ana::IAnaTool Class Reference

The interface class for all the tools constituting object definitions. More...

#include <IAnaTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for ana::IAnaTool:
CP::ISystematicsTool asg::IAsgTool ana::AnaTool ana::AnaToolCorrect< XAODContainer > ana::AnaToolRetrieve ana::AnaToolSelect< XAODContainer > ana::AnaToolSelectCombine ana::AnaToolSelectInit ana::AnaToolSelectSpread ana::AnaToolWeight< XAODContainer > ana::TauToolTruth ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::ElectronContainer > ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::JetContainer > ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::MuonContainer > ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::PhotonContainer > ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::TauJetContainer > ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::ElectronContainer > ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::JetContainer > ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::MuonContainer > ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::PhotonContainer > ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::TauJetContainer > ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::ElectronContainer > ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::JetContainer > ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::MuonContainer > ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::PhotonContainer > ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::TauJetContainer >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode getInitialConfiguration (InternalConfiguration &conf)=0
 fill the initial configuration before initialize
virtual StatusCode useInitialConfiguration (const InternalConfiguration &conf)=0
 use the initial configuration before initialize
virtual StatusCode setObjectType (ObjectType type, const std::string &workingPoint)=0
 set the object type to work on
virtual AnalysisStep step () const =0
 the processing step we are working on
virtual unsigned inputTypes () const =0
 a bit-map indicating which object types we use
virtual unsigned outputTypes () const =0
 a bit-map indicating which output types we will create
virtual void fillEventDataSource (EventData &event) const =0
 fill the source component of the EventData
virtual StatusCode useConfiguration (const InternalConfiguration &configuration)=0
 extract whatever we need from the given configuration object
virtual StatusCode execute (IEventObjects &objects)=0
 apply this analysis tool to the objects

Detailed Description

The interface class for all the tools constituting object definitions.

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode ana::IAnaTool::execute ( IEventObjects objects  )  [pure virtual]
virtual void ana::IAnaTool::fillEventDataSource ( EventData event  )  const [pure virtual]

fill the source component of the EventData

This is meant to be implemented by the retrieval tools that perform the shallow copy to document what they do. All other tools can safely ignore this.

out of memory II

Implemented in ana::AnaTool, and ana::AnaToolRetrieve.

virtual StatusCode ana::IAnaTool::getInitialConfiguration ( InternalConfiguration conf  )  [pure virtual]

fill the initial configuration before initialize

this is mostly used so that retrieval tools can broadcast the input collections they are using

tool dependent

Implemented in ana::AnaTool, and ana::AnaToolRetrieve.

virtual unsigned ana::IAnaTool::inputTypes (  )  const [pure virtual]
virtual unsigned ana::IAnaTool::outputTypes (  )  const [pure virtual]
virtual StatusCode ana::IAnaTool::setObjectType ( ObjectType  type,
const std::string &  workingPoint 
) [pure virtual]

set the object type to work on

this is called straight after the tool is created and before it is initialized. the primary reason for this function is to allow jet definitions to be used for either jets or fat jets.

type the object type we work on
workingPoint the name of the working point we are working on or the empty string if this is a sole working point or working points do not apply
unsupported object type this interface may change when I introduce multiple simultaneous working points

Implemented in ana::AnaToolCorrect< XAODContainer >, ana::AnaToolRetrieve, ana::AnaToolSelect< XAODContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelectCombine, ana::AnaToolSelectInit, ana::AnaToolSelectSpread, ana::AnaToolWeight< XAODContainer >, ana::EventInfoIsData, ana::EventInfoTool, ana::EventSelectBaseTool, ana::EventSelectHasVertex, ana::KinSelectTool, ana::LegacyORTool, ana::MetTool, ana::ORTool, ana::PileupTool, ana::SusyORTool, ana::TauToolTruth, ana::TriggerTool, ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::MuonContainer >, ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::PhotonContainer >, ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::TauJetContainer >, ana::AnaToolCorrect< xAOD::JetContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::MuonContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::PhotonContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::TauJetContainer >, ana::AnaToolSelect< xAOD::JetContainer >, ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::MuonContainer >, ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::PhotonContainer >, ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::TauJetContainer >, and ana::AnaToolWeight< xAOD::JetContainer >.

virtual AnalysisStep ana::IAnaTool::step (  )  const [pure virtual]
virtual StatusCode ana::IAnaTool::useConfiguration ( const InternalConfiguration configuration  )  [pure virtual]
virtual StatusCode ana::IAnaTool::useInitialConfiguration ( const InternalConfiguration conf  )  [pure virtual]

use the initial configuration before initialize

tool dependent

Implemented in ana::AnaTool, ana::JetToolCorrect, ana::MetTool, and ana::TriggerTool.

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