TrigConf Namespace Reference

Namespace holding all the trigger configuration code. More...


namespace  MSGTC

Messsage levels matching the Gaudi definition.


class  MsgStreamTC
class  TrigConfMessaging
struct  TrigDBConnectionConfig
class  HLTChain
 HLT chain configuration information. More...
struct  name
struct  name_hash
struct  counter
class  HLTChainList
 list of all HLT chains in a trigger menu More...
class  HLTFrame
 The HLT trigger menu,. More...
class  HLTPrescale
class  HLTPrescaleSet
 HLT chain configuration information. More...
class  HLTPrescaleSetCollection
 HLT chain configuration information. More...
class  HLTSequence
 HLT sequence configuration information. More...
struct  seq_name_hash
struct  seq_hash_id
class  HLTSequenceList
 list of HLT sequences More...
class  HLTSignature
 HLT signature configuration information. More...
class  HLTStreamTag
 HLT stream configuration information. More...
class  HLTTriggerElement
 HLT trigger element configuration information. More...
class  HLTTriggerType
 HLT trigger type configuration information. More...
class  HLTUtils
class  IHLTConfigSvc
class  IIHLTConfigSvc
class  IILVL1ConfigSvc
class  IL1TopoConfigSvc
class  ILVL1ConfigSvc
class  ITrigConfigSvc
class  ITrigConfigTool
class  BunchGroup
class  BunchGroupSet
struct  MinTOBPt
class  CaloInfo
class  CaloJetInput
class  CaloSinCos
class  ClusterThresholdValue
class  CTPConfig
class  CTPFiles
class  DeadTime
class  DiffStruct
class  EtThresholdValue
class  IsolationParam
class  JetThresholdValue
class  L1DataBaseclass
class  L1DataDef
class  L1PSNumber
class  LutCam
class  LVL1Config
struct  tag_ctpid
struct  tag_name_hash
class  Menu
class  METSigParam
class  Muctpi
class  MuonThresholdSet
class  MuonThresholdValue
class  NimThresholdValue
class  PIT
class  PrescaledClock
class  PrescaleSet
class  PrioritySet
class  Random
class  ThresholdConfig
class  ThresholdMonitor
class  TIP
class  TrigConfData
class  TriggerItem
class  TriggerItemNode
class  TriggerThreshold
class  TriggerThresholdValue
class  XsThresholdValue
class  xAODConfigSvc
 Trigger configuration service used when reading an xAOD file. More...
class  xAODMenuReader
 Algorithm for testing the xAOD menu reading in Athena. More...
class  xAODMenuWriter
 Algorithm used to write the light-weight xAOD configuration. More...
class  xAODConfigTool


< HLTChain
*, boost::multi_index::indexed_by
< boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::identity
< HLTChain >
>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< counter >
, boost::multi_index::composite_key
< HLTChain
*, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< HLTChain, int,&HLTChain::chain_counter >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< HLTChain, HLTLevel,&HLTChain::level_enum >
> >, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< name >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< HLTChain, const std::string
&,&HLTChain::chain_name >
>, boost::multi_index::hashed_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< name_hash >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< HLTChain, const std::string
&,&HLTChain::chain_name >
>, boost::multi_index::random_access<> > > 
< HLTSequence
*, boost::multi_index::indexed_by
< boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::identity
< HLTSequence >
>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< seq_hash_id >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< HLTSequence, unsigned int,&HLTSequence::hashId >
>, boost::multi_index::hashed_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< seq_name_hash >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< TrigConfData, const
&,&TrigConfData::name > > > > 
typedef uint32_t HLTHash
typedef CTPConfig CTPConfigOnline
< TriggerItem
*, boost::multi_index::indexed_by
< boost::multi_index::random_access
<>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::identity
< TriggerItem >
>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< tag_ctpid >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< TriggerItem, int,&TriggerItem::ctpId >
>, boost::multi_index::hashed_unique
< boost::multi_index::tag
< tag_name_hash >
, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< TrigConfData, const
&,&TrigConfData::name > > > > 
typedef ItemContainer::index
< tag_ctpid >::type 
typedef item_by_ctpid_t::iterator item_by_ctpid_iterator
typedef ItemContainer::index
< tag_name_hash >::type 
typedef ItemContainer::index
< tag_name_hash >


enum  HLTLevel { L2 = 0, EF, HLT }


MsgStreamTCendmsgtc (MsgStreamTC &s)
 End of message.
std::vector< std::string > parse (std::string names)
void recursivelyFindOutputTEs (const std::string &tename, const TrigConf::HLTSequenceList &sequenceList, std::set< std::string > &tes, int level, const std::set< std::string > *veto=0)
void recursivelyFindOutputTEsWithLevelFromSequence (const std::string &tename, const TrigConf::HLTSequenceList &sequenceList, std::set< std::string > &tes, int level)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTChain &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::HLTChainList &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTFrame &)
HLTLevel str2lvl (const std::string &level)
std::string lvl2str (HLTLevel level)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::HLTPrescale &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::HLTPrescaleSet &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::HLTPrescaleSetCollection &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTSequence &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTSequenceList &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTSignature &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::HLTStreamTag &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTTriggerElement &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HLTTriggerType &)
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &line, const std::string &del=" ")
void strip (std::string &str)
void replaceTabs (std::string &str)
void toLower (std::string &)
void removeAllSpaces (std::string &)
uint32_t bin2uint (const std::string &binary)
std::string uint2bin (uint32_t uinteger, uint16_t width)
TrigConf::TriggerItemNodeparse (const std::string &logic, const std::vector< std::string > &conditions, const std::vector< TrigConf::TriggerThreshold * > &thrs) throw (std::logic_error)
std::string::size_type findClosingBracket (std::string::size_type pos, const std::string &logic) throw (std::logic_error)
TrigConf::TriggerItemNodebuildObjNode (uint32_t condIdx, const std::vector< std::string > &conditions, const std::vector< TrigConf::TriggerThreshold * > &thrs) throw (std::logic_error)
std::string insertParenthesis (const std::string &givenlogic)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConfData &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TrigConf::TriggerItem &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TrigConf::TriggerItemNode &node)
StatusCode prepareTriggerMenu (const xAOD::TriggerMenu *menu, CTPConfig &ctpConfig, HLTChainList &chainList, HLTSequenceList &sequenceList, BunchGroupSet &bgSet, MsgStream &msg)
 Function providing translation for the transient configuration.
bool xAODKeysMatch (const xAOD::TrigConfKeys *keys, const xAOD::TriggerMenu *menu)
 Helper function checking if the DB keys match on two objects.

Detailed Description

Namespace holding all the trigger configuration code.

class PrescaleSet contains prescales of a Level 1 partition

In run 2 the CTP uses a new prescaling mechanism: for each item a 24-bit pseudo-random number generator is used. If the resulting (thrown) number is

Function Documentation

StatusCode TrigConf::prepareTriggerMenu ( const xAOD::TriggerMenu menu,
CTPConfig &  ctpConfig,
HLTChainList &  chainList,
HLTSequenceList &  sequenceList,
BunchGroupSet &  bgSet,
MsgStream &  msg 

Function providing translation for the transient configuration.

In order to avoid duplicating code between how the dual-use and the Athena-only code translates the xAOD metadata into the transient trigger configuration information, this function is used by both to achieve this.

menu The persistent trigger menu object to translate
ctpConfig The LVL1 configuration object to fill
chainList The HLT configuration object to fill
bgSet The bunch structure configuration object to fill
msg MsgStream to print messages to
StatusCode::SUCCESS if successful, StatusCode::FAILURE if not
bool TrigConf::xAODKeysMatch ( const xAOD::TrigConfKeys keys,
const xAOD::TriggerMenu menu 

Helper function checking if the DB keys match on two objects.

Since this is used in a couple of places, it seemed to make sense to put this simple code into a central place.

keys The event identifier
menu The trigger menu
true if the two objects match each other, false otherwise
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

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