xAOD::EventInfo_v1 Class Reference

#include <EventInfo_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::EventInfo_v1:
SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.


class  StreamTag
class  SubEvent

Public Member Functions

 EventInfo_v1 ()
 Default constructor.
void toPersistent ()
 Prepare the object for writing.
void toTransient ()
 Cleanse the object after being read in.
Basic event information

uint32_t runNumber () const
 The current event's run number.
void setRunNumber (uint32_t value)
 Set the current event's run number.
unsigned long long eventNumber () const
 The current event's event number.
void setEventNumber (unsigned long long value)
 Set the current event's event number.
uint32_t lumiBlock () const
 The current event's luminosity block number.
void setLumiBlock (uint32_t value)
 Set the current event's luminosity block number.
uint32_t timeStamp () const
 POSIX time in seconds from 1970. January 1st.
void setTimeStamp (uint32_t value)
 Set the POSIX time of the event.
uint32_t timeStampNSOffset () const
 Nanosecond time offset wrt. the time stamp.
void setTimeStampNSOffset (uint32_t value)
 Set the nanosecond offset wrt. the time stamp.
uint32_t bcid () const
 The bunch crossing ID of the event.
void setBCID (uint32_t value)
 Set the bunch crossing ID of the event.
uint32_t detectorMask0 () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMask0 (uint32_t value)
 Set the bit field indicating with TTC timezones were present.
uint32_t detectorMask1 () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMask1 (uint32_t value)
 Set the bit field indicating with TTC timezones were present.
uint32_t detectorMask2 () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMask2 (uint32_t value)
 Set the bit field indicating with TTC timezones were present.
uint32_t detectorMask3 () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMask3 (uint32_t value)
 Set the bit field indicating with TTC timezones were present.
uint64_t detectorMask () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMask (uint32_t mask0, uint32_t mask1)
 Set the bit fields indicating with TTC timezones were present.
void setDetectorMask (uint64_t mask)
 Set the bit fields indicating with TTC timezones were present.
uint64_t detectorMaskExt () const
 Bit field indicating which TTC zones are present in the event.
void setDetectorMaskExt (uint32_t mask2, uint32_t mask3)
 Set the bit fields indicating with TTC timezones were present.
void setDetectorMaskExt (uint64_t mask)
 Set the bit fields indicating with TTC timezones were present.
Trigger related information

uint32_t statusElement () const
 Trigger status element.
void setStatusElement (uint32_t value)
 Set the trigger status element.
uint32_t extendedLevel1ID () const
 The extended Level-1 identifier.
void setExtendedLevel1ID (uint32_t value)
 Set the extended Level-1 identifier.
uint16_t level1TriggerType () const
 The Level-1 trigger type.
void setLevel1TriggerType (uint16_t value)
 Set the Level-1 trigger type.
const std::vector< StreamTag > & streamTags () const
 Get the streams that the event was put in.
void setStreamTags (const std::vector< StreamTag > &value)
 Set the streams that the event was put in.
Beam spot information

float beamPosX () const
 X coordinate of the beam spot position.
float beamPosY () const
 Y coordinate of the beam spot position.
float beamPosZ () const
 Z coordinate of the beam spot position.
void setBeamPos (float x, float y, float z)
 Set the beam spot position.
float beamPosSigmaX () const
 The uncertainty on the X position of the beam spot.
float beamPosSigmaY () const
 The uncertainty on the Y position of the beam spot.
float beamPosSigmaZ () const
 The uncertainty on the Z position of the beam spot.
void setBeamPosSigma (float x, float y, float z)
 Set the uncertainties on the beam spot position.
float beamPosSigmaXY () const
 The beam spot uncertainty's X-Y correlation.
void setBeamPosSigmaXY (float value)
 Set the beam spot uncertainty's X-Y correlation.
float beamTiltXZ () const
 The beam's tilt in radians in XZ.
void setBeamTiltXZ (float value)
 Set the beam's tilt in radians in XZ.
float beamTiltYZ () const
 The beam's tilt in radians in YZ.
void setBeamTiltYZ (float value)
 Set the beam's tilt in radians in YZ.
uint32_t beamStatus () const
 The beam spot's status word.
void setBeamStatus (uint32_t value)
 Set the beam spot's status word.

Event type information

enum  EventType { IS_SIMULATION = 1, IS_TESTBEAM = 2, IS_CALIBRATION = 4 }

Event type codes that can be set/checked in the bitmask.

typedef std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, std::string > > 
 Type of the detector description tags.
const DetDescrTags_tdetDescrTags () const
 The detector description tags.
void setDetDescrTags (const DetDescrTags_t &value)
 Set the detector description tags.
uint32_t mcChannelNumber () const
 The MC generator's channel number.
void setMCChannelNumber (uint32_t value)
 Set the MC generator's channel number.
unsigned long long mcEventNumber () const
 The MC generator's event number.
void setMCEventNumber (unsigned long long value)
 Set the MC generator's event number.
const std::vector< float > & mcEventWeights () const
 The weights of all the MC events used in the simulation.
void setMCEventWeights (const std::vector< float > &value)
 Set the weights of all the MC events used in the simulation.
float mcEventWeight (size_t i=0) const
 The weight of one specific MC event used in the simulation.
uint32_t eventTypeBitmask () const
 The event type bitmask.
void setEventTypeBitmask (uint32_t value)
 Set the event type bitmask.
bool eventType (EventType type) const
 Check for one particular bitmask value.

Pileup information

enum  PileUpType {
  Unknown = 99, Signal = 0, MinimumBias = 1, Cavern = 2,
  HaloGas = 3, ZeroBias = 4

Enumerator describing the types of pileup events.

float actualInteractionsPerCrossing () const
void setActualInteractionsPerCrossing (float value)
 Set average interactions per crossing for the current BCID.
float averageInteractionsPerCrossing () const
void setAverageInteractionsPerCrossing (float value)
 Set average interactions per crossing for all BCIDs.
const std::vector< SubEvent > & subEvents () const
 Get the pileup events that were used in the simulation.
void setSubEvents (const std::vector< SubEvent > &value)
 Set the pileup events that were used in the simulation.

Detector information

enum  EventFlagSubDet {
  Pixel = 0, SCT = 1, TRT = 2, LAr = 3,
  Tile = 4, Muon = 5, ForwardDet = 6, Core = 7,
  Background = 8, Lumi = 9, nDets = 10

Sub-detector types for which we store event-level flags.

enum  EventFlagErrorState { NotSet = 0, Warning = 1, Error = 2 }

States that a given sub-detector could be in.

enum  BackgroundEventFlag {
  MBTSTimeDiffHalo = 0, MBTSTimeDiffCol = 1, LArECTimeDiffHalo = 2, LArECTimeDiffCol = 3,
  PixMultiplicityHuge = 4, PixSPNonEmpty = 5, SCTMultiplicityHuge = 6, SCTSPNonEmpty = 7,
  CSCTimeDiffHalo = 8, CSCTimeDiffCol = 9, BCMTimeDiffHalo = 10, BCMTimeDiffCol = 11,
  MuonTimingCol = 12, MuonTimingCosmic = 13, MBTSBeamVeto = 14, BCMBeamVeto = 15,
  LUCIDBeamVeto = 16, HaloMuonSegment = 17, HaloClusterShape = 18, HaloMuonOneSided = 19,
  HaloMuonTwoSided = 20, HaloTileClusterPattern = 21, BeamGasPixel = 22, CosmicStandAlone = 23,
  CosmicStandAloneTight = 24, CosmicCombined = 25, CosmicCombinedTight = 26, BkgdResvBit1 = 27,
  BkgdResvBit2 = 28, BkgdResvBit3 = 29, BkgdResvBit4 = 30, BkgdResvBit5 = 31,
  NBackgroundWords = 32

Enum for bits in Background EventFlag word.

uint32_t eventFlags (EventFlagSubDet subDet) const
 Get the event flags for a particular sub-detector.
bool isEventFlagBitSet (EventFlagSubDet subDet, size_t bit) const
 Check one particular bit of one particular sub-detector.
bool setEventFlags (EventFlagSubDet subDet, uint32_t flags)
 Set the event flags for a particular sub-detector.
bool setEventFlagBit (EventFlagSubDet subDet, size_t bit, bool set=true)
 Set one particular bit of one particular sub-detector.
EventFlagErrorState errorState (EventFlagSubDet subDet) const
 Get the error state for a particular sub-detector.
bool setErrorState (EventFlagSubDet subDet, EventFlagErrorState state)
 Set the error state for a particular sub-detector.

Detailed Description

Class describing the basic event information

This is a replacement for the offline EventInfo class, to be used in xAOD files. It stores the same information as its parent, but in much simpler format. Practically in the same format in which we store(d) event information in D3PDs.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2015-07-13 13:53:50 +0200 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015)

Member Enumeration Documentation

States that a given sub-detector could be in.


The flag was not set to anything.


The sub-detector issued a warning.


The sub-detector issued an error.

Sub-detector types for which we store event-level flags.


The pixel tracker.


The SCT.


The TRT.


The LAr calorimeter.


The Tile calorimeter.


The muon spectrometer.


The forward detectors.


Core flags describing the event.


The beam background detectors.


The luminosity detectors.


Number of sub-detector type in this enumeration.

Event type codes that can be set/checked in the bitmask.


true: simulation, false: data


true: testbeam, false: full detector


true: calibration, false: physics

Enumerator describing the types of pileup events.


Type not known/specified.


The signal event.


Minimum bias pileup event.


Cavern background pileup event.


Halo-gas non-collision background.


Zero bias pileup event.

Member Function Documentation

float xAOD::EventInfo_v1::actualInteractionsPerCrossing (  )  const

Average interactions per crossing for the current BCID - for in-time pile-up

float xAOD::EventInfo_v1::averageInteractionsPerCrossing (  )  const

Average interactions per crossing for all BCIDs - for out-of-time pile-up

void xAOD::EventInfo_v1::toTransient (  ) 

Cleanse the object after being read in.

As it is now fairly complicated to prepare an EventInfo object for usage after it's been read in from a branch, it seemed to make sense to put the code that's used to do this, into a separate function. It tries to do the right thing in all situations...

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1