ORUtils::AltMuJetOverlapTool Class Reference

Implements mu-jet OR optimized for high-pt muons in boosted and highly radiative (jetty) topologies. More...

#include <AltMuJetOverlapTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for ORUtils::AltMuJetOverlapTool:
ORUtils::IOverlapTool ORUtils::BaseOverlapTool asg::IAsgTool asg::AsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AltMuJetOverlapTool (const std::string &name)
 Create proper constructor for Athena.
virtual StatusCode findOverlaps (const xAOD::IParticleContainer &cont1, const xAOD::IParticleContainer &cont2) const override
 Identify overlapping muons and jets. First, low-track-multiplicity jets are flagged if they overlap with muons. Second, muons are flagged if they overlap with the remaining jets.
virtual StatusCode findOverlaps (const xAOD::MuonContainer &muons, const xAOD::JetContainer &jets) const
 Identify overlapping muons and jets. The above method calls this one.

Protected Member Functions

virtual StatusCode initializeDerived () override
 Initialize the tool.
const xAOD::VertexgetPrimVtx () const
int getNumTracks (const xAOD::Jet *jet) const

Detailed Description

Implements mu-jet OR optimized for high-pt muons in boosted and highly radiative (jetty) topologies.

This implementation comes from the strong 2Lep SUSY analysis studies which were presented in the SUSY meeting here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/436702

The procedure is two-staged: 1. Remove (non-b-tagged) jets overlapping with muons in an inner delta-R cone (default 0.2). 2. Remove muons overlapping with remaining jets using the sliding delta-R cone. See the SlidingDeltaRMatcher for more info.

Special configuration properties BJetLabel - input decoration flagging b-jets InnerDR - cone in which non-bjets are removed (default 0.2) SlidingDRC1 - constant offset for sliding dR (default 0.04) SlidingDRC2 - mu-pt dividend for sliding dR (default 10GeV) SlidingDRMaxCone - max cone size cutoff for sliding dR (default: off)

Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ORUtils::AltMuJetOverlapTool::AltMuJetOverlapTool ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Create proper constructor for Athena.

Standalone constructor

Member Function Documentation

int ORUtils::AltMuJetOverlapTool::getNumTracks ( const xAOD::Jet jet  )  const [protected]

Helper method to get the number of tracks in a jet w.r.t. the primary vertex. Returns -1 if no primary vertex is found. TODO: reduce duplication with MuJetOverlapTool.

const xAOD::Vertex * ORUtils::AltMuJetOverlapTool::getPrimVtx (  )  const [protected]

Retrieve the primary vertex used to count jet tracks. TODO: reduce duplication with MuJetOverlapTool.

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