Namespace holding all the xAOD EDM classes. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | IncidentType |
namespace | Iso |
namespace | TruthHelpers |
Dedicated namespace for the helper functions. | |
namespace | Type |
namespace | VxType |
A convenience namespace to make the client code easier to understand. | |
Classes | |
class | FastJetLink |
class | TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 |
class | TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 |
class | IParticle |
class | BPhysHelper |
class | BPhysHypoHelper |
class | BTagging_v1 |
class | BTaggingAuxContainer_v1 |
class | BTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
class | BTagVertex_v1 |
class | BTagVertexAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CaloVertexedClusterBase |
Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state. More... | |
class | CaloVertexedTopoCluster |
Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state. More... | |
class | CaloCluster_v1 |
class | CaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CaloClusterAuxContainer_v2 |
class | CaloClusterBadChannelData_v1 |
Description of problematic cell in a cluster. More... | |
class | CaloTower_v1 |
Object representing calorimeter signal towers. More... | |
class | CaloTowerAuxContainer_v1 |
Payload container for xAOD::CaloTowerContainer_v1 . More... | |
class | CaloTowerContainer_v1 |
Basic container storing all information need for xAOD::CaloTower_v1 objects. More... | |
class | TDVCollectionFuncs |
Helper functions for accessing the container data via the proxy. More... | |
class | AddDVProxy |
class | AuxContainerBase |
class | AuxInfoBase |
class | AuxSelection |
class | ShallowAuxContainer |
class | ShallowAuxInfo |
class | AuxPersInfo |
class | AuxPersVector |
class | IOStats |
class | PerfStats |
class | BranchStats |
class | ReadStats |
class | TDVCollectionProxyDummy |
Dummy class to use as the DataVector template argument for the class we give to the Root proxy. More... | |
class | TDVCollectionProxy |
class | CutBookkeeper_v1 |
class | CutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CutBookkeeperContainer_v1 |
class | Egamma_v1 |
class | EgammaAuxContainer_v1 |
class | Electron_v1 |
class | ElectronAuxContainer_v1 |
class | ElectronAuxContainer_v2 |
class | ElectronAuxContainer_v3 |
class | Photon_v1 |
class | PhotonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | PhotonAuxContainer_v2 |
class | PhotonAuxContainer_v3 |
class | EventFormatElement |
class | EventFormat_v1 |
class | EventAuxInfo_v1 |
class | EventInfo_v1 |
class | EventInfoAuxContainer_v1 |
class | EventShape_v1 |
class | EventShapeAuxInfo_v1 |
class | AFPData_v1 |
class | AFPDataAuxContainer_v1 |
class | AFPSiHit_v1 |
Class representing a hit in silicon detector. More... | |
class | AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v1 |
Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHit_v1 objects. More... | |
class | AFPTrack_v1 |
Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP. More... | |
class | AFPTrackAuxContainer_v1 |
Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPTrack_v1. More... | |
class | ALFAData_v1 |
class | ALFADataAuxContainer_v1 |
class | ForwardEventInfo_v1 |
class | ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 |
class | MBTSModule_v1 |
class | MBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | ZdcModule_v1 |
class | ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | HIEventShape_v1 |
class | HIEventShape_v2 |
class | HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v1 |
class | HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2 |
class | FastJetLinkBase |
struct | JetAttribute |
class | JetConstituent |
4-vector of jet constituent at the scale used during jet finding. More... | |
class | JetConstituentVector |
A vector of jet constituents at the scale used during jet finding. More... | |
class | Jet_v1 |
class | JetAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JetTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
class | SortLumiBlockRangeByStart |
class | BCMRawData_v1 |
class | BCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1 |
class | LumiBlockRange_v1 |
class | LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1 |
class | FileMetaData_v1 |
class | FileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1 |
struct | MissingETComposition |
Collection of functions managing the MET composition map and association map. More... | |
class | MissingET_v1 |
Principal data object for Missing ET. More... | |
class | MissingETAssociation_v1 |
MET association descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters. More... | |
class | MissingETAssociationMap_v1 |
class | MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v1 |
Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v1. More... | |
class | MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2 |
Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v2. More... | |
class | MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 |
Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1. More... | |
class | MissingETAuxContainer_v1 |
Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETContainer. More... | |
class | MissingETComponent_v1 |
MET component descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters. More... | |
class | MissingETComponentMap_v1 |
class | MissingETContainer_v1 |
Container for xAOD::MissingET_v1 objects. More... | |
class | Muon_v1 |
class | MuonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | MuonAuxContainer_v2 |
class | MuonAuxContainer_v3 |
class | MuonSegment_v1 |
class | MuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1 |
class | SlowMuon_v1 |
class | SlowMuonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CompositeParticle_v1 |
class | CompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | Particle_v1 |
class | ParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
struct | PFOParticleTypeMapper_temp |
class | PFO_v1 |
struct | PFOAttributesAccessor_v1 |
struct | PFOParticleTypeMapper_v1 |
class | PFOAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TActiveStore |
Helper class for finding the active TStore object. More... | |
class | TAuxStore |
"ROOT implementation" of IAuxStore More... | |
class | TEvent |
Tool for accessing xAOD files outside of Athena. More... | |
class | TAuxBranchManager |
Manager for auxiliary branches created dynamically. More... | |
class | TAuxManager |
Manager for TAuxStore objects. More... | |
class | TAuxVector |
class | TAuxVectorFactory |
class | TCDVHolderT |
class | TChainStateTracker |
class | TVirtualDestructor |
class | TDestructor |
class | TDestructorRegistry |
class | TDirectoryReset |
class | TEventBranch |
class | TEventFormatRegistry |
class | TEventTree |
class | TFileAccessTracer |
class | TFileChecker |
class | TFileMerger |
class | THolder |
This class takes care of holding EDM objects in memory. More... | |
class | TIncident |
class | TMetaBranch |
class | TMetaTree |
class | TObjectManager |
Manager for EDM objects created by ROOT. More... | |
class | TPrimitiveAuxBranchManager |
Manager for primitive auxiliary branches created dynamically. More... | |
class | TReturnCode |
class | TSocket |
class | TTransTrees |
class | TVirtualManager |
Interface class for the "manager classes". More... | |
class | TPyEvent |
class | TPyStore |
class | TStore |
class | TTreeMgr |
class | TVirtualIncidentListener |
class | TActiveEvent |
Helper class for finding the active TVirtualEvent object. More... | |
class | TVirtualEvent |
Base interface for getting objects out of the input file. More... | |
struct | xAODDiTAU_return_type< int > |
struct | xAODDiTAU_return_type< float > |
struct | xAODTAU_return_type< int > |
struct | xAODTAU_return_type< float > |
class | DiTauJet_v1 |
class | DiTauJetAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TauJet_v1 |
class | TauJet_v2 |
class | TauJetAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TauJetAuxContainer_v2 |
struct | TauJetCalibTypeMapper_v1 |
class | ParticleCaloExtension |
class | NeutralParticle_v1 |
class | NeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | SCTRawHitValidation_v1 |
class | SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 |
class | TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrackParticle_v1 |
class | TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3 |
class | TrackStateValidation_v1 |
class | TrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1 |
class | Vertex_v1 |
class | VertexAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigBphys_v1 |
class | TrigBphysAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
class | TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigEMCluster_v1 |
class | TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2 |
class | ElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
class | PhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigElectron_v1 |
class | TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigPhoton_v1 |
class | TrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | BunchConf_v1 |
class | BunchConfAuxContainer_v1 |
class | BunchConfKey_v1 |
class | ByteStreamAuxContainer_v1 |
class | EmTauRoI_v1 |
class | EmTauRoI_v2 |
class | EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2 |
class | EnergySumRoI_v1 |
class | EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1 |
class | JetEtRoI_v1 |
class | JetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1 |
class | JetRoI_v1 |
class | JetRoI_v2 |
class | JetRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JetRoIAuxContainer_v2 |
class | MuonRoI_v1 |
class | MuonRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | RoiDescriptorStore_v1 |
class | RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1 |
class | TrigComposite_v1 |
class | TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigConfKeys_v1 |
class | TrigDecision_v1 |
class | TrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1 |
class | TriggerMenu_v1 |
class | TriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigNavigation_v1 |
class | TrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1 |
class | TrigPassBits_v1 |
class | TrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMMCPHits_v1 |
class | CMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMMEtSums_v1 |
class | CMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMMJetHits_v1 |
class | CMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMMRoI_v1 |
class | CMMRoIAuxInfo_v1 |
class | CMXCPHits_v1 |
class | CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMXCPTob_v1 |
class | CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMXEtSums_v1 |
class | CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMXJetHits_v1 |
class | CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMXJetTob_v1 |
class | CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CMXRoI_v1 |
class | CMXRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CPMHits_v1 |
class | CPMHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CPMRoI_v1 |
class | CPMRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CPMTobRoI_v1 |
class | CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CPMTower_v1 |
class | CPMTower_v2 |
class | CPMTowerAuxContainer_v1 |
class | CPMTowerAuxContainer_v2 |
class | JEMEtSums_v1 |
class | JEMEtSums_v2 |
class | JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2 |
class | JEMHits_v1 |
class | JEMHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JEMRoI_v1 |
class | JEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JEMTobRoI_v1 |
class | JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JetElement_v1 |
class | JetElement_v2 |
class | JetElementAuxContainer_v1 |
class | JetElementAuxContainer_v2 |
class | L1TopoRawData_v1 |
class | L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1 |
class | RODHeader_v1 |
class | RODHeader_v2 |
class | RODHeaderAuxContainer_v1 |
class | RODHeaderAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TriggerTower_v1 |
class | TriggerTower_v2 |
class | TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TrigHisto2D_v1 |
class | TrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 |
class | TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 |
class | TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 |
class | TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigTrackCounts_v1 |
class | TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigVertexCounts_v1 |
class | TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigMissingET_v1 |
class | TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1 |
class | L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
class | L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | L2IsoMuon_v1 |
class | L2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
class | L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
class | L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v1 |
class | L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TrigRingerRings_v1 |
class | TrigRingerRings_v2 |
class | TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TrigRNNOutput_v1 |
class | TrigRNNOutput_v2 |
class | TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2 |
class | TruthEvent_v1 |
class | TruthEventAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TruthEventBase_v1 |
class | TruthMetaData_v1 |
class | TruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TruthParticle_v1 |
class | TruthParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TruthPileupEvent_v1 |
class | TruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1 |
class | TruthVertex_v1 |
class | TruthVertexAuxContainer_v1 |
class | BTagging |
Class for xAOD b-tagging information. More... | |
class | BTagVertex |
Class for xAOD secondary vertex finding information (main client: JetFitter) that is too much overhead for the xAOD::Vertex. More... | |
class | Egamma |
Class describing an e/gamma. More... | |
class | Electron |
Class describing an electron. More... | |
class | Photon |
Class describing an photon. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef TruthParticle_v1 | TruthParticle |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef TruthVertex_v1 | TruthVertex |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef Vertex_v1 | Vertex |
Define the latest version of the vertex class. | |
typedef std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > | TrackVertexAssociationList |
typedef std::map< const xAOD::Vertex *, xAOD::TrackVertexAssociationList > | TrackVertexAssociationMap |
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociation |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer |
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer |
Definition of the current "TrackParticleClusterAssociation container version". | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 > | TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector< IParticle > | IParticleContainer |
typedef BTagging_v1 | BTagging |
Definition of the current "BTagging version". | |
typedef BTaggingAuxContainer_v1 | BTaggingAuxContainer |
typedef BTaggingContainer_v1 | BTaggingContainer |
Definition of the current "BTagging container version". | |
typedef BTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1 | BTaggingTrigAuxContainer |
typedef BTagVertex_v1 | BTagVertex |
Definition of the current "BTagging version". | |
typedef BTagVertexAuxContainer_v1 | BTagVertexAuxContainer |
typedef BTagVertexContainer_v1 | BTagVertexContainer |
Definition of the current "BTagging container version". | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::BTagging_v1 > | BTaggingContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::BTagVertex_v1 > | BTagVertexContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef CaloCluster_v1 | CaloCluster |
Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster class. | |
typedef CaloClusterAuxContainer_v2 | CaloClusterAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. | |
typedef CaloClusterBadChannelData_v1 | CaloClusterBadChannelData |
typedef std::vector < CaloClusterBadChannelData > | CaloClusterBadChannelList |
typedef CaloClusterContainer_v1 | CaloClusterContainer |
Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster container. | |
typedef CaloTower_v1 | CaloTower |
typedef CaloTowerAuxContainer_v1 | CaloTowerAuxContainer |
typedef CaloTowerContainer_v1 | CaloTowerContainer |
typedef DataVector < CaloCluster_v1 > | CaloClusterContainer_v1 |
Define the cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector< CaloTower_v1 > | CaloTowerContainerBase_v1 |
typedef ElementLink < CutBookkeeperContainer > | CutBookkeeperLink_t |
typedef std::vector < xAOD::CutBookkeeperLink_t > | CutBookkeeperLinks_t |
typedef CutBookkeeper_v1 | CutBookkeeper |
Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeper class. | |
typedef CutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1 | CutBookkeeperAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperAuxContainer class. | |
typedef CutBookkeeperContainer_v1 | CutBookkeeperContainer |
Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperContainer class. | |
typedef Egamma_v1 | Egamma |
Definition of the current "egamma version". | |
typedef EgammaAuxContainer_v1 | EgammaAuxContainer |
typedef EgammaContainer_v1 | EgammaContainer |
Definition of the current "egamma container version". | |
typedef Electron_v1 | Electron |
Definition of the current "egamma version". | |
typedef ElectronAuxContainer_v3 | ElectronAuxContainer |
typedef ElectronContainer_v1 | ElectronContainer |
Definition of the current "electron container version". | |
typedef Photon_v1 | Photon |
Definition of the current "egamma version". | |
typedef PhotonAuxContainer_v3 | PhotonAuxContainer |
typedef PhotonContainer_v1 | PhotonContainer |
Definition of the current "photon container version". | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::Egamma_v1 > | EgammaContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::Electron_v1 > | ElectronContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::Photon_v1 > | PhotonContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef EventFormat_v1 | EventFormat |
Definition of the current event format version. | |
typedef EventAuxInfo_v1 | EventAuxInfo |
Definition of the latest event auxiliary info version. | |
typedef EventInfo_v1 | EventInfo |
Definition of the latest event info version. | |
typedef EventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | EventInfoAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. | |
typedef EventInfoContainer_v1 | EventInfoContainer |
Define the latest version of the container. | |
typedef DataVector< EventInfo_v1 > | EventInfoContainer_v1 |
typedef EventShape_v1 | EventShape |
Definition of the current event format version. | |
typedef EventShapeAuxInfo_v1 | EventShapeAuxInfo |
Definition of the latest event shape auxiliary info version. | |
typedef AFPData_v1 | AFPData |
typedef AFPDataAuxContainer_v1 | AFPDataAuxContainer |
typedef AFPDataContainer_v1 | AFPDataContainer |
typedef AFPSiHit_v1 | AFPSiHit |
typedef AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v1 | AFPSiHitAuxContainer |
typedef AFPSiHitContainer_v1 | AFPSiHitContainer |
typedef AFPTrack_v1 | AFPTrack |
typedef AFPTrackAuxContainer_v1 | AFPTrackAuxContainer |
typedef AFPTrackContainer_v1 | AFPTrackContainer |
typedef ALFAData_v1 | ALFAData |
typedef ALFADataAuxContainer_v1 | ALFADataAuxContainer |
typedef ALFADataContainer_v1 | ALFADataContainer |
typedef ForwardEventInfo_v1 | ForwardEventInfo |
typedef ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer |
typedef ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 | ForwardEventInfoContainer |
typedef MBTSModule_v1 | MBTSModule |
typedef MBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1 | MBTSModuleAuxContainer |
typedef MBTSModuleContainer_v1 | MBTSModuleContainer |
typedef DataVector< AFPData_v1 > | AFPDataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHit_v1 > | AFPSiHitContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPTrack_v1 > | AFPTrackContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< ALFAData_v1 > | ALFADataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < ForwardEventInfo_v1 > | ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< MBTSModule_v1 > | MBTSModuleContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< ZdcModule_v1 > | ZdcModuleContainer_v1 |
typedef ZdcModule_v1 | ZdcModule |
typedef ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v1 | ZdcModuleAuxContainer |
typedef ZdcModuleContainer_v1 | ZdcModuleContainer |
typedef HIEventShape_v2 | HIEventShape |
Definition of the latest event info version. | |
typedef HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2 | HIEventShapeAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. | |
typedef HIEventShapeContainer_v2 | HIEventShapeContainer |
Define the latest version of the container. | |
typedef DataVector < HIEventShape_v1 > | HIEventShapeContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < HIEventShape_v2 > | HIEventShapeContainer_v2 |
typedef JetConstituentVector::iterator | iterator |
typedef Jet_v1 | Jet |
Definition of the current "jet version". | |
typedef JetAuxContainer_v1 | JetAuxContainer |
typedef JetContainer_v1 | JetContainer |
Definition of the current "jet container version". | |
typedef JetTrigAuxContainer_v1 | JetTrigAuxContainer |
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector < ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D < double > > | JetFourMom_t |
Base 4 Momentum type for Jet. | |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Jet_v1 > | JetContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef BCMRawData_v1 | BCMRawData |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef BCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | BCMRawDataAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. | |
typedef BCMRawDataContainer_v1 | BCMRawDataContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef LumiBlockRange_v1 | LumiBlockRange |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1 | LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. | |
typedef LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 | LumiBlockRangeContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef DataVector< BCMRawData_v1 > | BCMRawDataContainer_v1 |
The container is simply a type definition. | |
typedef DataVector < LumiBlockRange_v1 > | LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 |
The container is simply a type definition. | |
typedef FileMetaData_v1 | FileMetaData |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef FileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1 | FileMetaDataAuxInfo |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef MissingET_v1 | MissingET |
Version control by type defintion. | |
typedef MissingETAssociation_v1 | MissingETAssociation |
Version control by type definition. | |
typedef MissingETAssociationMap_v1 | MissingETAssociationMap |
Version control by type defintion. | |
typedef MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2 | MissingETAuxAssociationMap |
Version control by type definition. | |
typedef MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 | MissingETAuxComponentMap |
Version control by type definition. | |
typedef MissingETAuxContainer_v1 | MissingETAuxContainer |
typedef MissingETComponent_v1 | MissingETComponent |
Version control by type definition. | |
typedef MissingETComponentMap_v1 | MissingETComponentMap |
Version control by type definition. | |
typedef MissingETContainer_v1 | MissingETContainer |
typedef Muon_v1 | Muon |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef MuonAuxContainer_v3 | MuonAuxContainer |
typedef MuonContainer_v1 | MuonContainer |
Definition of the current "Muon container version". | |
typedef MuonSegment_v1 | MuonSegment |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef MuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1 | MuonSegmentAuxContainer |
typedef MuonSegmentContainer_v1 | MuonSegmentContainer |
Definition of the current "MuonSegment container version". | |
typedef SlowMuon_v1 | SlowMuon |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef SlowMuonAuxContainer_v1 | SlowMuonAuxContainer |
typedef SlowMuonContainer_v1 | SlowMuonContainer |
Definition of the current "SlowMuon container version". | |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Muon_v1 > | MuonContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::MuonSegment_v1 > | MuonSegmentContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::SlowMuon_v1 > | SlowMuonContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef CompositeParticle_v1 | CompositeParticle |
Define the latest version of the composite particle class. | |
typedef CompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1 | CompositeParticleAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CompositeParticleAuxContainer class. | |
typedef CompositeParticleContainer_v1 | CompositeParticleContainer |
Define the latest version of the CompositeParticle class. | |
typedef IParticleLink_v1 | IParticleLink |
Define the latest version of the IParticleLink class. | |
typedef IParticleLinkContainer_v1 | IParticleLinkContainer |
Define the latest version of the IParticleLinkContainer class. | |
typedef Particle_v1 | Particle |
Define the latest version of the particle class. | |
typedef ParticleAuxContainer_v1 | ParticleAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the ParticleAuxContainer class. | |
typedef ParticleContainer_v1 | ParticleContainer |
Define the latest version of the particle class. | |
typedef DataVector < CompositeParticle_v1 > | CompositeParticleContainer_v1 |
Define the composite particle container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef ElementLink < xAOD::IParticleContainer > | IParticleLink_v1 |
Define the IParticleLink as a simple typedef. | |
typedef std::vector < IParticleLink_v1 > | IParticleLinkContainer_v1 |
Define the container of IPartilceLinks. | |
typedef DataVector< Particle_v1 > | ParticleContainer_v1 |
Define the particle container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef PFO_v1 | PFO |
Definition of the current "pfo version". | |
typedef PFOAuxContainer_v1 | PFOAuxContainer |
typedef PFOContainer_v1 | PFOContainer |
Definition of the current "pfo container version". | |
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector < ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D < float > > | PtEtaPhiMVectorF |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::PFO_v1 > | PFOContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DiTauJet_v1 | DiTauJet |
Definition of the current version. | |
typedef DiTauJetAuxContainer_v1 | DiTauJetAuxContainer |
typedef DiTauJetContainer_v1 | DiTauJetContainer |
Definition of the current DiTauJet container version. | |
typedef TauJet_v2 | TauJet |
Definition of the current "tau version". | |
typedef TauJetAuxContainer_v2 | TauJetAuxContainer |
typedef TauJetContainer_v2 | TauJetContainer |
Definition of the current "taujet container version". | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::DiTauJet_v1 > | DiTauJetContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for a vector of DiTauJets. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TauJet_v1 > | TauJetContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TauJet_v2 > | TauJetContainer_v2 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef NeutralParticle_v1 | NeutralParticle |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef NeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1 | NeutralParticleAuxContainer |
typedef NeutralParticleContainer_v1 | NeutralParticleContainer |
Definition of the current "NeutralParticle container version". | |
typedef SCTRawHitValidation_v1 | SCTRawHitValidation |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1 | SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer |
typedef SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1 | SCTRawHitValidationContainer |
Definition of the current "SCTRawHitValidationContainer version". | |
typedef TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidation |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer |
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidationContainer |
Definition of the current "TrackMeasurementValidation container version". | |
typedef TrackParticle_v1 | TrackParticle |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3 | TrackParticleAuxContainer |
typedef TrackParticleContainer_v1 | TrackParticleContainer |
Definition of the current "TrackParticle container version". | |
typedef TrackStateValidation_v1 | TrackStateValidation |
Reference the current persistent version:. | |
typedef TrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackStateValidationAuxContainer |
typedef TrackStateValidationContainer_v1 | TrackStateValidationContainer |
Definition of the current "TrackStateValidation container version". | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1 > | NeutralParticleContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::SCTRawHitValidation_v1 > | SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 > | TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrackParticle_v1 > | TrackParticleContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrackStateValidation_v1 > | TrackStateValidationContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::Vertex_v1 > | VertexContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef for now. | |
typedef VertexAuxContainer_v1 | VertexAuxContainer |
typedef VertexContainer_v1 | VertexContainer |
Definition of the current "Vertex container version". | |
typedef TrigBphys_v1 | TrigBphys |
typedef TrigBphysAuxContainer_v1 | TrigBphysAuxContainer |
typedef TrigBphysContainer_v1 | TrigBphysContainer |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigBphys_v1 > | TrigBphysContainer_v1 |
Declare the em/tau RoI container type. | |
typedef CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1 | CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. | |
typedef TrigCaloCluster_v1 | TrigCaloCluster |
Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster class. | |
typedef TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. | |
typedef TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1 | TrigCaloClusterContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster container. | |
typedef TrigEMCluster_v1 | TrigEMCluster |
Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster class. | |
typedef TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2 | TrigEMClusterAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster auxiliary container. | |
typedef TrigEMClusterContainer_v1 | TrigEMClusterContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster container. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigCaloCluster_v1 > | TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1 |
Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigEMCluster_v1 > | TrigEMClusterContainer_v1 |
Define the trigger EM cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef ElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1 | ElectronTrigAuxContainer |
typedef PhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1 | PhotonTrigAuxContainer |
typedef TrigElectron_v1 | TrigElectron |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1 | TrigElectronAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. | |
typedef TrigElectronContainer_v1 | TrigElectronContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef TrigPhoton_v1 | TrigPhoton |
Declare the latest version of TrigPhoton. | |
typedef TrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1 | TrigPhotonAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the photon auxiliary container. | |
typedef TrigPhotonContainer_v1 | TrigPhotonContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigElectron_v1 > | TrigElectronContainer_v1 |
Declare the container as a simple type definition. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1 > | TrigPhotonContainer_v1 |
Declare the container as a simple type definition. | |
typedef BunchConf_v1 | BunchConf |
Define the latest version of the bunch configuration class. | |
typedef BunchConfAuxContainer_v1 | BunchConfAuxContainer |
typedef BunchConfContainer_v1 | BunchConfContainer |
Define the latest version of the bunch configuration container class. | |
typedef BunchConfKey_v1 | BunchConfKey |
Declare the current version of the bunch configuration key type. | |
typedef EmTauRoI_v2 | EmTauRoI |
typedef EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2 | EmTauRoIAuxContainer |
typedef EmTauRoIContainer_v2 | EmTauRoIContainer |
typedef EnergySumRoI_v1 | EnergySumRoI |
typedef EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1 | EnergySumRoIAuxInfo |
Declare the most recent version of the energy-sum auxiliary info. | |
typedef JetEtRoI_v1 | JetEtRoI |
typedef JetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1 | JetEtRoIAuxInfo |
Declare the most recent version of the jet-ET auxiliary info. | |
typedef JetRoI_v2 | JetRoI |
typedef JetRoIAuxContainer_v2 | JetRoIAuxContainer |
typedef JetRoIContainer_v2 | JetRoIContainer |
typedef MuonRoI_v1 | MuonRoI |
typedef MuonRoIAuxContainer_v1 | MuonRoIAuxContainer |
typedef MuonRoIContainer_v1 | MuonRoIContainer |
typedef RoiDescriptorStore_v1 | RoiDescriptorStore |
Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor storage. | |
typedef RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1 | RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo |
typedef TrigComposite_v1 | TrigComposite |
Declare the latest version of the class. | |
typedef TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1 | TrigCompositeAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef TrigCompositeContainer_v1 | TrigCompositeContainer |
Declare the latest version of the container. | |
typedef TrigConfKeys_v1 | TrigConfKeys |
Declare the current version of the trigger configuration keys type. | |
typedef TrigDecision_v1 | TrigDecision |
Define the latest version of the trigger decision class. | |
typedef TrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1 | TrigDecisionAuxInfo |
typedef TriggerMenu_v1 | TriggerMenu |
Define the latest version of the trigger menu class. | |
typedef TriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger menu auxiliary container class. | |
typedef TriggerMenuContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuContainer |
Define the latest version of the trigger menu container class. | |
typedef TrigNavigation_v1 | TrigNavigation |
Define the latest version of the trigger navigation class. | |
typedef TrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1 | TrigNavigationAuxInfo |
typedef TrigPassBits_v1 | TrigPassBits |
Define the latest version of the trigger pass bits class. | |
typedef TrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigPassBitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the class. | |
typedef TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 | TrigPassBitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the trig pass bits container class. | |
typedef DataVector< BunchConf_v1 > | BunchConfContainer_v1 |
Define the bunch configuration container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::EmTauRoI_v1 > | EmTauRoIContainer_v1 |
Declare the em/tau RoI container type. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::EmTauRoI_v2 > | EmTauRoIContainer_v2 |
Declare the em/tau RoI container type. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JetRoI_v1 > | JetRoIContainer_v1 |
Declare the jet RoI container type. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JetRoI_v2 > | JetRoIContainer_v2 |
Declare the jet RoI container type. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::MuonRoI_v1 > | MuonRoIContainer_v1 |
Declare the muon RoI container type. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigComposite_v1 > | TrigCompositeContainer_v1 |
The container is a simple typedef. | |
typedef DataVector < TriggerMenu_v1 > | TriggerMenuContainer_v1 |
Define the menu container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigPassBits_v1 > | TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 |
Define the trig pass bits container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef CMMCPHits_v1 | CMMCPHits |
Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. | |
typedef CMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMCPHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef CMMCPHitsContainer_v1 | CMMCPHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits container. | |
typedef CMMEtSums_v1 | CMMEtSums |
Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums class. | |
typedef CMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMEtSumsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums auxiliary container. | |
typedef CMMEtSumsContainer_v1 | CMMEtSumsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums container. | |
typedef CMMJetHits_v1 | CMMJetHits |
Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits class. | |
typedef CMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMJetHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef CMMJetHitsContainer_v1 | CMMJetHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits container. | |
typedef CMMRoI_v1 | CMMRoI |
Define the latest version of the CMMRoI class. | |
typedef CMMRoIAuxInfo_v1 | CMMRoIAuxInfo |
Define the latest version of the CMMRoI auxiliary info. | |
typedef CMXCPHits_v1 | CMXCPHits |
Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. | |
typedef CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXCPHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. | |
typedef CMXCPHitsContainer_v1 | CMXCPHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXCPHits class. | |
typedef CMXCPTob_v1 | CMXCPTob |
Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. | |
typedef CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 | CMXCPTobAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. | |
typedef CMXCPTobContainer_v1 | CMXCPTobContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. | |
typedef CMXEtSums_v1 | CMXEtSums |
Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. | |
typedef CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXEtSumsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. | |
typedef CMXEtSumsContainer_v1 | CMXEtSumsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. | |
typedef CMXJetHits_v1 | CMXJetHits |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. | |
typedef CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXJetHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. | |
typedef CMXJetHitsContainer_v1 | CMXJetHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. | |
typedef CMXJetTob_v1 | CMXJetTob |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. | |
typedef CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 | CMXJetTobAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. | |
typedef CMXJetTobContainer_v1 | CMXJetTobContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. | |
typedef CMXRoI_v1 | CMXRoI |
Define the latest version of the CMXRoI class. | |
typedef CMXRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CMXRoIAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXRoI auxiliary info. | |
typedef CMXRoIContainer_v1 | CMXRoIContainer |
Define the latest version of the CMXRoI container. | |
typedef CPMHits_v1 | CPMHits |
Define the latest version of the CPMHits class. | |
typedef CPMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CPMHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef CPMHitsContainer_v1 | CPMHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. | |
typedef CPMRoI_v1 | CPMRoI |
Define the latest version of the CPMRoI class. | |
typedef CPMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CPMRoIAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMRoI auxiliary container. | |
typedef CPMRoIContainer_v1 | CPMRoIContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMRoI container. | |
typedef CPMTobRoI_v1 | CPMTobRoI |
Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. | |
typedef CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CPMTobRoIAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. | |
typedef CPMTobRoIContainer_v1 | CPMTobRoIContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. | |
typedef CPMTower_v2 | CPMTower |
Define the latest version of the CPMTower class. | |
typedef CPMTowerAuxContainer_v2 | CPMTowerAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef CPMTowerContainer_v2 | CPMTowerContainer |
Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. | |
typedef JEMEtSums_v2 | JEMEtSums |
Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums class. | |
typedef JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2 | JEMEtSumsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums auxiliary container. | |
typedef JEMEtSumsContainer_v2 | JEMEtSumsContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums container. | |
typedef JEMHits_v1 | JEMHits |
Define the latest version of the JEMHits class. | |
typedef JEMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | JEMHitsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef JEMHitsContainer_v1 | JEMHitsContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMHits container. | |
typedef JEMRoI_v1 | JEMRoI |
Define the latest version of the JEMRoI class. | |
typedef JEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | JEMRoIAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. | |
typedef JEMRoIContainer_v1 | JEMRoIContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMRoI container. | |
typedef JEMTobRoI_v1 | JEMTobRoI |
Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. | |
typedef JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | JEMTobRoIAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. | |
typedef JEMTobRoIContainer_v1 | JEMTobRoIContainer |
Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. | |
typedef JetElement_v2 | JetElement |
Define the latest version of the JetElement class. | |
typedef JetElementAuxContainer_v2 | JetElementAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the JetElement auxiliary container. | |
typedef JetElementContainer_v2 | JetElementContainer |
Define the latest version of the JetElement container. | |
typedef L1TopoRawData_v1 | L1TopoRawData |
Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData class. | |
typedef L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData auxiliary container. | |
typedef L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1 | L1TopoRawDataContainer |
Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData container. | |
typedef RODHeader_v2 | RODHeader |
Define the latest version of the RODHeader class. | |
typedef RODHeaderAuxContainer_v2 | RODHeaderAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the RODHeader auxiliary container. | |
typedef RODHeaderContainer_v2 | RODHeaderContainer |
Define the latest version of the RODHeader container. | |
typedef TriggerTower_v2 | TriggerTower |
Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. | |
typedef TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 | TriggerTowerAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. | |
typedef TriggerTowerContainer_v2 | TriggerTowerContainer |
Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMMCPHits_v1 > | CMMCPHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMMEtSums_v1 > | CMMEtSumsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMMEtSums as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMMJetHits_v1 > | CMMJetHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMMJetHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXCPHits_v1 > | CMXCPHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMXCPHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXCPTob_v1 > | CMXCPTobContainer_v1 |
Define the CMXCPTob as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXEtSums_v1 > | CMXEtSumsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMXEtSums as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXJetHits_v1 > | CMXJetHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the CMXJetHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXJetTob_v1 > | CMXJetTobContainer_v1 |
Define the CMXJetTob as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CMXRoI_v1 > | CMXRoIContainer_v1 |
Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CPMHits_v1 > | CPMHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CPMRoI_v1 > | CPMRoIContainer_v1 |
Define the CPMRoI as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CPMTobRoI_v1 > | CPMTobRoIContainer_v1 |
Define the CPMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CPMTower_v1 > | CPMTowerContainer_v1 |
Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::CPMTower_v2 > | CPMTowerContainer_v2 |
Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JEMEtSums_v1 > | JEMEtSumsContainer_v1 |
Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JEMEtSums_v2 > | JEMEtSumsContainer_v2 |
Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JEMHits_v1 > | JEMHitsContainer_v1 |
Define the JEMHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JEMRoI_v1 > | JEMRoIContainer_v1 |
Define the JEMRoI as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JEMTobRoI_v1 > | JEMTobRoIContainer_v1 |
Define the JEMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JetElement_v1 > | JetElementContainer_v1 |
Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::JetElement_v2 > | JetElementContainer_v2 |
Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::L1TopoRawData_v1 > | L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1 |
Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::RODHeader_v1 > | RODHeaderContainer_v1 |
Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::RODHeader_v2 > | RODHeaderContainer_v2 |
Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TriggerTower_v1 > | TriggerTowerContainer_v1 |
Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TriggerTower_v2 > | TriggerTowerContainer_v2 |
Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef TrigHisto2D_v1 | TrigHisto2D |
typedef TrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1 | TrigHisto2DAuxContainer |
typedef TrigHisto2DContainer_v1 | TrigHisto2DContainer |
typedef TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 | TrigSpacePointCounts |
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1 | TrigSpacePointCountsContainer |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBits |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignals |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer |
typedef TrigTrackCounts_v1 | TrigTrackCounts |
typedef TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1 | TrigTrackCountsContainer |
typedef TrigVertexCounts_v1 | TrigVertexCounts |
typedef TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1 | TrigVertexCountsContainer |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigHisto2D_v1 > | TrigHisto2DContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 > | TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 > | TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 > | TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigTrackCounts_v1 > | TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigVertexCounts_v1 > | TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef TrigMissingET_v1 | TrigMissingET |
Define the most recent version of the TrigMissingET class. | |
typedef TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1 | TrigMissingETAuxContainer |
Define the most recent version of the AuxContainer for the TrigMissingET object(s). | |
typedef TrigMissingETContainer_v1 | TrigMissingETContainer |
DataVector of TrigMissingET - the current version. | |
typedef DataVector < xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1 > | TrigMissingETContainer_v1 |
typedef L2CombinedMuon_v1 | L2CombinedMuon |
Define the latest version of the muon CB class. | |
typedef L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1 | L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon CB auxiliary container. | |
typedef L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1 | L2CombinedMuonContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon CB container. | |
typedef L2IsoMuon_v1 | L2IsoMuon |
Define the latest version of the muon Iso class. | |
typedef L2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1 | L2IsoMuonAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon Iso auxiliary container. | |
typedef L2IsoMuonContainer_v1 | L2IsoMuonContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon Iso container. | |
typedef L2StandAloneMuon_v2 | L2StandAloneMuon |
Define the latest version of the muon SA class. | |
typedef L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2 | L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon SA auxiliary container. | |
typedef L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2 | L2StandAloneMuonContainer |
Define the latest version of the muon SA container. | |
typedef DataVector < L2CombinedMuon_v1 > | L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1 |
Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector< L2IsoMuon_v1 > | L2IsoMuonContainer_v1 |
Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < L2StandAloneMuon_v1 > | L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v1 |
Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < L2StandAloneMuon_v2 > | L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2 |
Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef TrigRingerRings_v2 | TrigRingerRings |
Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. | |
typedef TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2 | TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. | |
typedef TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2 | TrigRingerRingsContainer |
Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRingsContainer class. | |
typedef TrigRNNOutput_v2 | TrigRNNOutput |
Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. | |
typedef TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2 | TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer |
Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. | |
typedef TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2 | TrigRNNOutputContainer |
Define the latest version of the TrigRNNOutputContainer class. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigRingerRings_v1 > | TrigRingerRingsContainer_v1 |
Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigRingerRings_v2 > | TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2 |
Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigRNNOutput_v1 > | TrigRNNOutputContainer_v1 |
Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef DataVector < TrigRNNOutput_v2 > | TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2 |
Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. | |
typedef TruthEvent_v1 | TruthEvent |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef TruthEventAuxContainer_v1 | TruthEventAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. | |
typedef TruthEventBase_v1 | TruthEventBase |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef TruthEventBaseContainer_v1 | TruthEventBaseContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth event container. | |
typedef TruthEventContainer_v1 | TruthEventContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth event container. | |
typedef TruthMetaData_v1 | TruthMetaData |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef TruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1 | TruthMetaDataAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. | |
typedef TruthMetaDataContainer_v1 | TruthMetaDataContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. | |
typedef TruthParticleAuxContainer_v1 | TruthParticleAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth particle auxiliary container. | |
typedef TruthParticleContainer_v1 | TruthParticleContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth particle container. | |
typedef TruthPileupEvent_v1 | TruthPileupEvent |
Typedef to implementation. | |
typedef TruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1 | TruthPileupEventAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. | |
typedef TruthPileupEventContainer_v1 | TruthPileupEventContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth event container. | |
typedef TruthVertexAuxContainer_v1 | TruthVertexAuxContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. | |
typedef TruthVertexContainer_v1 | TruthVertexContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. | |
typedef DataVector < TruthEventBase_v1 > | TruthEventBaseContainer_v1 |
Alias. | |
typedef DataVector< TruthEvent_v1 > | TruthEventContainer_v1 |
Alias. | |
typedef DataVector < TruthMetaData_v1 > | TruthMetaDataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < TruthParticle_v1 > | TruthParticleContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector < TruthPileupEvent_v1 > | TruthPileupEventContainer_v1 |
Alias declaring the container type. | |
typedef DataVector < TruthVertex_v1 > | TruthVertexContainer_v1 |
Enumerations | |
enum | JetFlavourLabelType { GAFinalHadron, GAInitialHadron, GAFinalParton, ConeFinalParton, ExclConeHadron, ExclConeDoubleHadron } |
enum | JetConstitScale { UncalibratedJetConstituent = 0, CalibratedJetConstituent = 1 } |
enum | JetScale { JetEMScaleMomentum = 0, JetConstitScaleMomentum = 1, JetAssignedScaleMomentum = 2 } |
enum | TrackFitter { Unknown = 0, iPatTrackFitter = 1, xKalman = 2, KalmanFitter = 3, GaussianSumFilter = 4, GlobalChi2Fitter = 5, DistributedKalmanFilter = 6, DeterministicAnnealingFilter = 7, KalmanDNAFitter = 8, MuonboyFitter = 9, NumberOfTrackFitters = 10 } |
Enums to identify who created this track and which properties does it have. More... | |
enum | TrackProperties { BremFit = 1, BremFitSuccessful = 2, StraightTrack = 3, SlimmedTrack = 4, HardScatterOrKink = 5, LowPtTrack = 6, NumberOfTrackProperties = 7 } |
enum | TrackPatternRecoInfo { SiSPSeededFinder = 0, SiCTBTracking = 1, InDetAmbiguitySolver = 2, InDetExtensionProcessor = 3, TRTSeededTrackFinder = 4, Muonboy = 5, MuGirlUnrefitted = 6, STACO = 7, StacoLowPt = 8, MuTag = 9, MooreToTrackTool = 10, TrigIDSCAN = 11, TrigSiTrack = 12, TrigTRTxK = 13, TrigTRTLUT = 14, Fatras = 15, iPatLegacyCnv = 16, xKalmanLegacyCnv = 17, SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool = 18, InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool = 19, TRTStandalone = 20, MuidStandAlone = 21, TRTSeededSingleSpTrackFinder = 22, MooreLegacyCnv = 23, MuidComb = 24, Moore = 25, MuidCombined = 26, MuidVertexAssociator = 27, MuGirl = 28, iPatRec = 29, MuGirlLowBeta = 30, FatrasSimulation = 31, ReverseOrderedTrack = 32, MuonNotHittingTileVolume = 33, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic = 34, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon = 35, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum = 36, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas = 37, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_VeryLowMomentum = 38, MuidMuonRecoveryTool = 39, MuidStandaloneRefit = 40, TrackInCaloROI = 41, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ForwardTracks = 42, strategyA = 43, strategyB = 44, strategyC = 45, FTK = 46, FastTrackFinderSeed = 47, SiSPSeededFinderSimple = 48, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0 = 49, NumberOfTrackRecoInfo = 50 } |
enum | ParticleHypothesis { nonInteracting = 0, geantino = 0, electron = 1, muon = 2, pion = 3, kaon = 4, proton = 5, photon = 6, neutron = 7, pi0 = 8, k0 = 9, nonInteractingMuon = 10, noHypothesis = 99, undefined = 99 } |
enum | ParameterPosition { BeamLine, FirstMeasurement, LastMeasurement, CalorimeterEntrance, CalorimeterExit, MuonSpectrometerEntrance } |
Enum allowing us to know where in ATLAS the parameters are defined. More... | |
enum | SummaryType { numberOfContribPixelLayers = 29, numberOfBLayerHits = 0, numberOfBLayerOutliers = 31, numberOfBLayerSharedHits = 16, numberOfBLayerSplitHits = 43, expectBLayerHit = 42, expectInnermostPixelLayerHit = 52, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits = 53, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers = 54, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits = 55, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits = 56, expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit = 57, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits = 58, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers = 59, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits = 60, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits = 61, numberOfDBMHits = 63, numberOfPixelHits = 2, numberOfPixelOutliers = 41, numberOfPixelHoles = 1, numberOfPixelSharedHits = 17, numberOfPixelSplitHits = 44, numberOfGangedPixels = 14, numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes = 32, numberOfPixelDeadSensors = 33, numberOfPixelSpoiltHits = 35, numberOfSCTHits = 3, numberOfSCTOutliers = 39, numberOfSCTHoles = 4, numberOfSCTDoubleHoles = 28, numberOfSCTSharedHits = 18, numberOfSCTDeadSensors = 34, numberOfSCTSpoiltHits = 36, numberOfTRTHits = 5, numberOfTRTOutliers = 19, numberOfTRTHoles = 40, numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits = 6, numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal = 64, numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers = 20, numberOfTRTDeadStraws = 37, numberOfTRTTubeHits = 38, numberOfTRTXenonHits = 46, numberOfTRTSharedHits = 62, numberOfPrecisionLayers = 7, numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers = 8, numberOfPhiLayers = 9, numberOfPhiHoleLayers = 10, numberOfTriggerEtaLayers = 11, numberOfTriggerEtaHoleLayers = 12, numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers = 66, numberOfOutliersOnTrack = 15, standardDeviationOfChi2OS = 30, eProbabilityComb = 47, eProbabilityHT = 48, pixeldEdx = 51, numberOfTrackSummaryTypes = 67 } |
enum | MuonSummaryType { primarySector = 0, secondarySector = 1, innerSmallHits = 2, innerLargeHits = 3, middleSmallHits = 4, middleLargeHits = 5, outerSmallHits = 6, outerLargeHits = 7, extendedSmallHits = 8, extendedLargeHits = 9, innerSmallHoles = 10, innerLargeHoles = 11, middleSmallHoles = 12, middleLargeHoles = 13, outerSmallHoles = 14, outerLargeHoles = 15, extendedSmallHoles = 16, extendedLargeHoles = 17, phiLayer1Hits = 18, phiLayer2Hits = 19, phiLayer3Hits = 20, phiLayer4Hits = 21, etaLayer1Hits = 22, etaLayer2Hits = 23, etaLayer3Hits = 24, etaLayer4Hits = 25, phiLayer1Holes = 26, phiLayer2Holes = 27, phiLayer3Holes = 28, phiLayer4Holes = 29, etaLayer1Holes = 30, etaLayer2Holes = 31, etaLayer3Holes = 32, etaLayer4Holes = 33, innerClosePrecisionHits = 34, middleClosePrecisionHits = 35, outerClosePrecisionHits = 36, extendedClosePrecisionHits = 37, innerOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 38, middleOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 39, outerOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 40, extendedOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 41, combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 42, isEndcapGoodLayers = 43, isSmallGoodSectors = 44, numberOfMuonSummaryTypes = 45 } |
b-tagging information | |
enum | BTagInfo { SV0_NGTinJet = 100, SV0_NGTinSvx = 101, SV0_N2Tpair = 102, SV0_masssvx = 103, SV0_efracsvx = 104, SV0_normdist = 105, SV1_NGTinJet = 200, SV1_NGTinSvx = 201, SV1_N2Tpair = 202, SV1_masssvx = 203, SV1_efracsvx = 204, SV1_normdist = 205, JetFitter_nVTX = 300, JetFitter_nSingleTracks = 301, JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx = 302, JetFitter_mass = 303, JetFitter_energyFraction = 304, JetFitter_significance3d = 305, JetFitter_deltaeta = 306, JetFitter_deltaphi = 307, JetFitter_N2Tpair = 308, IP2D_ntrk = 400, IP2D_gradeOfTracks = 401, IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks = 404, IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks = 405, IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks = 406, IP2D_weightBofTracks = 409, IP2D_weightUofTracks = 410, IP2D_weightCofTracks = 411, IP3D_ntrk = 500, IP3D_gradeOfTracks = 501, IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks = 504, IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks = 505, IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks = 506, IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks = 507, IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks = 508, IP3D_weightBofTracks = 509, IP3D_weightUofTracks = 510, IP3D_weightCofTracks = 511 } |
Functions | |
float | get_phi_calo (const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster, bool do_throw=false) |
float | get_eta_calo (const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster, bool do_throw=false) |
int | GAFinalHadronFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | GAInitialHadronFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | GAFinalPartonFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | ConeFinalPartonFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | ExclusiveConeHadronFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | ExclusiveConeDoubleHadronFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet) |
int | jetFlavourLabel (const xAOD::Jet *jet, JetFlavourLabelType=ExclConeHadron) |
bool | setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticle &original, IParticle ©) |
Function setting a link on a deep copy back to its original object. | |
bool | setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticleContainer &original, IParticleContainer ©) |
Function setting links on a deep/shallow copy container to the originals. | |
const IParticle * | getOriginalObject (const IParticle ©) |
Function getting a pointer to the original object from a deep/shallow copy. | |
setJetFitter_pu | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BTagging_v1, double, JetFitter_pc, setJetFitter_pc) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(BTagging_v1 |
setJetFitter_pu setJetFitterCombNN_pb | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BTagging_v1, double, JetFitterCombNN_pu, setJetFitterCombNN_pu) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(BTagging_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BTagging_v1, double, MV1_discriminant, setMV1_discriminant) bool BTagging_v1 | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1int (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1float (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < uint8_t > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1uint8_t (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < std::string > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1string (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < std::vector< int > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfInts (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < std::vector< float > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfFloats (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < std::vector< bool > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfBools (BTagInfo info) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | momentAccessorV1 (xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType moment) |
void | dump (const SG::AuxElement &obj) |
void | safeDeepCopy (const SG::AuxElement &orig, SG::AuxElement ©) |
int | safeGetBaseOffset (TClass *cls, TClass *base) |
TClass * | classFromDVClass (TClass *dvclass) |
TClass * | findDVBase (TClass *dvclass) |
std::string | findDVElement (TClass *cl) |
template<class T > | |
std::unique_ptr< T > | prepareElementForShallowCopy (const T *) |
template<class T > | |
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxContainer * > | shallowCopyContainer (const T &cont) |
template<class T > | |
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxInfo * > | shallowCopyObject (const T &obj) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Egamma_v1, Egamma_v1::CLELVec_t, caloClusterLinks, setCaloClusterLinks) bool Egamma_v1 | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | showerShapeAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType type) |
Explicit Instantiation of Template. | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< char > * | selectionMenuAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionMenu menu) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < unsigned int > * | selectionisEMAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionisEM isEM) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Electron_v1, Electron_v1::TPELVec_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) bool Electron_v1 | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | trackCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::TrackCaloMatchType type) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Photon_v1, Photon_v1::VxELVec_t, vertexLinks, setVertexLinks) size_t xAOD | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | vertexCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType type) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &vec) |
Helper output operator for printing vector variables. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormat_v1 &format) |
Print operator for the event format. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormatElement &element) |
Print operator for an event format element. | |
unsigned long setEventNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, lumiBlock, setLumiBlock) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, timeStampNSOffset, setTimeStampNSOffset) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask0, setDetectorMask0) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID setDetectorMask1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask2, setDetectorMask2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, EventInfo_v1::DetDescrTags_t, detDescrTags, setDetDescrTags) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 | |
setMCChannelNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, unsigned long long, mcEventNumber, setMCEventNumber) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, eventTypeBitmask, setEventTypeBitmask) bool EventInfo_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, statusElement, setStatusElement) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 | |
setExtendedLevel1ID | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint16_t, level1TriggerType, setLevel1TriggerType) EventInfo_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, float, actualInteractionsPerCrossing, setActualInteractionsPerCrossing) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1 &ei) |
A helper operator to be able to print debug messages easily. | |
EventInfo_v1::Accessor < uint32_t > * | eventFlagsAccessorsV1 (EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet subDet) |
setOverV setNumU setNumY | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdFibSel, setMDFibSel) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xDetCS, setXDetCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xLhcCS, setXLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, zLhcCS, setZLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yRPotCS, setYRPotCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yStatCS, setYStatCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yBeamCS, setYBeamCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, trigPat, setTrigPat) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdMultiplicity, setMDMultiplicity) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits setODFiberHitsPos | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, odFiberHitsNeg, setODFiberHitsNeg) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ZdcModule_v1, ElementLink< TriggerTowerContainer >, TTg0d0Link, setTTg0d0Link) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ZdcModule_v1 | |
setTTg0d1Link | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ZdcModule_v1, ElementLink< TriggerTowerContainer >, TTg1d0Link, setTTg1d0Link) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ZdcModule_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (HIEventShape_v2, std::vector< float >, etSin, setEtSin) std | |
double | ptFromEEtaM (const double e, const double eta, const double m) |
void | fillJetConstituent (const IParticle *part, JetConstituent &constit, JetConstitScale sigState) |
template<> | |
bool | Jet_v1::getAttribute< std::vector< double > > (AttributeID type, std::vector< double > &value) const |
template<> | |
bool | Jet_v1::getAttribute< std::vector< double > > (const std::string &name, std::vector< double > &value) const |
template<> | |
std::vector< double > | Jet_v1::getAttribute< std::vector< double > > (const std::string &name) const |
template<> | |
void | Jet_v1::setAttribute< std::vector< double > > (AttributeID type, const std::vector< double > &value) |
template<> | |
void | Jet_v1::setAttribute< std::vector< double > > (const std::string &name, const std::vector< double > &value) |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, startRunNumber, setStartRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 | |
setStartLumiBlockNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, stopRunNumber, setStopRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 |
setStartLumiBlockNumber setStopLumiBlockNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, eventsExpected, setEventsExpected) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < std::string > * | metaDataTypeStringAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | metaDataTypeFloatAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. | |
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t | getObjMask (size_t objIndex) |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (Muon_v1, uint8_t, Muon_v1::EnergyLossType, energyLossType) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(Muon_v1 | |
template<class T > | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | parameterAccessorV1 (Muon_v1::ParamDef type) |
template<> | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | parameterAccessorV1< float > (Muon_v1::ParamDef type) |
template<> | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * | parameterAccessorV1< int > (Muon_v1::ParamDef type) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < uint8_t > * | muonTrackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::MuonSummaryType type) |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, px, setPx) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1 | |
setPy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, pz, setPz) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CompositeParticle_v1, int, pdgId, setPdgId) const CompositeParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CompositeParticle_v1, xAOD::IParticleLinkContainer, partLinks, setPartLinks) template< typename CONTTYPE > ConstDataVector< CONTTYPE > *CompositeParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CompositeParticle_v1, xAOD::IParticleLinkContainer, otherPartLinks, setOtherPartLinks) void CompositeParticle_v1 | |
setPy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (Particle_v1, float, double, pz, setPz) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(Particle_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Particle_v1, float, charge, setCharge) bool Particle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Particle_v1, int, pdgId, setPdgId) void Particle_v1 | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | getIsolationAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < uint32_t > * | getIsolationCorrectionBitsetAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr) |
void | ErrorHandler (Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *message) |
Function filtering the warnings coming from ROOT. | |
TReturnCode | Init (const char *appname) |
TReturnCode | Init (const char *appname, int *argc, char **argv) |
void | SetMessageSourceWidth (size_t value) |
::TTree * | MakeTransientTree (TEvent &event, const char *treeName) |
::TTree * | MakeTransientMetaTree (TEvent &event,::TTree *persMetaTree) |
TTransTrees | MakeTransientTrees (::TFile *ifile, const char *treeName, TEvent::EAuxMode mode) |
void | ClearTransientTrees () |
::TTree * | MakeTransientTree (::TFile *ifile, const char *treeName, TEvent::EAuxMode mode) |
::TTree * | MakeTransientTree (::TChain *itree, TEvent::EAuxMode mode) |
::TTree * | MakeTransientMetaTree (::TFile *ifile, const char *eventTreeName, TEvent::EAuxMode mode) |
::TTree * | MakeTransientMetaTree (::TChain *ichain, const char *eventTreeName, TEvent::EAuxMode mode) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurementValidation_v1, std::vector< uint64_t >, rdoIdentifierList, setRdoIdentifierList) void TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackParticle_v1, ElementLink< VertexContainer >, vertexLink, setVertexLink) const Vertex *TrackParticle_v1 | |
template<> | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor < uint8_t > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1< uint8_t > (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
template<> | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1< float > (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, std::vector< float >, covariance, setCovariance) const Amg | |
const | AmgSymMatrix (3)&Vertex_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::TrackParticleLinks_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1 | |
setTrackWeights | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::NeutralParticleLinks_t, neutralParticleLinks, setNeutralParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1 |
typedef | AmgSymMatrix (5) ParametersCovMatrix_t |
typedef | AmgVector (5) DefiningParameters_t |
typedef | AmgVector (6) CurvilinearParameters_t |
template<class T > | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigBphys_v1, ElementLink< TrigBphysContainer_v1 >, secondaryDecayLink, setSecondaryDecayLink) const TrigBphys_v1 *TrigBphys_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigBphys_v1, ElementLink< TrigBphysContainer_v1 >, lowerChainLink, setLowerChainLink) const TrigBphys_v1 *TrigBphys_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, float, rawEnergy, setRawEnergy) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 | |
setRawEt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, float, rawEta, setRawEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setRawEt setRawPhi | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, long, RoIword, setRoIword) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setRawEt setRawPhi setNCells | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, unsigned int, clusterQuality, setClusterQuality) float TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, fracs1, setFracs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, ehad1, setEhad1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, emaxs1, setEmaxs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 setE2tsts1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, e233, setE233) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoiWord) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 | |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, rcore, setRcore) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etHad, setEtHad) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, trkEtaAtCalo, setTrkEtaAtCalo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 setTrkPhiAtCalo | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etOverPt, setEtOverPt) float TrigElectron_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (TrigElectron_v1, float, double, pt, setPt) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 | |
setCaloEta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, caloPhi, setCaloPhi) const TrigEMCluster *TrigElectron_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, TrigElectron_v1::EMClusterLink_t, emClusterLink, setEmClusterLink) const TrackParticle *TrigElectron_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, TrigElectron_v1::TrackParticleLink_t, trackParticleLink, setTrackParticleLink) void TrigElectron_v1 | |
setRcore | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, eratio, setEratio) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, etHad1, setEtHad1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad setFside | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, weta2, setWeta2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad setFside setPt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, caloEta, setCaloEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, TrigPhoton_v1::EMClusterLink_t, emClusterLink, setEmClusterLink) void TrigPhoton_v1 | |
setCollidingBCIDs | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< float >, intensitiesBeam1, setIntensitiesBeam1) bool BunchConf_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< float >, intensitiesBeam2, setIntensitiesBeam2) bool BunchConf_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< int >, unpairedBCIDsBeam1, setUnpairedBCIDsBeam1) bool BunchConf_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< int >, unpairedBCIDsBeam2, setUnpairedBCIDsBeam2) bool BunchConf_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< float >, unpairedIntensisitesBeam1, setUnpairedIntensitiesBeam1) bool BunchConf_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BunchConf_v1, std::vector< float >, unpairedIntensisitesBeam2, setUnpairedIntensitiesBeam2) bool BunchConf_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EmTauRoI_v1, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoIWord) uint32_t EmTauRoI_v1 | |
Accessor for threshold pattern (not part of RoI in Run 2). | |
setThrPattern setHadIsol | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EmTauRoI_v2, float, hadCore, setHadCore) float EmTauRoI_v2 |
Get cluster ET from the RoI word. | |
setRoIWord1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EnergySumRoI_v1, uint32_t, roiWord2, setRoIWord2) uint32_t EnergySumRoI_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (JetEtRoI_v1, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoIWord) uint32_t JetEtRoI_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (JetRoI_v1, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoIWord) uint32_t JetRoI_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (JetRoI_v2, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoIWord) float JetRoI_v2 | |
setThrValue | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (MuonRoI_v1, std::string, thrName, setThrName) int MuonRoI_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::string, name, setName) bool TrigComposite_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::vector< std::string >, linkColNames) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1 | |
linkColKeys | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::vector< uint16_t >, linkColIndices) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1 |
setBGCode | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tav, setTAV) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tbp, setTBP) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, uint32_t, efErrorBits, setEFErrorBits) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, bool, efTruncated, setEFTruncated) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedPhysics, setEFPassedPhysics) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedRaw, setEFPassedRaw) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedThrough, setEFPassedThrough) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough setLVL2Prescaled | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPrescaled, setEFPrescaled) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setL1psk | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, uint32_t, hltpsk, setHLTpsk) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TriggerMenu_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::string >, itemNames, setItemNames) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< float >, itemPrescales, setItemPrescales) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< uint16_t >, chainIds, setChainIds) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::string >, chainNames, setChainNames) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::string >, chainParentNames, setChainParentNames) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< float >, chainPrescales, setChainPrescales) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< float >, chainRerunPrescales, setChainRerunPrescales) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< float >, chainPassthroughPrescales, setChainPassthroughPrescales) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > >, chainSignatureCounters, setChainSignatureCounters) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< int > >, chainSignatureLogics, setChainSignatureLogics) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > >, chainSignatureOutputTEs, setChainSignatureOutputTEs) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >, chainSignatureLabels, setChainSignatureLabels) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >, sequenceInputTEs, setSequenceInputTEs) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::string >, sequenceOutputTEs, setSequenceOutputTEs) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >, sequenceAlgorithms, setSequenceAlgorithms) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, TriggerMenu_v1::BunchGroup_t, bunchGroupBunches, setBunchGroupBunches) bool TriggerMenu_v1 | |
setPassBits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPassBits_v1, uint32_t, containerKey, setContainerKey) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPassBits_v1 |
template<class CONT > | |
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1 > | makeTrigPassBits (const CONT *container, uint32_t containerKey=0xffff) |
Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container. | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CMXRoI_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, cmxRoIWords, setCmxRoIWords) void CMXRoI_v1 | |
initialize | |
std::string | str (const TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 &trigT2MbtsBits) |
double | sumEntries (const std::vector< float > &cont, unsigned int nbins_x, float min_x, float max_x, unsigned int nbins_y, float min_y, float max_y, float value_x, float value_y, int cutType) |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
setStrategy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, int, errorFlag, setErrorFlag) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
setStrategy setMatchFlag | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, sigmaPt, setSigmaPt) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, ElementLink< L2StandAloneMuonContainer >, muSATrackLink, setMuSATrackLink) const xAOD | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::L2CombinedMuon_v1 &mu) |
Operator for printing the contents of a LVL2 muon. | |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumPt02, setSumPt02) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumPt04, setSumPt04) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 setSumEt01 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumEt02, setSumEt02) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, phiMS, setPhiMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, zMS, setZMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, beta, setBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, barrelSagitta, setBarrelSagitta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, endcapBeta, setEndcapBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, slopeInner, setSlopeInner) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaR, setDeltaR) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, phiMap, setPhiMap) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, phiBin, setPhiBin) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, isRpcFailure, setIsRpcFailure) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure setDeltaPt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaEta, setDeltaEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, lvl1Id, setLvl1Id) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, muonDetMask, setMuonDetMask) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSystem, setRoiSystem) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSector, setRoiSector) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiThreshold, setRoiThreshold) uint32_t L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptBarrelRadius, setPtBarrelRadius) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
setPtBarrelSagitta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptEndcapAlpha, setPtEndcapAlpha) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, phiMS, setPhiMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, zMS, setZMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, beta, setBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, barrelSagitta, setBarrelSagitta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, endcapBeta, setEndcapBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, etaMap, setEtaMap) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, int, etaBin, setEtaBin) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, int, isTgcFailure, setIsTgcFailure) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin setIsRpcFailure | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, deltaPt, setDeltaPt) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin setIsRpcFailure setDeltaPtParm1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, deltaPtParm2, setDeltaPtParm2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin setIsRpcFailure setDeltaPtParm1 setDeltaPtParm3 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, deltaEta, setDeltaEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, uint32_t, lvl1Id, setLvl1Id) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, uint32_t, muonDetMask, setMuonDetMask) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, uint32_t, roiSystem, setRoiSystem) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, uint32_t, roiSector, setRoiSector) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, uint32_t, roiThreshold, setRoiThreshold) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, roiPhi, setRoiPhi) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta setTgcPt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, ptBarrelRadius, setPtBarrelRadius) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta setTgcPt setPtBarrelSagitta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, ptEndcapAlpha, setPtEndcapAlpha) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta setTgcPt setPtBarrelSagitta setPtEndcapBeta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, ptEndcapRadius, setPtEndcapRadius) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | polarizationAccessorV1 (TruthParticle_v1::PolParam type) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * | pdfInfoAccessorV1Int (TruthEvent_v1::PdfParam type) |
Helper function for getting accessors for integer type PDF information. | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | pdfInfoAccessorV1Float (TruthEvent_v1::PdfParam type) |
Helper function for getting accessors for floating point PDF information. | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * | heavyIonAccessorV1Int (TruthEvent_v1::HIParam type) |
Helper function for getting accessors for integer type HI information. | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | heavyIonAccessorV1Float (TruthEvent_v1::HIParam type) |
Helper function for getting accessors for floating point HI information. | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthEvent_v1, std::vector< float >, weights, setWeights) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthEvent_v1 | |
setCrossSection | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthEvent_v1, float, crossSectionError, setCrossSectionError) void TruthEvent_v1 |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthEvent_v1, TruthEvent_v1::TruthParticleLink_t, beamParticle1Link, setBeamParticle1Link) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthEvent_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthParticle_v1, int, pdgId, setPdgId) int TruthParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthParticle_v1, int, barcode, setBarcode) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthParticle_v1, ElementLink< TruthVertexContainer >, prodVtxLink, setProdVtxLink) bool TruthParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthParticle_v1, ElementLink< TruthVertexContainer >, decayVtxLink, setDecayVtxLink) size_t TruthParticle_v1 | |
AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthVertex_v1, int, barcode, setBarcode) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthVertex_v1 | |
Variables | |
double | |
SV1_pu | |
IP2D_pu | |
IP3D_pu | |
JetFitter_pu | |
setJetFitter_pu | JetFitterCombNN_pb |
setJetFitter_pu setJetFitterCombNN_pb | JetFitterCombNN_pc |
unsigned long | long |
unsigned long | eventNumber |
unsigned long setEventNumber | uint32_t |
unsigned long setEventNumber | timeStamp |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp | bcid |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID | detectorMask1 |
unsigned long setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID setDetectorMask1 | detectorMask3 |
mcChannelNumber | |
setMCChannelNumber | mcEventWeights |
extendedLevel1ID | |
float | |
averageInteractionsPerCrossing | |
beamTiltXZ | |
setBeamTiltXZ | beamStatus |
overV | |
setOverV | numU |
setOverV setNumU | numY |
setOverV setNumU setNumY | odFibSel |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel | yDetCS |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS | yLhcCS |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS | xRPotCS |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS | xStatCS |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS | xBeamCS |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS | scaler |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler | mdFiberHits |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits | odFiberHitsPos |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits setODFiberHitsPos | odMultiplicityPos |
ElementLink< TriggerTowerContainer > | |
TTg0d1Link | |
setTTg0d1Link | TTg1d1Link |
etCos | |
etaMax | |
bcmWord2 | |
startLumiBlockNumber | |
setStartLumiBlockNumber | stopLumiBlockNumber |
setStartLumiBlockNumber setStopLumiBlockNumber | eventsSeen |
uint8_t | |
energyLossType | |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | parameterAccessorV1 (Muon_v1::ParamDef) |
py | |
setPy | e |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::SummaryType) |
short | |
vertexType | |
trackWeights | |
setTrackWeights | neutralWeights |
rawEt | |
setRawEt | rawPhi |
setRawEt setRawPhi | int |
setRawEt setRawPhi | nCells |
et | |
setEt | phi |
setEt setPhi | e277 |
setEt setPhi setE277 | weta2 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 | eta1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 | e2tsts1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 setE2tsts1 | wstot |
charge | |
setCharge | nTRTHiThresholdHits |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits | eratio |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio | etHad1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 | trkPhiAtCalo |
caloEta | |
rcore | |
setRcore | etHad |
setRcore setEtHad | fside |
setRcore setEtHad setFside | pt |
setRcore setEtHad setFside setPt | caloPhi |
collidingBCIDs | |
hadIsol | |
thrPattern | |
roiWord1 | |
energyY | |
thrValue | |
char | |
bgCode | |
setBGCode | tap |
setBGCode setTAP | lvl2ErrorBits |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits | bool |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits | lvl2Truncated |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated | lvl2PassedPhysics |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics | lvl2PassedRaw |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw | lvl2PassedThrough |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough | lvl2Prescaled |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough setLVL2Prescaled | lvl2Resurrected |
l1psk | |
setL1psk | itemCtpIds |
passBits | |
setPassBits | containerClid |
roiWord | |
strategy | |
setStrategy | matchFlag |
setStrategy setMatchFlag | ElementLink< TrackParticleContainer > |
setStrategy setMatchFlag | idTrackLink |
setCharge | sumPt01 |
setCharge setSumPt01 | sumPt03 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 | sumEt01 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 setSumEt01 | sumEt03 |
sAddress | |
setSAddress | etaMS |
setSAddress setEtaMS | dirPhiMS |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS | dirZMS |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS | barrelRadius |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius | endcapAlpha |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha | endcapRadius |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius | interceptInner |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner | etaMap |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap | etaBin |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin | isTgcFailure |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure | deltaPt |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure setDeltaPt | deltaPhi |
teId | |
setTeId | lumiBlock |
setTeId setLumiBlock | roiId |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId | roiSubsystem |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem | roiNumber |
ptBarrelSagitta | |
setPtBarrelSagitta | ptEndcapBeta |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius | phiMap |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap | phiBin |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin | isRpcFailure |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin setIsRpcFailure | deltaPtParm1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setPhiMap setPhiBin setIsRpcFailure setDeltaPtParm1 | deltaPtParm3 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber | roiEta |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta | tgcPt |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta setTgcPt setPtBarrelSagitta setPtEndcapBeta | ptCSC |
crossSection | |
beamParticle2Link | |
status | |
incomingParticleLinks |
Namespace holding all the xAOD EDM classes.
Namespace holding all the xAOD EDM/tool classes.
This file defines helper classes to deal with jet constituents.
Namespace holding all the xAOD classes/functions.
Helpers provides static helper functions for easy access to auxiliary data for xAOD classed. This is useful for python, as well as TFormula. This specialization to the above method is needed since ROOT 6.02 doesn't yet support C++11 in the TFormula stuff with JIT compilation, see:
TODO: Note that this may not work as TTree->Draw("bla") seems to have issues with calling a function that takes a string as an argument... Thus, this file may be removed, if no permanent solution is found!
P4Helpers provides static helper functions for kinematic calculation on objects deriving from xAOD::IParticle (and xAOD::MissingET)
Base class for the B-physcis xAOD helpers
This header defines functions to retrieve a static accessor object for an attribute given an the enum correspondig to this attribute
JetConstituentVector.h Helper classes are necessary because the default 4-vectors of the constituents (ex: clusters) possibly differ from the 4-vector used in the jet finding procedure (ex: when finding jets using the non calibrated "EM" scale of clusters). These classes allow to retrieve the expected scale of the constituents automatically. 2 classes are defined for this. JetConstituentVector : an object behaving like a vector<const IParticle*>. It actually "contains" JetConstituents which are no more than a 4-vector object (JetFourMom_t) plus a few methods allowing it to act as an IParticle* and to return the underlying exact IParticle*
Usage is as simple as : xAOD::JetConstituentVector vec = j->getConstituents(); xAOD::JetConstituentVector::iterator it = vec.begin(); xAOD::JetConstituentVector::iterator itE = vec.end(); for( ; it != itE; it++){ float pt = (*it)->pt(); ... etc ... } or JetConstituent firstC = vec[0]; float pt = firstC->pt(); // JetConstituent also behaves like a IParticle*
Although it behaves like a vector<const IParticle*> it is not one. To retrieve the constituents as vector<const IParticle*> use JetConstituentVector::asIParticleVector() !!! WARNING !!! when doing so, the particles in the returned vector might be at a wrong scale w.r.t the jet.
To retrieve a std::vector<JetConstituent> with the same content as JetConstituentVector , This method is slighly under-performant since it will create and fill a new std::vector whereas using JetConstituentVector::iterator only cost a light proxy object to the internal link vector.
/////////////////////////////// This header defines various enums which caracterize a JetContainer This includes definition for the algorithm types and input types.
Also provided are utility function to translate these enum to/from strings.
Description: To be created by hypothesis algorithms chains. To be used as a way to communicate EF decisions and to keep information available only online so far.
Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::BTaggingContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container for trigger
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::BTaggingContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::BTaggingContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Define the latest version of the bunch configuration auxiliary container class
Definition of the current egamma auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::EgammaContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current electron auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::ElectronContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Electron > xAOD::ElectronContainer |
Definition of the current "electron container version".
The container is a simple typedef for now.
Definition of the current electron auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::ElectronContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef DataVector< EventInfo_v1 > xAOD::EventInfoContainer_v1 |
Container type for event info objects
We use a container of EventInfo objects to describe the information about pileup MC events. The most important information for the users is coming from the standalone EventInfo object in the event, and in principle one should always access the pileup EventInfo objects through that main EventInfo object as well.
Container type for event info objects
We use a container of HIEventShape objects to describe the information about pileup MC events. The most important information for the users is coming from the standalone HIEventShape object in the event, and in principle one should always access the pileup HIEventShape objects through that main HIEventShape object as well.
typedef DataVector< IParticle > xAOD::IParticleContainer |
Simple convenience declaration of IParticleContainer
Note that this structure should be used with care. It should mainly be used in tool interfaces, and nowhere else. For instance it is possible to put view containers of this type into StoreGate, but it is not possible to write out an object of this type into an output file.
Definition of the current jet auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::JetContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current jet trigger auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::JetContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::MuonContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::MuonSegmentContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current NeutralParticle auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current "NeutralParticle container version".
Provide a forward declaration for NeutralParticleContainer.
Definition of the current pfo auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::PFOContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current photon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::PhotonContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Photon > xAOD::PhotonContainer |
Definition of the current "photon container version".
The container is a simple typedef for now.
Definition of the current photon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::PhotonContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor collection auxiliary store
Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::SlowMuonContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current taujet auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TauJetContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidationContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Definition of the current TrackParticle auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TrackParticleContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 xAOD::TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer |
Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef DataVector< TrackParticle > xAOD::TrackParticleContainer |
Definition of the current "TrackParticle container version".
Provide a forward declaration for TrackParticleContainer.
Definition of the current TrackStateValidation auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TrackStateValidationContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
Define the latest version of the trigger decision auxiliary information class
Datavector of all trig missing et objects.
Even though there is only a single TrigMissingET object per event in the trigger software, the architecture of the trigger means that one needs to save it in a vector.
Define the latest version of the trigger navigation auxiliary information class
typedef DataVector< TruthParticle > xAOD::TruthParticleContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth particle container.
Provide a forward declaration for TruthParticleContainer.
typedef DataVector< TruthVertex > xAOD::TruthVertexContainer |
Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container.
Provide a forward declaration for TruthVertexContainer.
Definition of the current jet auxiliary container
All reconstruction code should attach the typedefed auxiliary container to the xAOD::TrackParticleContainer, so it will be easy to change the container type as we get new I/O technologies for these objects.
typedef DataVector< Vertex > xAOD::VertexContainer |
Definition of the current "Vertex container version".
Provide a forward declaration for VertexContainer.
enum xAOD::BTagInfo |
Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary. When adding a new transient information type, please make sure to increase numberOfTrackSummaryTypes.
Enum allowing us to know where in ATLAS the parameters are defined.
enum xAOD::SummaryType |
Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary. Please note that the values have specific types - i.e. some are float, whilst most are uint8_t. When adding a new transient information type, please make sure to increase numberOfTrackSummaryTypes.
numberOfContribPixelLayers |
number of contributing layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t]. |
numberOfBLayerHits |
these are the hits in the first pixel layer, i.e. b-layer [unit8_t]. |
numberOfBLayerOutliers |
number of blayer outliers [unit8_t]. |
numberOfBLayerSharedHits |
number of Pixel b-layer hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t]. |
numberOfBLayerSplitHits |
number of Pixel b-layer hits split by cluster splitting [unit8_t]. |
expectBLayerHit |
Do we expect a b-layer hit for this track? [unit8_t] (should be [bool]). |
expectInnermostPixelLayerHit |
Do we expect a 0th-layer hit for this track? |
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits |
these are the hits in the 0th pixel layer? |
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers |
number of 0th layer outliers |
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits |
number of Pixel 0th layer hits shared by several tracks. |
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits |
number of Pixel 0th layer hits split by cluster splitting |
expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit |
Do we expect a 1st-layer hit for this track? |
numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits |
these are the hits in the 1st pixel layer |
numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers |
number of 1st pixel layer outliers |
numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits |
number of Pixel 1st layer hits shared by several tracks. |
numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits |
number of Pixel 1st layer hits split by cluster splitting |
numberOfDBMHits |
these are the number of DBM hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelHits |
these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelOutliers |
these are the pixel outliers, including the b-layer [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelHoles |
number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelSharedHits |
number of Pixel all-layer hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelSplitHits |
number of Pixel all-layer hits split by cluster splitting [unit8_t]. |
numberOfGangedPixels |
number of pixels which have a ganged ambiguity [unit8_t]. |
numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes |
number of Ganged Pixels flagged as fakes [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelDeadSensors |
number of dead pixel sensors crossed [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPixelSpoiltHits |
number of pixel hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12)) [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTHits |
number of hits in SCT [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTOutliers |
number of SCT outliers [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTHoles |
number of SCT holes [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTDoubleHoles |
number of Holes in both sides of a SCT module [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTSharedHits |
number of SCT hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTDeadSensors |
number of dead SCT sensors crossed [unit8_t]. |
numberOfSCTSpoiltHits |
number of SCT hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12)) [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTHits |
number of TRT hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTOutliers |
number of TRT outliers [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTHoles |
number of TRT holes [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits |
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal |
total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers |
number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted) [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTDeadStraws |
number of dead TRT straws crossed [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTTubeHits |
number of TRT tube hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTXenonHits |
number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTRTSharedHits |
number of TRT hits used by more than one track |
numberOfPrecisionLayers |
layers with at least 3 hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers |
layers with holes AND no hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPhiLayers |
layers with a trigger phi hit [unit8_t]. |
numberOfPhiHoleLayers |
layers with trigger phi holes but no hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTriggerEtaLayers |
layers with trigger eta hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfTriggerEtaHoleLayers |
layers with trigger eta holes but no hits [unit8_t]. |
numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers |
layers with at least 3 hits that are not deweighted [uint8_t] |
numberOfOutliersOnTrack |
number of measurements flaged as outliers in TSOS [unit8_t]. |
standardDeviationOfChi2OS |
100 times the standard deviation of the chi2 from the surfaces [unit8_t]. |
eProbabilityComb |
Electron probability from combining the below probabilities [float]. |
eProbabilityHT |
Electron probability from High Threshold (HT) information [float]. |
pixeldEdx |
the dE/dx estimate, calculated using the pixel clusters [?] |
enum xAOD::TrackFitter |
Enums to identify who created this track and which properties does it have.
Unknown |
Track fitter not defined. |
iPatTrackFitter |
tracks produced by iPat |
xKalman |
tracks produced by xKalman |
KalmanFitter |
tracks produced by the Kalman Fitter |
GaussianSumFilter |
Tracks from Gaussian Sum Filter. |
GlobalChi2Fitter |
Track's from Thijs' global chi^2 fitter. |
DistributedKalmanFilter |
Fast Kalman filter from HLT with simplified material effects. |
DeterministicAnnealingFilter |
Adpative track fitter with fuzzy hit assignment. |
KalmanDNAFitter |
Kalman DNA Fitter. |
MuonboyFitter |
Track produced with Muonboy's internal fitter. |
NumberOfTrackFitters |
maximum number of enums |
std::vector< float > | , | |||
weights | , | |||
setWeights | ||||
) |
setThrValue xAOD::AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER | ( | MuonRoI_v1 | , | |
std::string | , | |||
thrName | , | |||
setThrName | ||||
) |
TrigPhoton_v1::EMClusterLink_t | , | |||
emClusterLink | , | |||
setEmClusterLink | ||||
) |
roi | The 32-bit RoI word | |
dphi | Add documentation... | |
deta | Add documentation... | |
clLink | Link to the EM cluster constituent |
xAOD::AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER | ( | TrigElectron_v1 | , | |
TrigElectron_v1::TrackParticleLink_t | , | |||
trackParticleLink | , | |||
setTrackParticleLink | ||||
) |
roi | The 32-bit RoI word | |
trkEtaAtCalo | The extrapolated pseudorapidity of the track at the calorimeter | |
trkPhiAtCalo | The extrapolated azimuth angle of the track at the calorimeter | |
etOverPt | The ![]() ![]() | |
clLink | Link to the EM cluster constituent | |
tpLink | Link to the track particle constituent |
xAOD::AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER | ( | TrigElectron_v1 | , | |
TrigElectron_v1::EMClusterLink_t | , | |||
emClusterLink | , | |||
setEmClusterLink | ||||
) | const |
This function can be used to conveniently access the track particle associated with the electron. It will return a null pointer if the associated object can't be retrieved, but it will never fail in any other way.
ElementLink< TrigBphysContainer_v1 > | , | |||
lowerChainLink | , | |||
setLowerChainLink | ||||
) | const |
accessor method: lower chain particle
ElementLink< TrigBphysContainer_v1 > | , | |||
secondaryDecayLink | , | |||
setSecondaryDecayLink | ||||
) | const |
accessor method: secondary decay particle
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber setRoiEta xAOD::AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER | ( | L2StandAloneMuon_v2 | , | |
float | , | |||
roiPhi | , | |||
setRoiPhi | ||||
) |
Set and get pT from different algorithms
int | , | |||
algoId | , | |||
setAlgoId | ||||
) |
Below are detailed information L1 information
uint32_t | , | |||
roiWord | , | |||
setRoIWord | ||||
) |
Set and get methods for the outputs of L2 muon standalone muon algorithm
float | , | |||
ptBarrelRadius | , | |||
setPtBarrelRadius | ||||
) |
Set and get pT from different algorithms
int | , | |||
algoId | , | |||
setAlgoId | ||||
) |
Below are detailed information L1 information
uint32_t | , | |||
roiWord | , | |||
setRoIWord | ||||
) |
Set and get methods for the outputs of L2 muon standalone muon algorithm
uint32_t | , | |||
roiWord | , | |||
setRoIWord | ||||
) |
Functions for accessing the jet ET part of the RoI.
uint32_t | , | |||
roiWord | , | |||
setRoIWord | ||||
) |
This is a convenience function for accessing the threshold pattern part of the RoI.
uint32_t | , | |||
roiWord | , | |||
setRoIWord | ||||
) |
This is a convenience function for accessing the threshold pattern part of the RoI.
setCaloEta xAOD::AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER | ( | TrigElectron_v1 | , | |
float | , | |||
caloPhi | , | |||
setCaloPhi | ||||
) | const |
This function can be used to conveniently access the EM cluster associated with the electron. It will return a null pointer if the associated object can't be retrieved, but it will never fail in any other way.
TClass* xAOD::classFromDVClass | ( | TClass * | dvclass | ) |
Find the contained class in a DataVector
dvclass | The TClass for a DataVector class. |
for the DataVector's
element type. void xAOD::ClearTransientTrees | ( | ) |
Function cleaning up the managed memory
This function can be used to explicitly clean up the memory managed by the above functions. This is mostly useful when debugging the code with valgrind. Users don't need to use this function in an interactive/PyROOT session.
void xAOD::dump | ( | const SG::AuxElement & | obj | ) |
Helper function for dumping xAOD objects on the screen in PyROOT
Regular C++ code should just use the operator declared in this header. But in interactive ROOT and PyROOT this simple function, which always prints the information to std::cout, should come in handy.
obj | The object to dump information about to std::cout |
void xAOD::ErrorHandler | ( | Int_t | level, | |
Bool_t | abort, | |||
const char * | location, | |||
const char * | message | |||
) |
Function filtering the warnings coming from ROOT.
All ROOT/xAOD messages are set up to pass through this function. It is a good place to selectively turn off printing some warnings coming from ROOT that the xAOD users should just not be bothered with.
level | The message level | |
abort | Whether the job needs to abort | |
location | The source of the message | |
message | The message that needs to be printed |
EventInfo_v1::Accessor< uint32_t > * xAOD::eventFlagsAccessorsV1 | ( | EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet | subDet | ) |
Helper function for accessing event flag variables
This function manages the Accessor objects that the code uses to get/set detector flags.
subDet | The sub-detector for which the flag accessor should be returned |
TClass* xAOD::findDVBase | ( | TClass * | dvclass | ) |
Find the unique base DataVector
Note: DataVector<T>
can derive from DataVector<U>
. But there can also be helper classes in between that start with `DataVector' (note: no `<').
dvclass | The TClass for a DataVector class. |
for the unique base DataVector
class. Returns 0 if there is no such base, or if it is the same as dvclass. std::string xAOD::findDVElement | ( | TClass * | cl | ) |
Find the element type of a DataVector
If cl is a DataVector
class, or derives from one, then we return the name of the element type (including a trailing `*'). Otherwise, we return an empty string.
cl | The TClass to test. |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::getIsolationAccessor | ( | Iso::IsolationType | type | ) |
Get the Accessor object for a given isolation type
This function should be used in the EDM code to retrieve the Accessor object meant to handle one of the isolation values. The function throws an exception if it is given an enumeration value that's out of bounds.
type | The Iso::IsolationType type |
Accessor objects
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint32_t > * xAOD::getIsolationCorrectionBitsetAccessor | ( | Iso::IsolationFlavour | type | ) |
Returns an accessor for the correction bitset corresponding to this IsolationType. The bitset encodes which corrections were applied for this specific type - use getIsolationCorrectionAccessor(Iso::IsolationType, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection type) to get Accessors for the correction values.
const IParticle * xAOD::getOriginalObject | ( | const IParticle & | copy | ) |
Function getting a pointer to the original object from a deep/shallow copy.
This function can be used to conveniently get a pointer back to the original object from which a copy was created. If there is no such parent, the function silently returns a null pointer.
copy | The object that should have a parent set on it |
TReturnCode xAOD::Init | ( | const char * | appname, | |
int * | argc, | |||
char ** | argv | |||
) |
Function initialising an application for using the ATLAS EDM
As a few steps may need to be taken to initialise a standalone ROOT environment for reading/writing xAOD files, all of these should just be hidden from the user behind this single function.
The user is expected to call this function at the start of his/her application, before an xAOD file would be opened.
appname | Name of the application | |
argc | The argc argument from main(...) | |
argv | The argv argument from main(...) |
if successful, TReturnCode::kFailure
if not TReturnCode xAOD::Init | ( | const char * | appname = "xAOD::Init" |
) |
Function initialising ROOT/PyROOT for using the ATLAS EDM
This simplified form of the initialisation function is especially meant for PyROOT that doesn't like the char** argument of the other version of this function. But this function just calls the other one in the background...
appname | Name of the application/script [optional] |
if successful, TReturnCode::kFailure
if not TTree * xAOD::MakeTransientMetaTree | ( | ::TChain * | ichain, | |
const char * | eventTreeName = "CollectionTree" , |
TEvent::EAuxMode | mode = TEvent::kUndefinedAccess | |||
) |
Function creating a transient TTree object representing the input files's metadata
In order to access the ROOT readable metadata in a PyROOT friendadly way, one is supposed to create a transient metadata tree out of it with this function.
Note that the TChain object given to this function always needs to point to the "MetaData" TTree. But the second argument must name the name of the event-level TTree in the input files. Which should be correct with the default value in 99% of the cases.
ichain | Pointer to the TChain listing the input files | |
eventTreeName | Name of the event tree in the input files | |
mode | Access mode of the internal TEvent object |
TTree * xAOD::MakeTransientMetaTree | ( | ::TFile * | ifile, | |
const char * | eventTreeName = "CollectionTree" , |
TEvent::EAuxMode | mode = TEvent::kUndefinedAccess | |||
) |
Function creating a transient TTree object representing the input file's metadata
In order to access the ROOT readable metadata in a PyROOT friendadly way, one is supposed to create a transient metadata tree out of it with this function.
ifile | Pointer to an xAOD file opened by the user | |
eventTreeName | Name of the event tree in the input files | |
mode | Access mode of the internal TEvent object |
TTree * xAOD::MakeTransientTree | ( | ::TChain * | ichain, | |
TEvent::EAuxMode | mode = TEvent::kClassAccess | |||
) |
Function creating a transient TTree object from a TChain pointing to the persistent trees
Ownership of the transient TTree is kept in the function, the user is not supposed to delete it. Also important to know that there can only be a single transient event tree alive at any given moment.
The returned object is actually of type xAOD::TEventTree, but in an interactive session this should make absolutely no difference to the user.
ichain | Pointer to a TChain listing the input files | |
mode | Access mode of the internal TEvent object |
TTree * xAOD::MakeTransientTree | ( | ::TFile * | ifile, | |
const char * | treeName = "CollectionTree" , |
TEvent::EAuxMode | mode = TEvent::kUndefinedAccess | |||
) |
Function creating a transient TTree object using an input file that was opened by the user.
Ownership of the TTree is kept in the function, the user is not supposed to delete it. Also important to know that there can only be a single transient event tree alive at any given moment.
The returned object is actually of type xAOD::TEventTree, but in an interactive session this should make absolutely no difference to the user.
ifile | Pointer to an xAOD file opened by the user | |
treeName | Optional name of the event tree in the input file | |
mode | Access mode of the internal TEvent object |
TTransTrees xAOD::MakeTransientTrees | ( | ::TFile * | ifile, | |
const char * | treeName = "CollectionTree" , |
TEvent::EAuxMode | mode = TEvent::kUndefinedAccess | |||
) |
Function creating a transient event and metadata tree using an input file
In order to access both event-level and metadata in a PyROOT analysis, the user needs to receive a transient tree representing the event-level information, and another transient tree representing the file's metadata. This function takes care of creating both these trees.
In case you need to access both event and metadata in your PyROOT code, you need to use this function. As calling MakeTransientTree(...) and MakeTransientMetaTree(...) one after the other will produce a weird, likely broken setup.
ifile | Pointer to an xAOD file opened by the user | |
treeName | Optional name of the event tree in the input file | |
mode | Access mode of the internal TEvent object |
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1 > xAOD::makeTrigPassBits | ( | const CONT * | container, | |
uint32_t | containerKey | |||
) | [inline] |
Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container.
This function is an analogue of the HLT::makeTrigPassBits function, written for the original TrigPassBits type. It behaves much the same way, it just makes it clear in its interface that the user is supposed to take ownership of the received object.
container | Pointer to the container that this object should describe | |
containerKey | A unique key describing the target container. (The sub-type index from the trigger navigation.) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::momentAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType | moment | ) |
Helper function for managing cluster moment Accessor objects
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each CaloCluster_v1 object at runtime to get/set moment values on themselves.
moment | The cluster moment for which an Accessor should be returned |
if not SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * xAOD::muonTrackSummaryAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::MuonSummaryType | type | ) |
Helper function for managing MuonTrackSummary Accessor objects
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each TrackParticle_v1 object at runtime to get/set summary values on themselves.
std::ostream & xAOD::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const xAOD::L2CombinedMuon_v1 & | mu | |||
) |
Operator for printing the contents of a LVL2 muon.
Helper operator for easily printing the properties of a LVL2 muon iso object for debugging.
std::ostream & xAOD::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const xAOD::EventInfo_v1 & | ei | |||
) |
A helper operator to be able to print debug messages easily.
This operator is provided to make it convenient to print debug messages including information about the current event. With something like:
const xAOD::EventInfo* ei = ...;
std::cout << "Event = " << *ei << std::endl;
const xAOD::EventInfo* ei = ...;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Event = " << *ei );
out | The output stream to write EventInfo information to | |
ei | The EventInfo object to print information about |
std::ostream & xAOD::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const EventFormatElement & | element | |||
) |
Print operator for an event format element.
This operator can be used to print information about a given event format element in a user friendly way.
out | An output stream | |
element | The EventFormatElement to print |
std::ostream & xAOD::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const EventFormat_v1 & | format | |||
) |
Print operator for the event format.
This operator can be used for debugging purposes to print information about an event format object in a user friendly way.
out | An output stream | |
format | The TEventFormat_v1 to print |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T >* xAOD::parameterAccessorV1 | ( | Muon_v1::ParamDef | type | ) | [inline] |
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each Muon_v1 object at runtime to get/set parameter values on themselves.
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::polarizationAccessorV1 | ( | TruthParticle_v1::PolParam | type | ) |
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each TruthParticle_v1 object at runtime to get/set parameter values on themselves.
Function to prepare an object to be stored in a shallow-copy container
To be used by shallowCopyContainer. The default implementation here is dummy, just calling the default constructor. Can be overloaded for types that require special treatment (like xAOD::CaloCluster)
elem,: | Input object, ignored in this implementation |
void xAOD::safeDeepCopy | ( | const SG::AuxElement & | orig, | |
SG::AuxElement & | copy | |||
) |
Function that can deep-copy "problematic" objects
Due to a number of different issues we can produce xAOD files that have some variables only filled in certain events. When this happens, the xAOD object still reports the variable to be present in all the events, though the auxiliary store's getAuxIDs() function. Only when one asks for the auxiliary ID, does the code detect that there's no such variable in the event after all.
When this happens, the assignment operator in SG::AuxElement
throws an exception.
In order to be able to make deep copies of objects even from such problematic files, this function can be used instead. This function silently ignores these sort of issues, allowing analysis code to make use of buggy files.
orig | The original object that a copy is being made of | |
copy | The object to fill with the original's parameters |
int xAOD::safeGetBaseOffset | ( | TClass * | cls, | |
TClass * | base | |||
) |
Find base class offset using Reflex.
Unlike TClass::GetBaseClassOffset
, this should properly handle virtual derivation. cls must have a default constructor.
cls | Class in which to find the base. | |
base | The base for which to search. |
void xAOD::SetMessageSourceWidth | ( | size_t | value | ) |
Set the width of the source strings for the printed messages
The xAOD::Init
function installs a custom message printing function into the application. One that prints all messages passing through the ROOT messaging system similar to Athena's message service. The output format uses a fixed width source string, which gets chopped if the specified string is too long.
By default the source string width is 25 characters, which should be fine for most purposes. But in case the user wants to change this value, it can be done using this function.
value | The width of the source strings for the printed messages |
bool xAOD::setOriginalObjectLink | ( | const IParticleContainer & | original, | |
IParticleContainer & | copy | |||
) |
Function setting links on a deep/shallow copy container to the originals.
This function should be used by the users when they make deep/shallow copies of an entire container. It sets up links from all the copied object to their originals. So in later stages of the analysis one can navigate back to them. (This is mostly necessary for proper MET handling.)
original | Reference to the original container | |
copy | Reference to the (deep/shallow) copy of the original container |
if the link setting was successful, false
if it wasn't bool xAOD::setOriginalObjectLink | ( | const IParticle & | original, | |
IParticle & | copy | |||
) |
Function setting a link on a deep copy back to its original object.
This function should be used by CP tools when they make a deep copy of an object in their correctedCopy(...) function. So that the deep copy would hold an ElementLink pointing back to its original, which the MET calculations can use later on.
original | Reference to the original object | |
copy | Reference to the (deep/shallow) copy of the original object |
if the link setting was successful, false
if it wasn't std::pair< T*, ShallowAuxContainer* > xAOD::shallowCopyContainer | ( | const T & | cont | ) | [inline] |
Function making a shallow copy of a constant container
This function can be used to make a shallow copy of an existing (constant) container. It is most useful when reading an input file, and/or applying systematic variations on a container.
cont | The container to make a shallow copy of |
std::pair< T*, ShallowAuxInfo* > xAOD::shallowCopyObject | ( | const T & | obj | ) | [inline] |
Function making a shallow copy of a constant standalone object
This function can be used to make a shallow copy of an existing (constant) object. It is most useful when reading an input file, and/or applying systematic variations on a standalone object. Not entirely clear yet how much use case there will be for it though...
obj | The object to make a shallow copy of |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::showerShapeAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType | type | ) |
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * xAOD::taggerInfoAccessorV1int | ( | BTagInfo | info | ) |
Helper function for managing BTagging Accessor objects
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each BTagging_v1 object at runtime to get/set detail values on themselves.
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::trackCaloMatchAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::EgammaParameters::TrackCaloMatchType | type | ) |
Helper function for managing Egamma Accessor objects
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each Electron_v1 object at runtime to get/set detail values on themselves.
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T >* xAOD::trackSummaryAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::SummaryType | type | ) | [inline] |
Helper function for managing TrackSummary Accessor objects
This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each TrackParticle_v1 object at runtime to get/set summary values on themselves.
SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * xAOD::vertexCaloMatchAccessorV1 | ( | xAOD::EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType | type | ) |