch>
Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2014-08-13 14:37:37 +0200 (Wed, 13 Aug 2014)

Member Function Documentation

void xAOD::TAuxVector::shift ( size_t  pos,
ptrdiff_t  offs 
) [virtual]

Shift the elements of the vector.

pos The starting index for the shift.
offs The (signed) amount of the shift.

This operation shifts the elements in the vectors for all aux data items, to implement an insertion or deletion. offs may be either positive or negative.

If offs is positive, then the container is growing. The container size should be increased by offs, the element at pos moved to pos + offs, and similarly for following elements. The elements between pos and pos + offs should be default-initialized.

If offs is negative, then the container is shrinking. The element at pos should be moved to pos + offs, and similarly for following elements. The container should then be shrunk by -offs elements (running destructors as appropriate).

Implements SG::IAuxTypeVector.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1