CP::IPileupReweightingTool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for CP::IPileupReweightingTool:
CP::ISystematicsTool asg::IAsgTool CP::PileupReweightingTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual float getCombinedWeight (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
 Return combined pileup weight.
virtual float getCombinedWeight (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, Double_t x, Double_t y=0.)=0
 Same as above, but for a 'custom weight' variable.
virtual float getCombinedWeight (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, const TString &trigger, bool mu_dependent=true)=0
 get combined weight (i.e. pileup weight) but with a 1./dataWeight factor applied, this if used for 'prescaling' MC
virtual float getUnrepresentedDataWeight (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
 When using UnrepresentedDataAction=2, you may want to apply this additional weight to ensure sum of weights are preserved.
virtual float getDataWeight (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, const TString &trigger, bool mu_dependent=true)=0
 Get the dataWeight used to 'unprescale' data collected from a given trigger combination. mu_dependency is recommended to be true.
virtual int getRandomRunNumber (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool mu_dependent=true)=0
 Get a random run number for this MC event, mu_dependency is recommended ... jetetmiss seem to like it muchly.
virtual float getCorrectedMu (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool includedDataScaleFactor=false)
virtual float getCorrectedAverageInteractionsPerCrossing (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool includedDataScaleFactor=false)=0
virtual float getCorrectedActualInteractionsPerCrossing (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool includedDataScaleFactor=false)=0
virtual double getLumiBlockIntegratedLumi (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
 Get the integrated lumi of a lumiblock (in pb-1).
virtual StatusCode apply (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, bool mu_dependent=true)=0
virtual ULong64_t getPRWHash (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
 return the prw hash used for fast updates of weights at the post-processing level ... see the share/makeWeightTree.C script for usage
virtual UInt_t GetRandomLumiBlockNumber (UInt_t runNumber)=0
 Get a random lumiblock number for the given run number.
virtual Double_t GetSumOfEventWeights (Int_t channel)=0
 possible alternative to using the EventBookkeepers info ... assuming you made your PRW Config file!!
virtual Double_t GetNumberOfEvents (Int_t channel)=0
virtual Double_t GetIntegratedLumi (UInt_t start, UInt_t end)=0
 Get the integrated luminosity (in pb-1) between start and end run (inclusive).
virtual Double_t GetIntegratedLumi (const TString &trigger="")=0
 Total lumi (in pb-1) for a given trigger combination .. leave blank for the unprescaled.
virtual Double_t GetIntegratedLumi (Int_t periodNumber, UInt_t start, UInt_t end)=0
virtual Double_t GetIntegratedLumiFraction (Int_t periodNumber, UInt_t start, UInt_t end)=0
virtual Double_t GetIntegratedLumiFraction (Int_t periodNumber, Double_t mu, UInt_t start, UInt_t end)=0
virtual Int_t AddPeriod (Int_t periodNumber, UInt_t start, UInt_t end)=0
 use these methods when generating config files
virtual Int_t SetBinning (Int_t nbinsx, Double_t *xbins, Int_t nbinsy=0, Double_t *ybins=0)=0
virtual Int_t SetUniformBinning (Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Int_t nbinsy=0, Double_t ylow=0, Double_t yup=0)=0
virtual Int_t SetBinning (TH1 *hist)=0
virtual int fill (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
 Call this method once per event when in config file generating mode and you want standard mu reweighting.
virtual int fill (const xAOD::EventInfo &eventInfo, Double_t x, Double_t y=0.)=0
 Use this method if you want to do a generic reweighting instead.
virtual CP::TPileupReweightingexpert ()=0
 Get pointer to the underlying tool - expert use only: Will require include "PileupReweighting/TPileupReweighting.h".

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode CP::IPileupReweightingTool::apply ( const xAOD::EventInfo eventInfo,
bool  mu_dependent = true 
) [pure virtual]

Decorates with: MC: PileupWeight (CombinedWeight[*UnrepresentedDataWeight if action=2]), RandomRunNumber, RandomLumiBlockNumber, PRWHash Data: corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing mu_dependent says if the mu_dependency should be used for random run numbers or the data weights. You will get random run numbers of 0 for events with zero pileup weight

Implemented in CP::PileupReweightingTool.

virtual float CP::IPileupReweightingTool::getCorrectedActualInteractionsPerCrossing ( const xAOD::EventInfo eventInfo,
bool  includedDataScaleFactor = false 
) [pure virtual]

Get the actual mu of a lumiblock ... (BCID-specific mu) The additional flag indicates if the returned value should include the data scale factor or not. Note: if the lumiblock is not present in the input lumicalc file, then -1.0 will be returned

Implemented in CP::PileupReweightingTool.

virtual float CP::IPileupReweightingTool::getCorrectedMu ( const xAOD::EventInfo eventInfo,
bool  includedDataScaleFactor = false 
) [inline, virtual]

Get the corrected average mu of a lumiblock ... (averaging is over all filled BCID in the fill) The additional flag indicates if the returned value should include the data scale factor or not. Note: if the lumiblock is not present in the input lumicalc file, then -1.0 will be returned This method will soon be deprecated in favour of the new naming: getCorrectedAverageInteractionsPerCrossing

virtual Double_t CP::IPileupReweightingTool::GetIntegratedLumi ( Int_t  periodNumber,
UInt_t  start,
UInt_t  end 
) [pure virtual]

similar to above, but for only the given mcRunNumber/periodNumber

Implemented in CP::PileupReweightingTool.

virtual Double_t CP::IPileupReweightingTool::GetIntegratedLumiFraction ( Int_t  periodNumber,
Double_t  mu,
UInt_t  start,
UInt_t  end 
) [pure virtual]

return fraction of lumi assigned to periodNumber (or mcRunNumber) with given mu, that is between start and end data run numbers

Implemented in CP::PileupReweightingTool.

virtual Double_t CP::IPileupReweightingTool::GetIntegratedLumiFraction ( Int_t  periodNumber,
UInt_t  start,
UInt_t  end 
) [pure virtual]

return fraction of lumi assigned to periodNumber (or mcRunNumber) that is between start and end data run numbers

Implemented in CP::PileupReweightingTool.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1