xAOD::ReadStats Class Reference

#include <ReadStats.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< BranchStats * > 
 Type of the internal vectors describing one auxiliary store.
typedef std::map< std::string,
 Type of the internal object gathering information on aux branches.
typedef std::map< std::string,
 Type of the internal object gathering information on containers.

Public Member Functions

 ReadStats (const char *name="xAODReadStats", const char *title="xAOD reading statistics")
 Constructor just specifying the name of the object.
 ReadStats (const ReadStats &parent)
 Copy constructor.
 ~ReadStats ()
ReadStatsoperator= (const ReadStats &parent)
 Assignment operator.
void Clear (::Option_t *opt="")
 Clear the statistics information (inherited from TNamed...).
void Print (::Option_t *option="") const
 Print information about the collected statistics.
void printSmartSlimmingBranchList (bool autoIncludeLinks=false) const
 Print the accessed variables, formatted for smart slimming.
void nextEvent ()
 Function incrementing the processed event counter.
::Long64_t nEvents () const
 Function getting the total number of input event.
void setNEvents (::Long64_t nevents)
 Function setting the total number of input events.
void readBranch (const std::string &prefix, SG::auxid_t auxid)
 Function incrementing the read counter on a specific branch.
void readContainer (const std::string &name)
 Function incrementing the read counter on a specific container.
Raw information accessor/setter functions

void setBytesRead (::Long64_t num)
 Set how many bytes were read in total during the analysis.
::Long64_t bytesRead () const
 Get how many bytes were read in total during the analysis.
void setBranchNum (::Int_t num)
 Set the total number of branches on the input.
::Int_t branchNum () const
 Get the total number of branches on the input.
void setFileReads (::Int_t num)
 Set the total number of file read calls.
::Int_t fileReads () const
 Get the total number of file read calls.
void setCacheSize (::Int_t size)
 Set the TTreeCache size used.
::Int_t cacheSize () const
 Get the TTreeCache size used.
void setReadTime (::Double_t time)
 Set the time spent in reading the data.
::Double_t readTime () const
 Get the time spent in reading the data.
void setUnzipTime (::Double_t time)
 Set the time spent in unzipping the data.
::Double_t unzipTime () const
 Get the time spent in unzipping the data.
void setProcessTime (::Double_t time)
 Set the time spent in processing events.
::Double_t processTime () const
 Get the time spent in processing events.
Functions used for filling the object

BranchStatsbranch (const std::string &prefix, SG::auxid_t auxid)
 Access the description of a branch. Creating it if necessary.
const BranchStatsbranch (const std::string &prefix, SG::auxid_t auxid) const
 Get information about a specific variable.
BranchStatscontainer (const std::string &name)
 Access the description of a container. Creating it if necessary.
const BranchStatscontainer (const std::string &name) const
 Access the description of a container.
const Map_tbranches () const
 Get all variable information.
const MapC_tcontainers () const
 Get information about all the containers.
Function used for merging objects of this type

bool isCompatible (const ReadStats &rh) const
 Function checking if two objects are "compatible".
ReadStatsadd (const ReadStats &rh)
 Function merging two objects.
ReadStatsoperator+= (const ReadStats &rh)
 Operator merging two objects.
::Int_t Merge (::TCollection *coll)
 Function merging the information from multiple objects.
Function for setting up a TTreeCache object

void addToTreeCache (::TTree *tree) const
 Add all branches that were ever accessed, to the TTreeCache.
void addToTreeCacheByEntries (::TTree *tree,::Long64_t minEntries) const
 Add the branches accessed more than n times to the TTreeCache.
void addToTreeCacheByEntryFrac (::TTree *tree,::Double_t minEvFraction) const
void addToTreeCacheByBytes (::TTree *tree,::Long64_t minBytes) const
void addToTreeCacheByByteFrac (::TTree *tree,::Double_t minByteFraction) const
Functions accessing branch names according to certain rules

std::vector< std::string > branchesByEntries (::Long64_t minEntries) const
 Get the branches accessed more than n times.
std::vector< std::string > branchesByEntryFrac (::Double_t minEvFraction) const
 Get the branches accessed more than a given fraction of times.
std::vector< std::string > branchesByBytes (::Long64_t minBytes) const
 Get the branches from which more than x bytes were read.
std::vector< std::string > branchesByByteFrac (::Double_t minByteFraction) const
Functions getting the statistics as histograms

::TH1 * treeAccessStat () const
 Get a histogram with the TTree access statistics.
::TH1 * entryReadStat () const
 Get a histogram with the entry reading statistics.
::TH1 * zippedByteReadStat () const
 Get a histogram with the zipped byte reading statistics.
::TH1 * unzippedByteReadStat () const
 Get a histogram with the unzipped byte reading statistics.

Detailed Description

Class describing the access statistics of a collection of branches

Objects of this class are used to describe the access pattern of an xAOD analysis. The object can also be used to optimize the caching for the analysis in subsequent runs.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2015-01-27 17:43:18 +0100 (Tue, 27 Jan 2015)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xAOD::ReadStats::ReadStats ( const char *  name = "xAODReadStats",
const char *  title = "xAOD reading statistics" 

Constructor just specifying the name of the object.

In order to be able to stream such objects, they have to have an explicit name. It can be specified using this constructor, but usually leaving the default is just fine.

name Name for the object
title Optional title for the object (not used for anything)
xAOD::ReadStats::ReadStats ( const ReadStats parent  ) 

Copy constructor.

It's probably not needed actually, but I wanted to be explicit about how the copy constructor should behave.

parent The object that's being copied
xAOD::ReadStats::~ReadStats (  ) 


The destructor needs to clean up all the BranchStats objects that were created on the heap.

Member Function Documentation

ReadStats & xAOD::ReadStats::add ( const ReadStats rh  ) 

Function merging two objects.

This function is used to merge the information from two objects.

rh The object to be merged into this one
A reference to the merged object
void xAOD::ReadStats::addToTreeCache ( ::TTree *  tree  )  const

Add all branches that were ever accessed, to the TTreeCache.

This function can be used to add all the branches that this object knows about, to the cache of the TTree given to the function.

It can be useful for blankly enabling caching for all the variables that an xAOD analysis accessed previously.

tree Tree for which the caching should be configured
void xAOD::ReadStats::addToTreeCacheByByteFrac ( ::TTree *  tree,
::Double_t  minByteFraction 
) const

Add the branches from whith more than a given fraction of the bytes were read, to the TTreeCache

This function can be used to add all the variables to the cache from which more than some fraction of the bytes were read in a previous running.

tree Tree for which the caching should be configured
minByteFraction Minimum fraction of bytes read from the variable to qualify for caching
void xAOD::ReadStats::addToTreeCacheByBytes ( ::TTree *  tree,
::Long64_t  minBytes 
) const

Add the branches from which more than x bytes were read, to the TTreeCache

This function can be used to add all the variables to the cache from which more than some bytes were read in a previous running.

tree Tree for which the caching should be configured
minBytes Minimum number of bytes read from the variable to qualify for caching
void xAOD::ReadStats::addToTreeCacheByEntries ( ::TTree *  tree,
::Long64_t  minEntries 
) const

Add the branches accessed more than n times to the TTreeCache.

This should be one of the most useful functions of this class. It can be used to selectively enable the caching for the branches which were accessed more than a specified number of times in a previous running.

tree Tree for which the caching should be configured
minEntries Minimum number of entries read from the variable to qualify for caching
void xAOD::ReadStats::addToTreeCacheByEntryFrac ( ::TTree *  tree,
::Double_t  minEvFraction 
) const

Add the branches accessed more than a given fraction of times to the TTreeCache

This should be one of the most useful functions of this class. It can be used to selectively enable the caching for the branches which were accessed more than a specified fraction of times in a previous running. This is slightly more general than the version of this function expecting an absolute entry number.

tree Tree for which the caching should be configured
minEvFraction Minimum fraction of entries read from the branches that should be added to the cache
const BranchStats * xAOD::ReadStats::branch ( const std::string &  prefix,
SG::auxid_t  auxid 
) const

Get information about a specific variable.

Get the access statistics of a single xAOD branch

prefix The prefix for the xAOD branch
auxid The auxiliary ID of the variable belonging to the branch
A pointer to the object describing the access statistics, or a null pointer if the branch is unknown
BranchStats * xAOD::ReadStats::branch ( const std::string &  prefix,
SG::auxid_t  auxid 

Access the description of a branch. Creating it if necessary.

This function is used to access a branch's description for modification. The function creates the description object if it doesn't exist yet.

prefix The prefix for the xAOD branch
auxid The auxiliary ID of the variable belonging to the branch
A pointer to the object holding the access statistics
std::vector< std::string > xAOD::ReadStats::branchesByByteFrac ( ::Double_t  minByteFraction  )  const

Get the branches from which more than a given fraction of bytes were read

This function can be used to get a list of branch names from which more than a specified fraction of bytes were read in the analysis.

minByteFraction Minimum fraction of bytes read from the variables
A list of branch names fulfilling the requirement
std::vector< std::string > xAOD::ReadStats::branchesByBytes ( ::Long64_t  minBytes  )  const

Get the branches from which more than x bytes were read.

This function can be used to get a list of branch names from which more than a specified number of bytes were read in the analysis.

minBytes Minimum number of bytes read from the variables
A list of branch names fulfilling the requirement
std::vector< std::string > xAOD::ReadStats::branchesByEntries ( ::Long64_t  minEntries  )  const

Get the branches accessed more than n times.

This function can be used to get a list of branch names that were accessed more than a specified number of times in the analysis.

minEntries Minimum number of entries read from the variables
A list of branch names fulfilling the requirement
std::vector< std::string > xAOD::ReadStats::branchesByEntryFrac ( ::Double_t  minEvFrac  )  const

Get the branches accessed more than a given fraction of times.

This function can be used to get a list of branch names that were accessed more than some fraction of times in the analysis.

minEvFrac Minimum fraction of entries read from the variables
A list of branch names fulfilling the requirement
TH1 * xAOD::ReadStats::entryReadStat (  )  const

Get a histogram with the entry reading statistics.

This function can be used to produce a nice histogram showing how many entries were accessed by how many of the branches.

Note that the caller is responsible for deleting the created histogram.

The histogram showing the distribution
bool xAOD::ReadStats::isCompatible ( const ReadStats rh  )  const

Function checking if two objects are "compatible".

This function checks whether two objects are "compatible" with each other. This just means that it checks whether it appears as if the two statistics objects would've been recorded from the same input type or not.

rh Object to compare to this object
true if the two objects are compatible, false otherwise
Int_t xAOD::ReadStats::Merge ( ::TCollection *  coll  ) 

Function merging the information from multiple objects.

This function makes it possible to properly merge objects coming from PROOF workers, or from separate ROOT files.

coll A collection of xAOD::ReadStats objects
0 in case of failure, a positive number in case of success
ReadStats & xAOD::ReadStats::operator= ( const ReadStats parent  ) 

Assignment operator.

This is probably not needed either, but again, I wanted to be explicit.

parent The object that's being copied
A reference to the copied object
void xAOD::ReadStats::Print ( ::Option_t *  option = ""  )  const

Print information about the collected statistics.

Standard ROOT printing function. It prints the gathered information about the variables accessed in an analysis.

The option parameter understands the following value(s):

  • "Summary": Only the summary information is printed.
  • "ByEntries": Order the variables by the number of entries read from them.
  • "ByBytes": Order the variables by the number of bytes read from them.
option Possible options for the printing
void xAOD::ReadStats::printSmartSlimmingBranchList ( bool  autoIncludeLinks = false  )  const

Print the accessed variables, formatted for smart slimming.

This is a tricky function. It prints the list of accessed variables in a way that can be copy-pasted directly into the ItemList of a derivation job. (Or into the C++ code of some analysis code.)

autoIncludeLinks Since removing links from objects can cause problems for slow-merging in Athena, one can request all ElementLink variables to be added to the variable list, irrespective whether they're needed or not.

Object used to collect the information

TH1 * xAOD::ReadStats::treeAccessStat (  )  const

Get a histogram with the TTree access statistics.

This function can be used to produce a nice histogram showing how many TTrees were accessed by how many of the branches.

Note that the caller is responsible for deleting the created histogram.

The histogram showing the distribution
TH1 * xAOD::ReadStats::unzippedByteReadStat (  )  const

Get a histogram with the unzipped byte reading statistics.

This function can be used to produce a nice histogram showing how many uncompressed bytes were accessed by how many of the branches.

Note that the caller is responsible for deleting the created histogram.

The histogram showing the distribution
TH1 * xAOD::ReadStats::zippedByteReadStat (  )  const

Get a histogram with the zipped byte reading statistics.

This function can be used to produce a nice histogram showing how many raw bytes were accessed by how many of the branches.

Note that the caller is responsible for deleting the created histogram.

The histogram showing the distribution

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1