TrigConf::ThresholdConfig Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for TrigConf::ThresholdConfig:
TrigConf::L1DataBaseclass TrigConf::TrigConfData

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > 
typedef std::map
< L1DataDef::TriggerType,
thrVec_t > 

Public Member Functions

std::vector< TriggerThreshold * > & thresholdVector (L1DataDef::TriggerType)
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getThresholdVector (L1DataDef::TriggerType) const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
thresholdVector () const
std::string getClusterThresholdType (int thresholdnumber) const
float getThreshold (L1DataDef::TriggerType type, int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
int getWindow (L1DataDef::TriggerType type, int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
size_t size () const
size_t size (L1DataDef::TriggerType type) const
float getClusterThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getJetThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getJbThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getJfThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getMuonThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getTotEtThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getJetEtThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getMissEtThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getMissEtSigThreshold (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getClusterEmIsolation (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getClusterHadIsolation (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
float getClusterHadVeto (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
int getJetWindow (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
int getJbWindow (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
int getJfWindow (int eta, int phi, int thresholdnumber) const
const CaloInfocaloInfo () const
void setCaloInfo (const CaloInfo &ci)
bool addTriggerThreshold (TriggerThreshold *value)
virtual void print (const std::string &indent="", unsigned int detail=1) const
void printTriggerThresholdVector (const std::string &indent="") const
void printThresholdValueMap () const
void printTtvMap (const TriggerThreshold *thr) const
void printTtvSummary (const thrVec_t &vec, const std::string &name) const
void clear ()
void attributeThresholdNumbers ()
TriggerThresholdfindTriggerThreshold (unsigned int id)
void setCtpVersion (unsigned int ctpVersion)
unsigned int ctpVersion () const
void setL1Version (unsigned int l1Version)
unsigned int l1Version () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getClusterThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getJetThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getFJetThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getJbThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getJfThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getTotEtVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getJetEtVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getMissEtVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getMissEtSignVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getMuonThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getRndmThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getBgrpThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getPclkThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getNimThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getZBThresholds () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getMbtsThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getMbtssiThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getTrtThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getZdcThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getBcmThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getBcmcmbThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getLucidThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > & 
getBptxThresholdVector () const
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getClusterThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getJetThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getFJetThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getJbThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getJfThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getTotEtPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getJetEtPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getMissEtPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getMissEtSignPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getMuonThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getRndmThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getBgrpThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getPclkThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))
const std::vector
< TriggerThreshold * > * 
getNimThresholdPointer () const __attribute__((deprecated))


class CTPConfig

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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1