PseudoJetGetter Class Reference

#include <PseudoJetGetter.h>

Inheritance diagram for PseudoJetGetter:
asg::AsgTool IPseudoJetGetter asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef jet::LabelIndex LabelIndex
typedef jet::PseudoJetVector PseudoJetVector

Public Member Functions

 PseudoJetGetter (const std::string &myname)
 Constructor from tool name.
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
const PseudoJetVector * get () const
virtual int appendTo (PseudoJetVector &psjs, const LabelIndex *pli) const
template<typename TList >
int append (const TList &inputs, PseudoJetVector &psjs, const LabelIndex *pli) const
std::string label () const
 Return the label for these pseudojets.
void print () const
 Dump to properties to the log.
int inputContainerNames (std::vector< std::string > &connames)
int outputContainerNames (std::vector< std::string > &connames)

Protected Member Functions

virtual jet::IConstituentUserInfobuildCUI (const xAOD::IParticle *ppar, jet::IConstituentUserInfo::Index idx, const LabelIndex *pli) const

Protected Attributes

std::string m_incoll
std::string m_outcoll
 Input collection name.
std::string m_label
 Output collection name.
bool m_skipNegativeEnergy
 Label for the collection.
double m_ghostscale
 Flag indicating to skip objects with E<0.
bool m_negEnergyAsGhosts
 Ghost scale factor.
bool m_emtopo
 Flag indicating to treat objects with E<0 as ghosts (usefull hor HI).

Detailed Description

PseudoJetGetter is a dual-use tool to retrieve and build the pseudojet inputs used in jet finding.

Tool Properties:

Note: The label is attached to the CUI (constituent user info) associated with created pseudojet and should be unique for each set of pseuodjets used as input for finding a particular collection of jets.

The label for a primary pseudojet getter (the first in the vector presented to JetRecTool) is used to deduce the input type and must be one of the following: LCTopo, EMTopo, TopoTower, Tower, Truth, Track, PFlow. Names beginning with "EM" are assumed to correspond to uncalibrated clusters.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TList >
int PseudoJetGetter::append ( const TList &  inputs,
PseudoJetVector &  psjs,
const LabelIndex pli 
) const [inline]

Construct pseudojets from the the inputs using the suppled label index and append them to the pseudojet vector.

Loop over input, buid CUI and PseudoJets

int PseudoJetGetter::appendTo ( PseudoJetVector &  psjs,
const LabelIndex pli 
) const [virtual]

Find the input collection in the event store and call append to fill the psedojet vector.

const PseudoJetVector * PseudoJetGetter::get (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the pseudojet collection. If already existing, the collection in the event store is returned. If not, an new collection is created and filled by calling appendTo. Returns null if the collection cannot be created.

Implements IPseudoJetGetter.

StatusCode PseudoJetGetter::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Initialization. Can be skipped.

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

int PseudoJetGetter::inputContainerNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  connames  )  [virtual]

Method to return the list of input containers. The names of required input containers are appended to connames. Returns nonzero for error. Default returns 0 and adds no names.

Reimplemented from IPseudoJetGetter.

int PseudoJetGetter::outputContainerNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  connames  )  [virtual]

Method to return the list of output containers. The names of produced output containers are appended to connames. Returns nonzero for error. Default returns 0 and adds no names.

Reimplemented from IPseudoJetGetter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1