CP::SystematicVariation Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

void testInvariant () const
 SystematicVariation ()
 SystematicVariation (const std::string &val_name)
 SystematicVariation (const std::string &val_basename, const std::string &val_subvariation)
 SystematicVariation (const std::string &val_basename, float val_parameter)
 SystematicVariation (const std::string &val_basename, CONTINUOUS_ARG)
 SystematicVariation (const std::set< CP::SystematicVariation > &systematics, std::string val_basename)
bool empty () const
const std::string & name () const
std::string basename () const
std::string subvariation () const
float parameter () const
std::pair< unsigned, float > getToyVariation () const
 unpack the toy variation
bool isToyEnsemble () const
 whether this represents a toy ensemble
bool isContinuousEnsemble () const
 whether this represents a continuous ensemble
bool isEnsemble () const
 whether this represents any form of ensemble
bool ensembleContains (const SystematicVariation &sys) const
 whether this is an ensemble that contains the given systematic variation
bool isToyVariation () const
 whether this represents a toy variation
bool isContinuousVariation () const
 whether this represents a continuous variation

Static Public Member Functions

static SystematicVariation makeToyVariation (const std::string &basename, unsigned toyIndex, float toyScale)
 constructor for toy systematics
static SystematicVariation makeToyEnsemble (const std::string &basename)
 constructor for toy systematics ensemble
static SystematicVariation makeContinuousEnsemble (const std::string &basename)
 constructor for continuous systematics ensemble
static SystematicVariation makeContinuous (const std::string &basename)

Member Enumeration Documentation

effects: constructor for indicating continuous systematics guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CP::SystematicVariation::SystematicVariation (  ) 

effects: standard default constructor guarantee: no-fail

CP::SystematicVariation::SystematicVariation ( const std::string &  val_name  ) 

effects: constructor from the given members guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

CP::SystematicVariation::SystematicVariation ( const std::string &  val_basename,
float  val_parameter 

rationale: in case the parameter is ~0 we initialize this to an empty systematic, since we are essentially not requesting anything

CP::SystematicVariation::SystematicVariation ( const std::set< CP::SystematicVariation > &  systematics,
std::string  val_basename 

effects: this constructor picks the systematic from the set of systematics based on the basename. if multiple systematics with the same basename are in the set, it picks one of them. if no systematic has this basename it is initialized to the empty systematic. guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II rationale: this is meant to be used inside CP tools, so they can more easily pick up systematics they care about (in certain situations).

Member Function Documentation

std::string CP::SystematicVariation::basename (  )  const

description: the base name, i.e. without the part that specifies by how many sigmas we varied guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

bool CP::SystematicVariation::empty (  )  const

returns: whether this is an empty systematic, i.e. whether we can safely ignore it guarantee: no-fail rationale: there are a number of cases in which a systematic may become initialized to nothing, e.g. when choosing a 0 parameter. this is an easy way to check for it.

bool CP::SystematicVariation::ensembleContains ( const SystematicVariation sys  )  const

whether this is an ensemble that contains the given systematic variation

out of memory II
std::pair< unsigned, float > CP::SystematicVariation::getToyVariation (  )  const

unpack the toy variation

the index of the toy, and the scale
out of memory II
parse errors
not a toy variation
bool CP::SystematicVariation::isContinuousEnsemble (  )  const

whether this represents a continuous ensemble

out of memory II
bool CP::SystematicVariation::isContinuousVariation (  )  const

whether this represents a continuous variation

out of memory II
bool CP::SystematicVariation::isEnsemble (  )  const

whether this represents any form of ensemble

this can be used to check whether this is a valid variation to pass into ISystematicsTool::applySystematicVariation

out of memory II
bool CP::SystematicVariation::isToyEnsemble (  )  const

whether this represents a toy ensemble

out of memory II
bool CP::SystematicVariation::isToyVariation (  )  const

whether this represents a toy variation

out of memory II
SystematicVariation CP::SystematicVariation::makeContinuous ( const std::string &  basename  )  [static]

Named constructor for continuous systematics.

rationale: Introduced because the enum-based constructor was getting confused with the float one above in PyROOT.

SystematicVariation CP::SystematicVariation::makeContinuousEnsemble ( const std::string &  basename  )  [static]

constructor for continuous systematics ensemble

out of memory II
SystematicVariation CP::SystematicVariation::makeToyEnsemble ( const std::string &  basename  )  [static]

constructor for toy systematics ensemble

out of memory II
SystematicVariation CP::SystematicVariation::makeToyVariation ( const std::string &  basename,
unsigned  toyIndex,
float  toyScale 
) [static]

constructor for toy systematics

out of memory II
const std::string & CP::SystematicVariation::name (  )  const

description: the full systematics name, for use in strings, etc. guarantee: no-fail

float CP::SystematicVariation::parameter (  )  const

description: the numeric parameter contained in the subvariation(), or 0 if the subvariation can't be parsed into a number guarantee: no-fail

std::string CP::SystematicVariation::subvariation (  )  const

description: the part of the name that indicates by how many sigmas we varied guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II warning: an empty subvariation is *not* the same as requesting the nuisance parameter to be 0. it is a systematic that doesn't have multiple subvariations

void CP::SystematicVariation::testInvariant (  )  const

effects: test the invariant of this object guarantee: no-fail

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1