CP::ShowerDepthTool Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool initialize ()
 Function initialising the tool.
float getCorrectedShowerDepthEM1 (const float &etas1, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true) const
float getCorrectedShowerDepthEM2 (const float &etas2, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true) const
std::pair< float, float > getCorrectedRZ (const float &eta, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true, const int &sampling=1) const
float getRZCorrection (const float &eta, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true) const
float getCorrectedEtaDirection (const float &zvertex, const float &eta, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true, const int &sampling=1) const
float getCaloPointingEta (const float &etas1, const float &etas2, const float &phi, const bool &isData=true) const
float getShowerDepthEM1 (const float &etas1) const
float getShowerDepthEM2 (const float &etas2) const
std::pair< float, float > getRZ (const float &eta, const int &sampling) const
float getEtaDirection (const float &zvertex, const float &R, const float &z) const

Protected Member Functions

TH1 * getHistoFromFile (const TString &fileName, const TString &histoName)

Member Function Documentation

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getCaloPointingEta ( const float &  etas1,
const float &  etas2,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true 
) const

Eta direction from samplings 1 and 2 (pointing)

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getCorrectedEtaDirection ( const float &  zvertex,
const float &  eta,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true,
const int &  sampling = 1 
) const

Eta direction from zvertex to the shower in the given sampling

std::pair< float, float > CP::ShowerDepthTool::getCorrectedRZ ( const float &  eta,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true,
const int &  sampling = 1 
) const

Return the shower depth in R,Z considering misalignments

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getCorrectedShowerDepthEM1 ( const float &  etas1,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true 
) const

Shower depth (in mm) on EM1 vs. eta, considering misalignments

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getCorrectedShowerDepthEM2 ( const float &  etas2,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true 
) const

Shower depth (in mm) on EM2 vs. eta, considering misalignments

TH1 * CP::ShowerDepthTool::getHistoFromFile ( const TString &  fileName,
const TString &  histoName 
) [protected]

Return TH1* from file given fileName, histoName

std::pair< float, float > CP::ShowerDepthTool::getRZ ( const float &  eta,
const int &  sampling 
) const

Shower depth in R,Z for the given sampling

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getRZCorrection ( const float &  eta,
const float &  phi,
const bool &  isData = true 
) const

Return the calorimeter displacement in R(Z) for barrel (endcap)

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getShowerDepthEM1 ( const float &  etas1  )  const

Shower depth (in mm) vs. eta on EM1

Return the shower depth on sampling 1 given etas1. From: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/trunk/src/CaloDepthTool.cxx#L347

float CP::ShowerDepthTool::getShowerDepthEM2 ( const float &  etas2  )  const

Shower depth (in mm) vs. eta on EM2

Return the shower depth on sampling 2 given etas2. From: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/trunk/src/CaloDepthTool.cxx#L347

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