BTaggingEfficiencyTool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for BTaggingEfficiencyTool:
asg::AsgTool IBTaggingEfficiencyTool CP::ISystematicsTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.


struct  SystInfo

Public Member Functions

 BTaggingEfficiencyTool (const std::string &name)
 Create a proper constructor for Athena.
virtual ~BTaggingEfficiencyTool ()
 Create a constructor for standalone usage.
Methods implementing the main jet-by-jet access in the xAOD context

CP::CorrectionCode getScaleFactor (const xAOD::Jet &jet, float &sf) const
CP::CorrectionCode getEfficiency (const xAOD::Jet &jet, float &eff) const
CP::CorrectionCode getInefficiency (const xAOD::Jet &jet, float &eff) const
CP::CorrectionCode getInefficiencyScaleFactor (const xAOD::Jet &jet, float &sf) const
CP::CorrectionCode getMCEfficiency (const xAOD::Jet &jet, float &eff) const
Methods equivalent to those above but not relying on the xAOD format

CP::CorrectionCode getScaleFactor (int flavour, const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables &v, float &sf) const
CP::CorrectionCode getEfficiency (int flavour, const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables &v, float &eff) const
CP::CorrectionCode getInefficiency (int flavour, const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables &v, float &eff) const
CP::CorrectionCode getInefficiencyScaleFactor (int flavour, const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables &v, float &sf) const
CP::CorrectionCode getMCEfficiency (int flavour, const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables &v, float &eff) const
Other methods implementing the IBTagEfficiencyTool interface

StatusCode initialize ()
CP::SystematicCode applySystematicVariation (const CP::SystematicSet &set)
CP::SystematicSet affectingSystematics () const
CP::SystematicSet recommendedSystematics () const
bool isAffectedBySystematic (const CP::SystematicVariation &systematic) const
 Returns whether or not the given systematic variation is supported by this tool.
bool setMapIndex (const std::string &flavour, unsigned int index)
 Specify the "map index" to be used for the given jet flavour (at initialisation time it will be set to 0).
query methods

Utility method returning a detailed list of systematics (including the flavours to which they apply)

const std::map
< CP::SystematicVariation,
std::vector< std::string > > 
listSystematics () const
std::string getTaggerName () const
 Retrieve the name of the tagger (as specified in the calibration file).
std::string getOperatingPoint () const
 Retrieve the operating point (as specified in the calibration file).
std::string getJetAuthor () const
 Retrieve the jet collection name (as specified in the calibration file) for which this tool was setup.
bool applySystematics () const
 Specify whether any systematic variation is being used at present.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BTaggingEfficiencyTool::BTaggingEfficiencyTool ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Create a proper constructor for Athena.

Create a constructor for standalone usage

Member Function Documentation

SystematicSet BTaggingEfficiencyTool::affectingSystematics (  )  const [virtual]

Return a list of all systematic variations supported by this tool. Note that this list depends on the uncertainty model used, and on the (dynamic) configuration of the eigenvector variations (if this uncertainty model is used).

Implements CP::ISystematicsTool.

SystematicCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::applySystematicVariation ( const CP::SystematicSet set  )  [virtual]

Set the tool to return "shifted" values. Note that only single-parameter variations or empty sets (the latter are to revert to nominal results) are supported at present; SystematicCode::Unsupported will be returned for variations of multiple parameters or variations that aren't recognised.

Implements CP::ISystematicsTool.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getEfficiency ( int  flavour,
const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables v,
float &  eff 
) const

Computes the data efficiency for the jet, given its kinematics, (possibly) tagger weight and truth flavour. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getEfficiency ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
float &  eff 
) const [virtual]

Computes the data efficiency for the given jet. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getInefficiency ( int  flavour,
const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables v,
float &  eff 
) const

Computes the data inefficiency for the jet, given its kinematics, (possibly) tagger weight and truth flavour. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getInefficiency ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
float &  eff 
) const [virtual]

Computes the data inefficiency for the given jet. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getInefficiencyScaleFactor ( int  flavour,
const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables v,
float &  sf 
) const

Computes the data/MC inefficiency scale factor for the jet, given its kinematics, (possibly) tagger weight and truth flavour. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getInefficiencyScaleFactor ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
float &  sf 
) const [virtual]

Computes the data/MC inefficiency scale factor for the given jet. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getMCEfficiency ( int  flavour,
const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables v,
float &  eff 
) const

Computes the MC efficiency for the jet, given its kinematics, (possibly) tagger weight and truth flavour. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getMCEfficiency ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
float &  eff 
) const [virtual]

Computes the MC efficiency for the given jet. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getScaleFactor ( int  flavour,
const Analysis::CalibrationDataVariables v,
float &  sf 
) const

Computes the data/MC efficiency scale factor for the jet, given its kinematics, (possibly) tagger weight and truth flavour. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

CorrectionCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getScaleFactor ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
float &  sf 
) const [virtual]

Computes the data/MC efficiency scale factor for the given jet. The tagger and operating point under consideration are part of the configuration and hence aren't function arguments.

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

StatusCode BTaggingEfficiencyTool::initialize ( void   )  [virtual]

Initialise the tool.

This is the stage at which all of the configuration is done and the underlying CalibrationDataInferfaceROOT object is instantiated. The properties that can be set are documented in the xAOD interface section of the CalibrationDataInterface Twiki page.

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

SystematicSet BTaggingEfficiencyTool::recommendedSystematics (  )  const [virtual]

Return a list of "recommended" systematic variations supported by this tool. At present, multiple views of the same uncertainties (beyond the uncertainty model etc., see above) are not implemented, so this method simply calls affectingSystematics() .

Implements CP::ISystematicsTool.

bool BTaggingEfficiencyTool::setMapIndex ( const std::string &  flavour,
unsigned int  index 
) [virtual]

Specify the "map index" to be used for the given jet flavour (at initialisation time it will be set to 0).

false if the requested index is invalid (in which case no setting will be changed)

See the CalibrationDataInterface documentation for more detail on the meaning of the map index

Implements IBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

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