CP Namespace Reference

Namespace for generic Combined Performance code. More...


class  IEfficiencyScaleFactorTool
class  IPileupReweightingTool
class  IJetCalibrationTool
class  IMetadataToolExample
class  IMuonEfficiencyToolExample
class  IMuonSelectionToolExample
class  IMuonSmearingToolExample
class  JetCalibrationToolExample
class  MetadataToolExample
class  MuonEfficiencyToolExample
class  MuonSelectionToolExample
class  MuonSmearingToolExample
class  ToolTester
class  ElectronChargeEfficiencyCorrectionTool
class  EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool
class  IEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool
class  CalibratedEgammaProvider
class  IIsolationCorrectionTool
class  IsolationCorrection
class  IsolationCorrectionTool
class  ShowerDepthTool
class  IIsolationCloseByCorrectionTool
class  IIsolationSelectionTool
class  IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool
class  IsolationCondition
class  IsolationConditionFormula
class  IsolationConditionHist
class  IsolationSelectionTool
class  IsolationWP
class  TestIsolationAthenaAlg
class  TestIsolationCloseByCorrAthenaAlg
class  IJetTileCorrectionTool
class  IJetJvtEfficiency
class  JetJvtEfficiency
class  JetTileCorrectionTool
class  JetTileCorrectionAlg
class  EfficiencyScaleFactor
class  EffiCollection
class  HistHandler
class  HistHandler_TH1F
class  HistHandler_TH2F
class  HistHandler_TH3F
class  HistHandler_TH2Poly
class  AxisHandler
class  AxisHandlerProvider
class  PtAxisHandler
class  ChargeAxisHandler
class  SignedDetRegionAxisHandler
class  DetRegionAxisHandler
class  FineEtaPhiAxisHandler
class  EtaAxisHandler
class  AbsEtaAxisHandler
class  PhiAxisHandler
class  dRJetAxisHandler
class  UndefinedAxisHandler
class  IMuonEfficiencyScaleFactors
class  IMuonTriggerScaleFactors
class  IKinematicSystHandler
class  PtDependentSystHandler
class  BadMuonVetoSystHandler
class  MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors
class  MuonTriggerScaleFactors
class  MuonEfficiencyCorrections_TestAlg
 small test algorithm to quickly test/demonstrate the usage of the MuonEfficiencyCorrections code within athena More...
class  MuonEfficiencyCorrectionsProvider
 decorates a muon collection with efficiency and scale factor More...
class  IMuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool
class  MuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool
class  CalibratedMuonsProvider
 decorates a muon collection with efficiency and scale factor More...
class  TestMCASTTool
class  IMuonSelectionTool
class  MuonSelectionTool
class  MuonQualityUpdaterAlg
class  MuonSelectionAlg
class  CorrectionCode
class  CorrectionTool
class  ISystematicsTool
class  MakeSystematicsVector
 This class handles turning the list of systematics into the actual list of nuisance parameter points to evaluate. More...
class  SystematicCode
class  SystematicRegistry
class  SystematicSet
 Class to wrap a set of SystematicVariations. More...
struct  SystematicSetHash
 SystematicSet hash function for general use. More...
class  SystematicsTool
class  SystematicVariation
class  IRetrievePFOTool
class  IWeightPFOTool
struct  inputScaleMapper
class  RetrievePFOTool
class  WeightPFOTool
class  ElectronRemovalTool
class  IElectronRemovalTool
class  IPhotonPointingTool
class  IPhotonVertexSelectionTool
class  PhotonPointingTool
class  PhotonVertexSelectionTool
class  PhotonVertexSelectionAlg
class  PileupReweightingTool
class  TPileupReweighting
class  PileupReweightingProvider
class  ITrackVertexAssociationTool
class  LooseTrackVertexAssociationTool
class  TightTrackVertexAssociationTool


enum  MuonEfficiencyType {
  Undefined = 0, Reco = 1, TTVA = 2, Iso = 3,
  BadMuonVeto = 4
enum  MuonEfficiencySystType {
  Nominal = 0, Sys1Down = 1, Sys1Up = 2, Stat1Down = 3,
  Stat1Up = 4, LowPtSys1Down = 5, LowPtSys1Up = 6, LowPtStat1Down = 7,
  LowPtStat1Up = 8
enum  PFO_JetMETConfig_inputScale { EM = 0, LC }
enum  PFO_JetMETConfig_charge { neutral = 0, charged = 1, all = 2 }


std::unique_ptr< egGain::GainToolgainToolFactory (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
std::unique_ptr< egammaMVAToolegammaMVAToolFactory (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
< egammaLayerRecalibTool
egammaLayerRecalibToolFactory (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
bool use_intermodule_correction (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
bool use_phi_uniform_correction (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
bool is_run2 (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model)
 declareProperty ("ESModel", m_ESModel="")
 declareProperty ("decorrelationModel", m_decorrelation_model_name="")
 declareProperty ("decorrelationModelScale", m_decorrelation_model_scale_name="")
 declareProperty ("decorrelationModelResolution", m_decorrelation_model_resolution_name="")
 declareProperty ("ResolutionType", m_ResolutionType="SigmaEff90")
 declareProperty ("varSF", m_varSF=1.0)
 declareProperty ("doScaleCorrection", m_doScaleCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("doSmearing", m_doSmearing=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("useLayerCorrection", m_useLayerCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("usePSCorrection", m_usePSCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("useS12Correction", m_useS12Correction=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("useLayer2Recalibration", m_useLayer2Recalibration=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("useIntermoduleCorrection", m_useIntermoduleCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("usePhiUniformCorrection", m_usePhiUniformCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("useGainCorrection", m_useGainCorrection=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("autoReseed", m_auto_reseed=true)
 declareProperty ("MVAfolder", m_MVAfolder="")
 declareProperty ("layerRecalibrationTune", m_layer_recalibration_tune="")
 declareProperty ("useEPCombination", m_use_ep_combination=false)
 declareProperty ("useMVACalibration", m_use_mva_calibration=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("use_full_statistical_error", m_use_full_statistical_error=false)
 declareProperty ("use_temp_correction201215", m_use_temp_correction201215=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("use_uA2MeV_2015_first2weeks_correction", m_use_uA2MeV_2015_first2weeks_correction=AUTO)
 declareProperty ("randomRunNumber", m_user_random_run_number=0)
 declareProperty ("useAFII", m_use_AFII=AUTO,"This will be set automatically for you if using athena, (int)0=full sim, (int)1=fast sim")
std::size_t hash_value (const SystematicSet &)
 Hash function specifically for boost::hash.
std::vector< CP::SystematicSetmake_systematics_vector (const SystematicSet &systematics)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &str, const CP::SystematicVariation &obj)


const double GeV = 1000.
 m_use_mapping_correction = false

Detailed Description

Namespace for generic Combined Performance code.

Forward declarations.

rationale: standard comparison operator for use by std::set

Utility class to collect the separate histos for Calo, Central and High Eta muon SF.

This is an example of a tool that configures itself using in-file metadata If your tool will behave differently depending on metadata (like AFII vs full sum) Then you should write your tool like this

Helper enumeration for systematics study

Simple class to retrieve PFO for jets and met in the two possible configurations we provide

Simple class to weight charged PFO for jets and met

Function Documentation

std::vector< SystematicSet > CP::make_systematics_vector ( const SystematicSet &  systematics  ) 

utility functions for working with systematics

Nils Krumnack <nils.erik.krumnack@cern.ch>
Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> effects: determine the list of naive +/-1 sigma variations based on the list of recommended/supported systematics returns: the individual NP points to be evaluated guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II rationale: eventually the statistics forum is going to provide a tool that places NP points much more elegantly, but for now this should allow users to use the list in a reasonably elegant fashion
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

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