jet::IConstituentUserInfo Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for jet::IConstituentUserInfo:
jet::BaseIndexedConstituentUserInfo jet::SimpleConstituentUserInfo jet::IndexedConstituentUserInfo jet::IndexedTConstituentUserInfo< T > jet::VertexIndexedConstituentUserInfo

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef int Index
typedef std::string Label

Public Member Functions

virtual const SG::AuxElementelement () const =0
virtual const xAOD::IParticleparticle () const =0
virtual Label label () const =0
virtual Index index () const
virtual const LabelIndexlabelMap () const
virtual bool isGhost () const
 Returns true if this constituent is a ghost.
virtual xAOD::JetConstitScale constitScale () const
 Return the constituent scale used to build the PseudoJet.

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1