JetIsolationTool Class Reference

#include <JetIsolationTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for JetIsolationTool:
JetModifierBase asg::AsgTool IJetModifier ISingleJetModifier asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JetIsolationTool (const std::string &myname)
 ~JetIsolationTool ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
int modify (xAOD::JetContainer &jets) const
 Loop over calls to modifyJet.
int modifyJet (xAOD::Jet &) const


class jet::JetIsolation::IsolationCalculator

Detailed Description

Calculate isolation variables for jets and set them as jet attributes.

Properties: IsolationCalculations: List of calculations to perform (see below) PseudoJetGetter: Pseudojet getter (ToolHandle<IPseudoJetGetter>)

The isolation variables are calculated from a list of input constituents. which are close to the jet but not part of its constituents. There are multiple options to find this list and then to calculate the variables. They are passed to the tools by giving a list of string identifiers through the IsolationCalculations property as in

IsolationCalculations = ["IsoKR:11:Perp","IsoKR:11:Par", "IsoFixedCone:10:SumPt",]

where the strings have the form "ISOCRITERIA:NN:VAR"

The resulting attribute name is simply the identifier string with ':' removed. Example "IsoKR:11:Perp" -> "IsoKR11Perp"

The input particles container from which constituents come from must be specified in the ConstituentContainer property. This must correspond to an IParticleContainer in the event store. (longer term : make it possible to pass PseudoJetContainer)

There are several technical difficulties

WARNING : currently works well only for LCTopoJets, TrackJets, TruthJets AND small R jets (R ~<0.8)

WARNING: The constituents are pseudojets objtained from a pseudojet getter. This should be the same pseudojet getter used in the jet finding. The isolation tool must be run in the same job as the jet finding.

Isolation Criteria ("param" below is the main parameter) :

Isolation Variables (iso4vec = sum of 4-vec in isolation area, not part of jet)

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode JetIsolationTool::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Dummy implementation of the initialisation function

It's here to allow the dual-use tools to skip defining an initialisation function. Since many are doing so...

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

int JetIsolationTool::modifyJet ( xAOD::Jet jet  )  const [inline, virtual]

Method to modify a jet. Returns 0 for success.

Implements ISingleJetModifier.

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