xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BPhysHypoHelper (const std::string hypo, const xAOD::Vertex *b)
 : Main constructor

enum  tau_type { TAU_CONST_MASS, TAU_INV_MASS }

: Enum type the proper decay time calculation

std::string m_hypo
 name of the mass hypothesis
float mass ()
 invariant mass
float massErr ()
 invariant mass error
bool setMass (const float val)
 invariant mass
bool setMassErr (const float val)
 invariant mass error
bool setMass (const std::vector< double > trkMasses)
float tau (const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS)
 : Get the proper decay time and error.
float tauErr (const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS)
 proper decay time error
bool setTau (const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS)
 : Set the proper decay time and error.
bool setTauErr (const float val, const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0, const tau_type tauType=BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS)
 proper decay time error
bool pass () const
bool setPass (bool passVal)

Member Enumeration Documentation

: Enum type the proper decay time calculation

Methods for access to the proper decay time and its error : TAU_CONST_MASS the proper decay time calculated with the constant mass hypothesis : TAU_INV_MASS the proper decay time calculated with the measured invariant mass

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::BPhysHypoHelper ( const std::string  hypo,
const xAOD::Vertex b 
) [inline]

: Main constructor

The Main constructor. BPhysHypoHelper does NOT take ownership of the class "b"

[in] hypo Name of the hypothesis
[in] b Pointer to the xAOD::Vertex

Member Function Documentation

float xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::mass (  ) 

invariant mass

Methods for access to the invariant mass hypothesis and its error Get invariant mass and its error

: mass or error, -9999999. in case the augmentation doesn't exist
bool xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::pass (  )  const

Methods for access to the pass flags get the pass flag for this hypothesis

: true, if the candidate passed selection for this hypothesis
bool xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::setMass ( const std::vector< double >  trkMasses  ) 

Set invariant mass for given track mass hypotheses. The number of mass hyotheses must be equal to the number of refitted tracks!

[in] trkMasses masses of the tracks.
: true on success
bool xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::setMass ( const float  val  ) 

invariant mass

Set given invariant mass and its error

[in] val invariant mass or error calculated externally
: true on success
bool xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::setPass ( bool  passVal  ) 

get the pass flag for this hypothesis

[in] input value. Will be converted to Char_t
: true on success
bool xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::setTau ( const float  val,
const pv_type  vertexType = BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0,
const tau_type  tauType = BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS 

: Set the proper decay time and error.

[in] val input value
[in] vertexType type (selection) of the PV (
See also:
: BPhysHelper::pv_type)
[in] tauType specify which value of particle's mass was used (
See also:
: tau_type)
: true on success proper decay time
float xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::tau ( const pv_type  vertexType = BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0,
const tau_type  tauType = BPhysHypoHelper::TAU_CONST_MASS 

: Get the proper decay time and error.

The proper decay time is calculated using formula c*tau = Lxy * M / pT. The Lxy can be calculated wrt different choice of the PV. Use parameter vertexType to specify which PV was used. The particle's mass M can be either taken as a constant or as measured invariant mass. Use parameter tauType to specify which value should be used.

[in] vertexType type (selection) of the PV (
See also:
: BPhysHelper::pv_type)
[in] tauType specify which value of particle's mass was used (
See also:
: tau_type)
: proper decay time, -9999999. on error proper decay time

Member Data Documentation

std::string xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper::m_hypo [protected]

name of the mass hypothesis

Private attributes:

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