APReweight2D Class Reference

#include <APReweight2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for APReweight2D:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 APReweight2D ()
 APReweight2D (TH2 *denominator_in, TH2 *numerator_in, bool isTrig=false)
virtual ~APReweight2D ()
void ReadEfficiency (TH2 *efficiency_in, TH2 *err_low_in, TH2 *err_high_in=0)
APWeightEntryGetBinWeight (unsigned int bin_x, unsigned int bin_y) const
APWeightEntryGetWeight (double value_x, double value_y) const
double GetSampleScale () const
unsigned int NBins () const
unsigned int GetBinX (double value_x) const
unsigned int GetBinY (double value_y) const
TH2D * GetDenominatorHist () const
TH2D * GetNumeratorHist () const
void SetSystUncert (double rel_uncert)
void SetQuietMode (bool isQuiet=true)

Detailed Description

Class to store 2D parameterized weight maps

Stores a 2D parameterization of APWeightEntries from numerator and denominator histograms or from an efficiency histogram and uncertainties.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

APReweight2D::APReweight2D (  ) 

Default constructor.

APReweight2D::APReweight2D ( TH2 *  denominator_in,
TH2 *  numerator_in,
bool  isTrig = false 

Constructor for histograms (numerator/denominator) to read in.

APReweight2D::~APReweight2D (  )  [virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

APWeightEntry * APReweight2D::GetBinWeight ( unsigned int  bin_x,
unsigned int  bin_y 
) const

Get Weight entry for a given pair of bin numbers.

unsigned int APReweight2D::GetBinX ( double  value_x  )  const

Get bin number in X that corresponds to a given value.

unsigned int APReweight2D::GetBinY ( double  value_y  )  const

Get bin number in Y that corresponds to a given value.

TH2D * APReweight2D::GetDenominatorHist (  )  const

Get original denominator histogram.

TH2D * APReweight2D::GetNumeratorHist (  )  const

Get original numerator histogram.

double APReweight2D::GetSampleScale (  )  const

Get scale factor that was calculated from sample sizes upon instantiation.

APWeightEntry * APReweight2D::GetWeight ( double  value_x,
double  value_y 
) const

Get Weight entry for a given pair of values.

unsigned int APReweight2D::NBins (  )  const

Get amount of bins.

void APReweight2D::ReadEfficiency ( TH2 *  efficiency_in,
TH2 *  err_low_in,
TH2 *  err_high_in = 0 

Read efficiencies and upper/lower uncertainty (if numerator/denominator not applicable (e.g. Bootstrap)).

void APReweight2D::SetQuietMode ( bool  isQuiet = true  ) 

Sets the flag to turn off messages.

void APReweight2D::SetSystUncert ( double  rel_uncert  ) 

Set the global relative (!) systematic uncertainty of all efficiencies/weights.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1