ana::TauToolTruth Class Reference

Tool which applies the tau-truth matching. Applies the TauTruthMatchingTool from TauAnalysisTools which decorates taus with an ElementLink to their truth particle match. This ElementLink is needed for tau smearing in the TauToolCorrect. It is possible to generate the truth link in your derivations, in which case this tool is not needed. More...

#include <TauTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for ana::TauToolTruth:
ana::AnaTool ana::IAnaTool ana::IAnaTool asg::AsgTool CP::ISystematicsTool CP::ISystematicsTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TauToolTruth (const std::string &name)
 This macro generates a proper constructor for Athena.
virtual StatusCode setObjectType (ObjectType type, const std::string &workingPoint) override
virtual AnalysisStep step () const override
virtual unsigned inputTypes () const override
virtual unsigned outputTypes () const override
virtual StatusCode initialize () override
 Initialize this tool.
virtual StatusCode execute (IEventObjects &objects) override

Detailed Description

Tool which applies the tau-truth matching. Applies the TauTruthMatchingTool from TauAnalysisTools which decorates taus with an ElementLink to their truth particle match. This ElementLink is needed for tau smearing in the TauToolCorrect. It is possible to generate the truth link in your derivations, in which case this tool is not needed.

Steve Farrell <>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ana::TauToolTruth::TauToolTruth ( const std::string &  name  ) 

This macro generates a proper constructor for Athena.

Standard constructor

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode ana::TauToolTruth::execute ( IEventObjects objects  )  [override, virtual]

apply this analysis tool to the objects

objects the objects to apply this too
tool dependent

Implements ana::IAnaTool.

unsigned ana::TauToolTruth::inputTypes (  )  const [override, virtual]

a bit-map indicating which object types we use


Implements ana::IAnaTool.

unsigned ana::TauToolTruth::outputTypes (  )  const [override, virtual]

a bit-map indicating which output types we will create


Implements ana::IAnaTool.

StatusCode ana::TauToolTruth::setObjectType ( ObjectType  type,
const std::string &  workingPoint 
) [override, virtual]

set the object type to work on this is called straight after the tool is created and before it is initialized. the primary reason for this function is to allow jet definitions to be used for either jets or fat jets.

type the object type we work on
workingPoint the name of the working point we are working on or the empty string if this is a sole working point or working points do not apply
unsupported object type this interface may change when I introduce multiple simultaneous working points

Implements ana::IAnaTool.

AnalysisStep ana::TauToolTruth::step (  )  const [override, virtual]

the processing step we are working on


Implements ana::IAnaTool.

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