CP::IPhotonVertexSelectionTool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for CP::IPhotonVertexSelectionTool:
asg::IAsgTool CP::PhotonVertexSelectionTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode getVertex (const xAOD::EgammaContainer &egammas, const xAOD::Vertex *&vertex, bool ignoreConv=false)=0
 Declare the interface that the class provides.
virtual std::vector< std::pair
< const xAOD::Vertex *, float > > & 
getVertex (const xAOD::EgammaContainer &egammas, bool ignoreConv=false)=0
virtual int getCase () const =0
virtual const xAOD::VertexgetPrimaryVertexFromConv (const xAOD::PhotonContainer *photons) const =0
 Get possible vertex directly associated with photon conversions.
virtual const
photonPointingTool () const =0
 Get access to the photon pointing tool.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int CP::IPhotonVertexSelectionTool::getCase (  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the last case treated: 0=conv track associated to vertex, 1=at least one conv track with Si hits, 2=no tracks with Si hits or conversions ignored

Implemented in CP::PhotonVertexSelectionTool.

virtual std::vector<std::pair<const xAOD::Vertex*, float> >& CP::IPhotonVertexSelectionTool::getVertex ( const xAOD::EgammaContainer egammas,
bool  ignoreConv = false 
) [pure virtual]

Given a list of photons, return the MLPs of all vertices in the event sorted in descending order

Implemented in CP::PhotonVertexSelectionTool.

virtual StatusCode CP::IPhotonVertexSelectionTool::getVertex ( const xAOD::EgammaContainer egammas,
const xAOD::Vertex *&  vertex,
bool  ignoreConv = false 
) [pure virtual]

Declare the interface that the class provides.

Given a list of photons, return the most likely vertex based on MVA likelihood

Implemented in CP::PhotonVertexSelectionTool.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1