xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1 Class Reference

#include <TrigPhoton_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1:
xAOD::IParticle SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TrigPhoton_v1 ()
 Default constructor.
void init (uint32_t roi, float dphi, float deta, const EMClusterLink_t &clLink)
 Initialisation function, setting most properties of the object.
Functions implementing the xAOD::IParticle interface

virtual double pt () const
 The transverse momentum ($p_T$) of the particle.
virtual double eta () const
 The pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the particle.
virtual double phi () const
 The azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the particle.
virtual double m () const
 The invariant mass of the particle.
virtual double e () const
 The total energy of the particle.
virtual double rapidity () const
 The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
virtual const FourMom_tp4 () const
 The full 4-momentum of the particle.
virtual Type::ObjectType type () const
 The type of the object as a simple enumeration.
Simple photon properties

uint32_t roiWord () const
 Get the RoI word that seeded the reconstruction of this object.
void setRoiWord (uint32_t roi)
 Set the RoI word that seeded the reconstruction of this object.
float rcore () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setRcore (float Reta)
 Documentation to be added.
float eratio () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setEratio (float Eratio)
 Documentation to be added.
float etHad () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setEtHad (float HadEt)
 Documentation to be added.
float etHad1 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setEtHad1 (float HadEt)
 Documentation to be added.
float f0 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setF0 (float f0)
 Documentation to be added.
float f1 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setF1 (float f1)
 Documentation to be added.
float f2 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setF2 (float f2)
 Documentation to be added.
float f3 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setF3 (float f3)
 Documentation to be added.
float fside () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setFside (float fside)
 Documentation to be added.
float weta2 () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setWeta2 (float Weta2)
 Documentation to be added.
Four-momentum properties

void setPt (double pt)
 Set the transverse momentum ($p_T$) of the photon.
float caloEta () const
 Pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the photon in the calorimeter.
void setCaloEta (float caloEta)
 Set the pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the photon in the calorimeter.
float caloPhi () const
 Azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the photon in the calorimeter.
void setCaloPhi (float caloPhi)
 Set the azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the photon in the calorimeter.
float dEta () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setDEta (float dEta)
 Documentation to be added.
float dPhi () const
 Documentation to be added.
void setDPhi (float dPhi)
 Documentation to be added.

Link(s) to constituent objects

typedef ElementLink
< TrigEMClusterContainer
 Type of the EM cluster link.
const TrigEMClusteremCluster () const
 The associated EM cluster, as a simple pointer.
const EMClusterLink_temClusterLink () const
 The associated EM cluster, as an ElementLink.
void setEmClusterLink (const EMClusterLink_t &value)
 Set the ElementLink pointing to the EM cluster constituent.

Detailed Description

Class describing a photon reconstructed in the HLT

The HLT reconstructs photons in a simplified manner before using parts of the offline software to reconstruct photons in a manner that's very similar to what the offline reconstruction is doing.

Fabrizio Salvatore <Fabrizio.Salvatore@cern.ch>
Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2014-11-26 09:34:25 +0100 (Wed, 26 Nov 2014)

Member Function Documentation

double xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1::e (  )  const [virtual]

The total energy of the particle.

This function gets the energy of the electron using the internal TLorentzVector. Which calculates the energy based on the eta, phi, pt, and m properties.

The energy of the electron

Implements xAOD::IParticle.

setRcore setEtHad setFside setPt setCaloPhi const TrigEMCluster * xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1::emCluster (  )  const

The associated EM cluster, as a simple pointer.

This function can be used to conveniently access the EM cluster associated with the electron. It will return a null pointer if the associated object can't be retrieved, but it will never fail in any other way.

A pointer to the associated EM cluster, or a null pointer if the object can't be found
const TrigPhoton_v1::FourMom_t & xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1::p4 (  )  const [virtual]

The full 4-momentum of the particle.

This is one of the trickier functions. It provides the 4-momentum of the object as a TLorentzVector. It does this by caching such an object internally, and returning a reference to this cached object.

The full 4-momentum of the electron

Implements xAOD::IParticle.

double xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1::rapidity (  )  const [virtual]

The true rapidity (y) of the particle.

This function gets the rapidity of the electron using the internal TLorentzVector. Which calculates the rapidity based on the eta, phi, pt, and m properties.

The rapidity (y) of the electron

Implements xAOD::IParticle.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1